Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drinking One's Problems Away

A man sat a bar, drinking his problems away. This wasn't the kind of bar where you meet a lovely respectable women and fall in love. It was one where you shoot someone if they look at you funny. The bar was half full, it was almost happy hour so the customers where starting to pour in.​
King moved from the bar once his drink came and left a few credits on the bar. He wore his modified Phase II clone armor. He moved and pushed his way to a table where he sat, motionless, staring into the bottom of his cup.

It would seem that just because you were a clone doesn't mean you would have friends. In fact King couldn't really call himself a clone. Yes he had the training, but he had been kicked out of the program and left to his own devices.

So now he sat waiting for something to come up...
Noticing the Saddend man across bar Tiali walks over to him leaning against the Counter "Hey barkeep, Two novanian Grog and quick I think this man may die from Lack of happy liquid." He exchanges the credits for the drinks and places one drink in front of the man.

"So What's with the sad face?" he points to the old republic helmet jokingly. "It's not the end of the world." he takes a sip from his drink.

King looked to the man in his scout trooper armor. Then remembered his helmet was still on. Quickly he took it off. His short hair lightly ruffled by the helmet. "A good soldier is meant to follow orders yeah? Well what if there are no orders to follow? What does a soldier do then?"

He looked down to his drink again, seeing the little twinkle in it he quickly sips it up, then picks up the other mans.

King offers Tiali a handshake. "Name's King. Who are you?" He loooked to the man infront of him and offered him a seat.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Tiali meets his hand in for a hand shake "The name is Tiali." Clearing his throat "and the answer to the last question is A solder with no orders does whatever they want."

Taking a another sip "That's easy enough to understand."

"That's a freedom I have never had." As they shook hands, King began to evaluate this man. He looked like one who had been in many fights.

King sat back in his chair. "What do you do Tiali?"

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
King took a swing from the drink Tiali had brought and ignored Tiali comment on "King sadface". "I'm not sure if I should try and apprehend you or not." He placed the cup on the table.

"Does it pay well?" King subconsciously lent forwards as he awaited Tiali's answer.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
King shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he wanted to remain loyal to his unit and to the Republic. But he wasn't being used and this is a way he could put his skills you use.

"Maybe." King looked again inside his cup for answer. "I mean, I'm not exactly doing anything right now."

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
King scratched his head as this lunatic waved his hands in the air. "Are you feeling alright?" He was tempted to move back away from this man, but King stood his ground.

"Have you been taking some sort of spice?" King ask the last question rather bluntly. There was no point beating around the bush.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
King began to consider the mans next question, then the answer seem to jump into his head. "Get myself another drink!"

With a wave of his hand, a bar tender approached the table placing down some shots of dark liquor, King held it up in the air. "Down the hatch!" He threw back his head and let the liquid run down his throat, then he quickly took the other shot, followed by two more. The bartender decided the King had had enough and left the table.

"I'm not so sad anymore!" King stood up on the table. "But I am still the King!" He said as he flexed up on the table. Bred for war, not for alcohol.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Tiali Watches the Depressing mess in front of him, he kinda just stands there Not really wanting to Stop King but after his Comment on what he was born to do.

Looking to the bar tender "He is more alcohol then man now."He says quietly, Looking back to King "If you were born for War why aren't you fighting? or is there something wrong Up there?" He points to Kings head.

As King stood on the table, it began to wobble. A little at first, then more added by King trying to stabilize himself. The table gave way and the drunk clone fell a crashed down onto the floor, laughing all the while. From the floor he looked up to Tialo. "When's your next job man?" He said, pointing to Tiali.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Tiali stands there Laughing at the clone's fall he just couldn't help it. After the question that sprouted from the clones mouth, he sits on a stool for a moment and thinks "My next job is whenever I want, why?"

"Well I'm lonely, you're lonely. Let's team up!" The clone was obviously drunk and not in his right mind. And in his mental state right now he doesn't see why it was a bad idea.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
"You know what let's do it." He Orders another two drinks and picks bot of them up "To us." He lifts the drink up and the other one to king and brings one to his lips and then the other drink he was offering King.

Taking a deep breath. "But under one condition when we collect bounties I get more of a percentage you know i'm feeding you, driving you around and all that stuff. deal?"

In his drunken state, King spelt a majority of the drink on himself. "To us!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I agree with your statement." He said solemnly.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]

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