Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Droid Hitchhiker

WD-334 found itself in an unfamiliar place. The grass was rather yellow and brown. The trees leaves red and yellow and brown. It stood before a ship port where it had been dropped off. And waited there. Assuming that someone would come along to pick it up. Though, that possibly wasn't the smartest course of action as it did not ask any passers by. Just stood, waiting. And occasionally looking at a passing ship.

And the war droid stood there for some time. Until it saw a leaf fall off a tree. It thought that shouldn't have happened, for the leaf was part of the tree. It hurried over and with it's loader arm carefully picked up the leaf and tried to reattach it to the branch.
Jan moved his hand through the soil and brough the dirt to his hands. It smelled it through his mask, the stench was strong now. Blood. Jan looked at the hoofprints in the ground and small blood trail leading off through the trees. Jan rubbed his hands on his pants and rose up from his kneeling position. Jan swiftly, but silently moved through the growth and trees untill he came to a small clearing, where the grass was so high it reached to his chin. At one point in the grass it looked broken, and covered in red. Jan hoisted his E-11 and slowly crept forward through the grass.

Jan tensed as the blood seemed to paint all of the grass soon, and Jan suddenly lowered himself to the ground as he finally saw his target.

The manka cat tore through the poor uxibeast with pleasure. Swallowing mouthfuls of the dead uxibeast, the manka paid no attention as Jan hoisted the rifle to his shoulder and aimed it at the Manka Cat.

"I got you now" Jan whispered as he aimed for the clueless manka cat's head.

As Jan started to pull the trigger the manka cat swiftly snorted and turned to Jan's position. The manka Cat without a sound leaped into the air at Jan's position. Jan was startled by the manka cta's sudden speed and try to frantically aim the rifle but the beast was too agile.

A shot and roar erupted the beautiful calm of the forest of Voss.
WD-334 tried and tried again with the leaf until it was crunched so much it basically turned to dust, falling from its metal hand. The droid watched it fall to the ground, feeling emotion of sadness. It wanted the tree to be whole again. Not fall apart. As it bent down to scoop up what was left, something was heard that triggered something in the droid. Old code activated at the sound of a blaster.

"Unauthorised shooting detected." The droid straightened up and marched for the forest. It ignored trees and shrubs, simply stomping over them to find the unauthorised shooter. WD came upon an area where a dead creature lay, one not in its databanks. But WD knew the shot was from around here somewhere in this direction. It began to walk in a circle on the spot, scanning the area.

[member="Jan Valdum"]
Jalek observed the report of one of his informants that was located on Voss, holding it in one hand as his other clenched a bar to hold himself in place as the dropship descended through the atmosphere of the terrestrial planet. There were rumours of an ancient looking droid wandering the forests of Voss, it hadn't gone hostile yet but the sheer size of the machine suggested that it was a war machine. If it was an older machine it could hold some valuable information, the higher ups of the Republic's government always did enjoy toying around with antiques. A small blurry picture of the machine showed heavy signs of ageing and many significant destroyed pieces on it, presumably the effect of some war.

The report folded itself into a small package as he placed it in his back pocket and turned to face the rest of his squad, a small group of five soldiers including a mechanic and medic. "Alright men, we're here to locate and subdue the target with the special equipment that Sergeant Julin has brought with him." He directed the attention of the men to the mechanic standing in the corner with a heavy looking weapon that was used to disable warbots with an electromagnetic charge. "The target was last reported to be somewhere deep in the forests of Voss according to a message I received from a Republic informant. If the target is hostile, the mission becomes elimination." Jalek said sombrely as the dropship ceased it's rocking, a sign that it had finally reached the inner atmosphere of the planet.

As the ship landed, Jalek and his squad began to equip their gear with the private throwing on what was left of their armour and the Sergeant admiring his creation. Jalek himself simply checked the ammo on his pistol and packed the rest of his weapons, one pistol on his belt, another on his foot, and a larger gun strapped to his back. He turned back to face his squad as the doors opened on the dropship, giving one last pep-talk before the departed into the forest. "Alright men, let's get this bag of bolts."
Jan yelled as the creature jumped on him. His shot had merely glanced its side, and now the manka cat was pissed. The manka immediately started clawing Jan's troso while it's legs dug into Jan's knees. Jan yelled as he punched the manka in the face, but it just seemed to provoke it more as it teared into Jan with more fiery. Jan's armor was balster resistant, but not aparently claw proof. Jan felt his armor cracking and knew if he didn't do something, he was going to be this manka's next meal. Jan grabbed the maka's thriat with one hand while reaching for one of his knives on his torso. Just as he found a knife, he lostt grip of the manka and it bite down on his hand, HARD!

Jan did a muffled scream through his mask, and took the knife in his right hand and started stabbing the manka repeatedly in the head. The manka died immediately, it's body collapsing on Jan. Jan didn't stop stabbing though. He stabbed the manka in the head repeatedly until he couldn't feel his hand no more. This wasn't suppose to happen. He was suppose to kill it, not the other way around. Jan angrily jammed the knife into the manka's head one more time and left it stuck in it's skull.

Jan found it hard to breath, and immediately tried to calm his breathing. Jan calmly breathed through his nose and out his mouth. Jan then tried to lift the dead body of the cat off himself, but quickly stopped as he started to cough up blood. He knew this wasn't good. He was alone, in the wilderness, pretty far from civilization. He was good as dead. Jan stared into the blue sky over him and stared at the passing clouds. the sky soon started to turn more bright and more beautiful. Jan's peaceful face quickly turned to anger. He wasn't going to give up, he was Jan Valdum. He had plenty of more hunts to do, plenty more to kill, and plenty more to steal. He was not dying under some animal. He still had a job to do.

Jan opened his mouth and said loudly as he can.
"Help!.....Help!Helpppp!, Please."

[member="Jalek Arkada"]
WD-334 heard a cry of alarm. It looked over to the source, not seeing animal nor the hunter, but went over anyways. It was still on it's primary code, but the cry for help was one it was designed not to ignore. As it was designed for Imperial justice, and that meant saving others from a crime. Animals were not excluded from such crime.

With new threat-assessment and system updates, it knew this time not to use it's blasters. Instead it grabbed the animal around the midsection and lifted it off, not acknowledging the hunter beneath it nor the weapon. Still believing it to be alive, the droid tossed the carcass at a thick tree in hopes of stopping it. With a very powerful toss. Once the threat was over WD reverted to its more calm state, looking over at the hunter. It had no memory of what had just happened. The droid reached out an open hand to the human, speaking in binary beeps, completely missing the blood of the animal on its metal hand. "Help."
Jan stared at the robot that was towering over him. It had picked up the carcass like it was a pebble. What the krak was this thing doing this far out here.

Jan snorted with a small laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "Yeah.....Help...Could you...pick me up? I..need to get to me speeder....medical supplies."

Jan groaned as he finally noticed there was no weight on his chest. It had felt like an AT-AT was ontop of him. "Better hurry. I'll tell you how to get there."

[member="Jalek Arkada"]
[member="Jan Valdum"] [member="WD-334"]

Jalek's squad crawled through the forest quickly making sure not to disrupt the local fauna, though they were forced to dispatch a few minor predatory animals. Jalek perked up when he heard what sounded like a desperate cry for help, bringing the rest of his men's attention to the direction the noise came from. "Weapons ready men, try to keep noise down." He said as he lowered his position to hide with the flora surrounding him, creeping towards the location of the noise.

It took a few minutes but they were able to locate the source of the noise, a manka cat assaulting a local. The man was screaming for help, which one of Jalek's men was about to provide, but Jalek silently lowered his man's gun as he heard a lot stomping coming towards the area. Suddenly a large mechanical droid came through the trees, not caring for subtlety in favour of smashing everything in it's wake. He watched with shock and awe as he saw the machine lift and throw the manka cat with little care, flinching at the thunderous smack as it hit the tree. Sergeant Julin reached for his weapon and crept forward, but Jalek held his hand in front of his soldier. Instead he opted to watch the odd pair and stay hidden for the moment.
WD-334 grabbed the man in its left arm, trying to be careful and not crush him. "Go to speeder. Go to Kamino" WD said, thinking they were just saying their needed destinations. Then it slowly turned, only for its receptors to catch some thermal signature. WD stared over at the signature. Not realising it was other people,nor that they were armed.

[member="Jalek Arkada"] [member="Jan Valdum"]
Factory Judge
"You need to be more careful Aurora."

I stood outside of the ship. Jorin was getting mad at me again because I had slammed my head into the low ceiling that was the opening of the ramp. Our ship had ran out of fuel on the trip to Voss. We couldn't quite make it to a spaceport. He was working on taking the dings out of the ship. He was a hard worker. Even when back home, I saw many of my kind do less work than he. I enjoyed seeing that. As much as I wanted to walk over and pick up a hammer and do it myself, My hands were too big, and I was more likely to make it worse than help. I was better for the bigger tasks such as lifting metal wings, or even holding a whole engine up so he could work on it.

Either way, it was difficult not being able to talk to him and tell him how sorry I was. I couldn't speak. I had no voice. The best I could do was vocal sound, but not an actual voice. I wasn't even sure why I couldn't speak. Still, I looked around, keeping a look out when I heard cries of help. Tapping the ramp to the ship, I motioned for him to stay put. Jorin nodded his head and unhooked the strap that held his blaster pistol in the holster should he have to draw it.

I then looked to the south. My running was fast. Not my best, but I would make record time against others who were like Jorin. Coming to an opening, I came to a stop. Even with my massive size and speed, I was silent. Making little movement as I crouched behind cover. My HUD activating, and taking notice of a young man being aided by a Droid. Clearly one built for war. The weapons, and size told me so. Even more when my systems were running the information on the weapons, and gear it carried. Some were military grade, and others were older and likely barely functioned. It then moved away and started walking off. Looking to where it was headed, I saw some slight movements. Very little. Could be the wind, but I might as well check.

Heat signatures were coming in there. Human shapes. Weapons as well. I shifted my sight to enhance the sounds made by them. One, likely the leader of the group, holding back one to wait. Walking out into the clearing, I made my presence known. My long legs now revealing the grass barely came up to my hips. The motions of the armor sounded electronic in nature. I sighed as I walked forward. However, it came out from me like an electronic sarcastic humm sound.

The droid was walking into something that it was not prepared for. These soldiers seemed capable of handling themselves. I doubt they could handle me though.

I almost smiled at that.

[member="WD-334"], [member="Jalek Arkada"], [member="Jan Valdum"],
Jan's face turned into confusion when the alien said Kamino. Did it want to go there. Well if this rustic piece of krak saved him, he will gladly obliged

"Kamino?......Sure, we'll go there....after you get me to my speeder....Hurry up. Start walking....(groan) right, towards the east." Jan said weakly.

Jan gave a slight grumble as he fumbled for one of his revolvers on his side, and held it in his right hand. He would try to cover the robot from behind, from any dangers. It would be tough since the robot was carrying him, but he will manage.

Jan then remembered something important. Manka Cats hunt in packs. The pack definitely heard the shot, and will smell his blood sooner or later. They had to get out of the area soon.

"Mush, Sparky." Jan said as they started to move out.
[member="Jalek Arkada"]
[member="Ariel Vein"]
The large droid took no more notice of the group hiding nor spotted another armored figure nearby. Instead it followed the man's instructions and headed east, giving out a happy yet low-toned chirp, knowing it would get to Kamino. It did not understand the term 'mush', but still moved ahead anyway. As it walked, it asked a question in binary groans. "Name?" It might as well had known who it was carrying, and who to thank once they got to Kamino. As it had recently gained the emotion 'thankfulness' from the update.

[member="Jan Valdum"]
[member="Jalek Arkada"]
(Sorry I was waiting for the others to post)
Jan tried his best to to find a comfortable position on the robot's back but couldn't. He felt his arms going stiff and blood was slowly flowing down the robot's side.

"Jan...nice to make your aquantaince."

Jan gave a weak smile as he began to remember some features of the landscape, and tree clusters. They were almost at his speeder. Soon they finally made it to where Jan had parked his speeder. It was hidden underneath some fallen branches and leaves Jan had thrown over it. Jan could almost see the med-kit poking off the side satchel.

"We're here............. hurry...adrenaline shot....." Jan's vision started to go black.

[member="Jalek Arkada"]
Asriel had followed the obviously Republic ship in his Y-Wing very, very stealthily. When they landed on the planet Asriel landed far away. Slowly Asriel inched forward. Then it all ubfolded, ending with the droid taking the man's hand and them starting to walk. "Oh my god this is so cool! The Republic are watching people from afar, they're so sneaky and cool! I'm gonna be just like them!" Asriel slightly murmured to himself, he kept his distance for he knew he would disturb the mission if he got any closer. "wait... is the Republic gonna shoot those guys... that wouldn't be cool..." Asriel said... now extra quiet. "I hope they let them go... they look pretty passive, a bald guy and a robot. I mean he couldn't beat a manka." Asriel said acting like he could've done better. "I better just stay back here and watch..."

[member="Jan Valdum"]
[member="Jalek Arkada"]
WD-334 cocked its head at the man's name. One thing it had forgotten was it's name. So it gave no reply. It settled by the speeder, and when the man asked for an adrenaline shot it reached for the satchel. Then realised Jan was still in its only hand, so it set Jan down on the ground before taking the satchel. Knowing it's hand would be too large to get something so small, it set the satchel by Jan then crouched beside him, watching around for anything that would threaten to deal harm.

[member="Asriel Dreemurr"]
[member="Jan Valdum"]
[member="Jalek Arkada"]

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