Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
Space was getting smaller. Running the old circles she had no longer held any allure for the smallish brunette. She'd fought Pirates toe to toe, explored, and run with the Outer Rim. But life as a Warden took a bit of backseat today.

She found herself boots up strumming a guitar in the corner of hovel. The air in here was damp and cool. Mud mixed with smoke and whiskey filled her nostrils. She was enjoying an old vice, puffing on a death stick. Why was she here? Maybe she wanted to get another smuggling job for some adventure. Maybe seh was rooting out evildoers.

The Quantum Cutter, her Jast 1 was parked somewhere nearby, over going a paint job and refit. Hyperdrive cracked, seals rusted. She didn't feel none too much like fixin' it.

Instead she leaned back and took another slug of her drink, letting her gloved hands return to her Guitar. Whatever came her way today, she was down for it. That was the beauty of a long, looooong vacation.


Go then, there are other worlds than these.
Tatooine, hot, crazy, and a wretched hive of scum and villainy if there ever was one. In other words, perfect for smugglers, gunslingers, and crime lords, good thing Messorem was all three in one. The only thing that would make this better if Messorem was there for a job and he was done, so he could go to a bar and enjoy himself over a job well done. Sadly though, he didn't have a job, he was simply here to see if he could recruit anyone to the Black Sun, more specifically his own crime organization within the Black Sun. To do that, he was in a bar, one of the many, many bars on Tatooine.

The bar itself wasn't all that impressive, nor were the occupants, aside from a few exceptions. Making his way towards the bar, Messorem ordered himself a random drink before turning around and observing the occupants. Now he was looking for a companion, a potential customer, or a potential employee. Soon his drink arrived, even as Messorem observed a certain individual with a guitar quietly sitting in the corner, strumming away. Removing his mask, Messorem took a swig of his drink, quietly observing the individual in the corner. She was above average in the looks department, perhaps employed, perhaps not. Simply by looking, Messorem couldn't tell in those moments, not that it mattered. Deciding to risk it, he stood up, taking his mask and his drink with him, hat still firmly on his head.

Walking over calmly, Messorem was there in a few moments, in all his glory. Smiling slightly, Messorem slowed down and stopped a few feet away from the woman, close enough to be noticed and heard, but far enough away to not be threatening. Tipping his hat to her, Messorem spoke up in his strong, but calm voice.
"Hello there ma'am, mind if I join a fine lady such as yourself for a drink or two?"

[member="Jada Raxis"]
Renn looked at his ship, and muttered, "Son of a b---." The statement was stopped by the steps into his ship falling to the ground. Sighing he watched as the repair droid got to work. Walking off he had a couple hours before it would be repaired. Walking down the street he saw a bar and decided to have a drink. Sitting at a seat he hailed a bar tender and ordered a drink. Hearing a strum of an instrument he turned his head noticing [member="Jada Raxis"], he nodded a greeting and turned back to his table.

As his drink arrived and he removed his helmet. Enjoying his drink he watched [member="Messorem"] ask to join her. His helmet blinked a light and he turned to it, looking into it read, "Estimated time until repair: 10 hours." Renn sighed and cursed to himself. He thought, Well looks like I'll need another drink. This was going to be a long wait.
Valkyrie was not happy, there were many factors that lead to this outcome but the most problematic was that her hyperdrive decided it didn't want to work with the fuel she had been forced to offer it, and blew a gasket. Thankfully she was in an inhabited system, if this ball of dust could be called habitable.

Bringing the Warspite to an almost smooth landing Valkyrie checked in with the thugs in charge of ship repair. This was not going to be cheap, but at least she was able to get an exchange of her fuel, and she didn't even have to show any skin flirting with the crew chief.

Chosing a bar at random Valkyrie went in to see if she could find any honest trade runs. A longshot to be sure, but she could really use a bit of cash, a naked feeling on her hip where a blaster should have been was enough of a reminder of that, as she felt the empty holster bounce slightly with every other step.

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Messorem"] [member="justdags"] [member="Renn Garrick"]

She looked up to see Messorem arrived and cracked a smile.

"Go on right ahead. Whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?"

She placed the guitar aside, folded her hands behind her head and kicked her boots up on the table, leaned back.


Go then, there are other worlds than these.
Tipping his hat to the woman before him, Messorem slid into the seat across from her. Smiling in return, Messorem clipped his mask to his belt then before speaking.
"My name's Messorem, gunslinger extraordinaire, and . and who might you be beautiful?"

Still smiling, Messorem took a sip from his drink before placing it down in front of himself. Taking off his hat then, Messorem let his relatively short, black hair loose. Leaning back next, Messorem kept smiling while observing the woman before him. He kept his focus on her, while having a certain degree of attention on the others present in the cantina.

[member="Jada Raxis"] @justdags @Renn Garrick

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Messorem"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="justdags"]

Jada cast Renn a wink and grinned to Messorem.

"Jada Raxis, Captain of the Quantum Cutter... or Runner. Depends who ya talk to. What brings ya out to this backwater mister?"
Startorn walked down the streets on the planet of tatooine, a backwater planet perfect for laying low, he walked into a bar he saw a woman looking a like she'd had a bad day and fingering a empty blaster holster
"Lose a bet?" He asked her nodding towards her empty holster



Go then, there are other worlds than these.
Grinning back at Jada, Messorem listened as she introduced herself, though he did catch her wink to someone. That someone shortly appeared, causing Messorem to tense up, fearing it was someone he'd have to shoot. Thankfully it wasn't, but that sort of ruined his plans for a little one on one with Jada, oh well. Internally sighing, Messorem merely nodded in return to Garrick. Speaking to him then, as to introduce himself, he spoke, voice the same.

"Hello there Garrick, I'm Messorem, gunslinger extraordinaire." Returning his attention back to Jada then, he continued speaking. "Oh, nothin' much, just looking for people to join my little gig."

Smirking slightly then, Messorem quirked an eyebrow slightly, even as he placed his hat on his knee, crossing one over the other now. Taking another sip of his drink, Messorem waited for a response from them.

[member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Jada Raxis"]

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Messorem"] [member="Startorn"] [member="justdags"]

A Gig would be good. She needed something to distract herself from the events of the Rim. More and more she found she wanted to be free of any government and just sort of float around. A million lifetimes of battle lay behind her, though only two years had she really been toe to toe with her enemies. She felt old. Older than her twenty seven year old body should have felt.

"Tell me about this gig. I can fly, and I love me some free lance work."

She nodded to Renn.

"Pleasure to meet ya."
[member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Jada Raxis"] [member="Messorem"]

Tatooine. For the farthest planet from the bright center of the universe, there sure were a lot of people who ended up here. Including a Mandalorian hunter dressed in red and black beskar'gam, with a pistol on his hip, vibrosword on his back, and T-visor covering his face. Atiniir was scrolling through bounty postings, hoping for one that would net enough credits for him to finally get his own starship. He was getting sick of taking shuttles everywhere.

That's when he noticed a collection of people at a nearby table, all looking very well armed and on a mission. Turning up his helmet's audio receptors, Atiniir managed to catch the word "gig" and his eyebrows raised. Well, there weren't any good pucks making themselves known, maybe this might be what he was looking for.

"Excuse me," he said, walking up to the table, "I couldn't help but overhear. Might if I throw my hat in the ring? If three's a crowd, four's a crew."
Renn looked around at the other three, “It’s a crowd until I hear the pay at least.” Truly Renn was there for money, while he didn't work for free for he always thought if you could do something good, don’t do it for free.

Looking around at the other three he leaned back and thought about the mixed bag it was, a Mandalorian, a gunslinger and a pilot, was quiet amusing to him. But he stayed there waiting to hear what he could earn.

[member="Atiniir Starrider"] [member="Jada Raxis"] [member="Messorem"]


Go then, there are other worlds than these.
Still leaned back in his chair, Messorem observed Jada and Renn, taking in their reactions to his mentioning a gig. Smirking slightly, Messorem was about to continue when a Mando appeared, asking to throw his hat in as well. Chuckling, Messorem nodded at motioned towards a nearby seat that would allow the Mando to sit. Turning his attention towards Renn, Messorem spoke.
"Trust me Garrick, you'll find the pay... most agreeable." Smiling widely then, Messorem turned his head to speak to directly to the Mando, he introduced himself for the third time. "Hey Mando, just so you know who's hiring. I'm Messorem, gunslinger extraordinaire."

Turning his head then to speak to all three, Messorem laid out his little gig.
"So, as I've stated, I'm a gunslinger. That means you probably think I won't be able to rake in enough for four or more people, wrong. I'm a gunslinger, smuggler, and crime lord." Smirking as he said those things, he continued, voice confident. "At the moment I'm in need of people to help me on my ship with smuggling, working as partners of course. Or looking for those willing to work for me as my crime lord, doing odd jobs for me. You name it, I probably need it done. Whatever it is, I'll be in need of pilots, gunmen, smugglers."

Smirk going back to a normal smile, Messorem looked them over once again, taking in everything he could about them. Nodding once in approval, he continued.
"Firstly, the main 'meat' of the pay will be based on each job completed and how well it's completed. Second, there will be consistent pay between jobs, though not as much as the jobs themselves." Pausing to let them take that in, Messorem looked them over again. Such an offer usually didn't happen, most simply payed for each job, and you were doomed in between. Not so with Messorem and his little group, he'd pay well no matter the time, but he needed more people to pay. Good people to pay at least. and these 4 looked were good.

"Now, I know that's unprecedented since I don't know any of you truly, but this is the offer for everyone who works for me, so long as they remain consistent with their work for me. That doesn't answer the question though of how much money it'll be, well, it still depends, but it'll be substantial. 500 to 900 every other week in between jobs, more if you're doing something to help my people. Each job pays minimum of 1500 credits, and often get upwards of 5k credits. Again, it all depends on the job. However, if you're persuasive, I might be persuaded to up that pay a touch, not much mind you, but a bit. So, any questions?"

Smiling a winning smile at them all, Messorem looked at them expectantly. That was a lot of credits for not doing much, and he didn't know any of them truly, yet was offering so much. This meant that Messorem had deep pockets, or ways to keep the money flowing in. The simple answer, yes. Messorem had both, very deep pockets, and more than the ability to keep the money flowing in, and for a long time too. Now to see what they'd say, and if any of them would be smart enough to ask what the jobs were.

[member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Atiniir Starrider"] [member="Jada Raxis"]

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Startorn"] [member="Messorem"] [member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Atiniir Starrider"]

"Well looks like we got ourselves quite the crew. I can fly with you for a bit if ya need a Pilot. I'll just stash my own ship. Whats the first job? I'm partial to anythin' but Piracy is the one thing I can't abide."

She left the part about being a Warden out for now. No need for ancient hokey religions to get too in the way.


She cocked her head at the Mando's and the Merc.
[member="Jada Raxis"] [member="Messorem"] [member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Atiniir Starrider"]

Darth Raven saw the group of people over by the table. He noticed the gunslinger and the Mandalorian in particular. He walked over to them. "Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice that y'all are having some sort of congregation and I thought I'd join in. Name's Raven."
Renn grinned, "Will cost you more than that, I could make three times that in half to time, but I guess I could be persuaded." While this was true, he would like to work for the gunslinger, it seemed like fun, but he looked for greater pay. He waited on a response bending back and ordering another drink. Leaning back forward, he looked at Raven and nodded a greeting.

[member="Atiniir Starrider"] [member="Messorem"] [member="Jada Raxis"] [member="Darth Raven"]

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