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Character Dr. Tatede Truibark

Tatede Truibark

Chief Research Officer - Akron Defense Labs

Image by WINT FOX

NAME: Dr. Tatede Truibark AKA Tate or T.T.

OCCUPATION: Scientist / Engineer

EMPLOYER: Akron Defense Labs



AGE: 32

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5’7” / 1.7m

WEIGHT: 115 lbs / 52.15kg

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Genius Level Intelligence: Though she expresses it mostly in science and mathematics Dr. Truibark is extremely capable in all academic matters
  • Always Learning: Perpetually enrolled at the Seswenna Academy of Sciences Tatede is never satisfied with the information she already has. Always wants more knowledge.
  • Party girl: Tatede has sort of a dual personality. Dr Truibark the scientist and Tate or T.T. the hair down partier. Once Tate or T.T. come out to play it is hard to get Dr. Truibark back
  • Perfectionist: Cannot submit a project that is satisfactory. As such she is usually the last person to touch a project.

As with her personality there are two Tatede Truibark when it comes to appearance as well. When she is in a classroom or laboratory she is all business. Glasses and labcoat on, hair in a ponytail, and datapad in hand. When she hits the cantinas at night more skin is shown, glasses are put away, hair comes down and datapad is lost to the world.

Dr. Tatede Truibark is a physics and engineering genius. She finished tops in her class from the beginning of schooling all the way through getting her two doctorates in Engineering and Astrophysics. At university she discovered her wild side. This did not detract from her high marks or desire to learn, but it gave her a second life and a different group to socialize with.

In her late twenties she met Khrusaes Akron. A highly recognized member of the Seswenna, Omwat and Eriadu social scene during the time of the Sith occupation of Pantora. They dated briefly, but quickly realized it was just for fun so put the relationship in the category of “Friends with Benefits”. During one drunken party Khrusaes let slip his desire to return to his home and to try to do his part to ensure Pantora against another attack. Through some sort of competition neither of the two quite remember to this day it was decided that they would secure funding and start a defense company. Tate would head design and they would set up labs on Omwat and Seswenna, while Khrusaes returned to Pantora to set up a headquarters and manufacturing sites.

Personal transport/labratory vessel Neutron Prism

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