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Approved Species Drúadan, the Givers

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  • Intent: Why not?
  • Image Credit: Here, here, here, and here.
  • Canon: Not Applicable.
  • Permissions: Not Applicable.
  • Links: Elzeri.
  • Name: Drúadan.
  • Alias: The Givers.
  • Designation: Non-Sentient.
  • Origins: Nessantico.
  • Average Lifespan:
    • Celef: Up to 2.000 years.
    • Aras: Up to 1.000 years.
    • Vëo: Up to 200 years.
  • Estimated Population: Scattered.
  • Description: Although its three subspecies are referred to by its unique naming, the Drúadan species can all be traced by its ancestral evolutionary cousin; the Celefs, who is believed to be the actual bearer of having its genome unspoiled by external interferences. A species that enters two stages of lifecycles, the Celefs on the end of their natural lives evolve into becoming an Aras, while the Aras can produce many Vëo during their long lives. Due to unknown reasons and unknown means, the species has formed a symbiotic relationship with each planet they were brought to reside, the Aras is known to possessing large side nostrils which they not only use to breathe but also storage and produce immense amounts of pollen that is released in the air on various occasions of their days, fertilizing the soil and therefore renewing life. While the Vëo, which are known to accompany their larger ancestral kin, can produce a highly effective form of manure resembling seeds, that when in contact with that pollen can imitate local fauna and reproduce grass, and even assist trees and flowers of growing anew.
  • Breathes: Type I & Type II.
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • Celef: Up to 30 meters.
    • Aras: Up to 20 meters.
    • Vëo: Up to 3 meters.
  • Average Length of Adults: Not Applicable.
  • Skin color:
    • Celef: Ever white, almost translucent.
    • Aras: Ever gray.
    • Vëo: Females are found only in white, pastel, or sandy golden tones, while males range from gray, or black tones.
  • Hair color:
    • Celef: Not Applicable.
    • Aras: Not Applicable.
    • Vëo: Their male always comes in pastel tones.
  • Distinctions:
    • Celef - The species ancestral, composing of its largest counterpart, the Celef are deemed sacred by species such as the Mornedhel and the Elzeri. Being completely different from its subspecies, this gigantic deer-like creature enjoys living by riverbanks, or on inner seas, their skin exudes an oily like sweat substance that is consumed by all sorts of smaller creatures such as fish, aviary, and mammals species, that sweat can not only feed other animals but serve as a natural enhancer for life to permute in wherever they pass. Feeding on oxygen particles in the air, and bacteria, the Celef Drúadan are peaceful beasts that live solitary lives among themselves, only finding one another with the sole purpose of mating and raising their young until adulthood, the species finds a partner for life, and mourns the loss of his beloved, running through great miles and distances for finding them again on the same spot they did last time. The Mornedhel believe the Celef are the Drúadan's purest form, for they are the closest ones to divinity, however, some xenobiologists have revealed that a Celef can actually be referred to the species first stage, all Drúadans are born Celefs, that live, breed other Celefs, exist in that form and shape, and when they die from natural causes, the Celefs roll up in cocoons, and are reborn as the Aras, giving them a whole new life cycle.
    • Aras - When rebirth as one of the Aras on their Drúadan's new life cycle, the species grows to tremendous sizes and develops different entire different behaviors. Peaceful and passive, the Aras used their keen hearing senses to remain watchful for predators and storms, herd creatures to the bone, the Aras remain watchful and roaming their land in search of nourishment, an endless pursuit that so rarely ceases. Their large breathing sacks emanate huge amounts of pollen, fertilizing the entire landscape as they pass, however, the Aras is famous for having a strange behavioral reproduction method, in which is quite often discovered that the species can reproduce imperfect offsprings, that xenobiologists have suggested the Vëo species is nothing more than the failed spawn of the Aras species due to their genetic similarity. Due to the species' unsociable ways of fleeing whenever anyone gets too close, the mystery is known to still linger on the woods the Aras roam.
    • Vëo - Although the Mornedhel and the Elzeri argued for long years regarding this species ancestry. The Mornedhel declare the Vëo are failed projects of their bio-engineering past that came from the Aras species, while the Elzeri declare the Vëo is the failure of their own doings and descendants of the Celef themselves, not the Aras. However, coruscanti xenobiologists, have indeed proved that the biological ancestry is closer to the Aras than with the Celef due to its genome. The Vëo, are not considered sacred by the Elzeri nor by the Mornedhel, in fact, they are actually hunted for food and their valuable leather, their males are considered incredibly hostile, while their females are quite docile, both carry ornaments in their horns, such as its doe grows strange vines on its horn, while its male glows its horn on bright colors to both impress other females and scare other males.
  • Races:
    • Celef: The first stage of a Drúadan's life, all Drúadan of Celef and Aras descendent are traced back to the Celef species. Larger than all other members of the species, Celefs reproduce among themselves, giving birth to other Celefs, only becoming Aras when their life-cycle in that form is considered to be over.
    • Aras: Last stage of the Drúadan's life, the Aras is considered to be impure versions of the Celefs and are treated less kindly. Aras are known for giving birth to tens of Vëos at once by expelling their wombs and ripping it with their teeth, allowing their spawn of being born.
    • Vëo: The small offspring of the Aras, born in farrows that go as far as twenty cubs in a row, the Vëos are distinguished for being wild and much smaller than their larger progenitors, living in herds, their ever quest for nourishment never ends.
  • Force Sensitivity: All.
  • Symbiotic Relationship - The Drúadan share an important relation with every planet they share a residence. Able to not only reshape rivers, bring down trees, therefore, bringing food closer to the ground and creating new plants, the species is very important to every single planet's environment, allowing it not only to remain greener but to be preserved and assisting wildlife on spreading.
  • Tremendous Strength - In each of its cycles, the Drúadan's are known for possessing massive physical strength. A Celef's hit with his antlers being strong enough to smash even beskar, due to their heads being encased in a stronger bone structure, thick and hard to pierce and cut even for a lightsaber's blade.
  • Deeply Connected - Perhaps it's their sensitivity that causes the Drúadan's to share this deep connection with a planet's ecosystem. Not only they seem to go on traveling through regions in need of their involuntary help, but the Drúadan's also seem to share a planet's ache within themselves, they can enter a feral state of sheer anger and promote involuntary acts of violence such as suddenly attacking mines, destroying vehicles and even kill people.
  • Peaceful - Despite their sudden mood swings, the Drúadan's are peaceful and don't ever harm a single living being if they can avoid it. Scaring them off can be quite an easy task. However, if injured and found themselves in a herd, the Drúadan's can muster up their strength and attack on large numbers.
  • Uncontrollable - Never in the history of species has a Drúadan been forced into servitude, be it by those of brute force, or those with the telepathic skills to do it so. A Drúadan is a proud being an indefinite forced service for them is worst than dying.
  • Force Nullifiers - Their connection with the Force runs deep, and using such devices as ysalamir and voidstones against a member of the species has the potential of seriously driving a member of the species mad with grief.
  • Bleeds Green - Their bodies are quite sensitive to external damage, despite their hides being able to withstand a carbine's and blaster's bolt, it doesn't mean they will not be killed by it. The Drúadan's hide can easily be burned, pierced and etc even by ordinary day-to-day kitchen knives. Their bodies decompose fast, their green, jelly blood is rich with fibers and vitamins for most flora life known in the galaxy, causing it not being that hard to see the surrounding flora to growing wildly around a Drúadan's body.
  • Diet: Herbivore to the core. Their acid-rich stomaches grant the Drúadan's herds the ability to digest nearly any type of known flora in the galaxy.
  • Communication: Aside from the Celef sub-species, the other members of these races are known for using hips and growling to commune, they can use their voices to produce singing notes that resemble music, used to manage their lives in their herds, and talk with each other. As for the Celef, they were believed to being mute until not so long ago when a member of the species was discovered howling in the dark mountains, and as believed, the Celef can talk with each other through telepathy, an ability that seemly grants them the skill to talking with other members of their sub-species, that unfortunately was never proved, since a Celef never spoke to anyone outside their own.
  • Technology level: Not Applicable due to lack of evolutionary sociological position.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Not Applicable due to lack of evolutionary sociological position. However, the species has shown to carry genetically imprinted memories of the resting place of their dead and has demonstrated empathy towards their fallen, and are known to seem to represent a strange sort of worshipping around their Celef female kin.
  • General behavior: In the wild, Drúadan's live in family groupings of a dozen or more individuals, made up of related females and young males. The oldest female in the family acts as the matriarch and guides the other adults and offspring in daily life and in times of hardship. After males reach young adulthood, between nine and eighteen years of age, they leave the family herd to roam with bachelor herds of mature bulls. The females remain with the herd through maturity. Drúadan's typically have very strong social bonds within and among these family groups. Individuals interact often within groups, and do so particularly through play behaviors between all ages. Chasing, mounting, wrestling, and sparring are all considered to be part of play behavior. When closely bonded Drúadan's are separated, even for brief periods of time, upon being reunited they display very intense greeting ceremonies, which involve lots of antlers interactions, vocalizations, urination, defecation, and secretion from their temporal glands, which are small glands unique to Drúadan's located on either side of the head between the eyes and ears. Young adult females rely on older adults to learn mothering skills and they often help to care for the younger antlers.

"O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention,
A kingdom for a stage, princes to act
And monarchs to behold the swelling scene!"

- W. S. Pekopeko in his celebrated poem 'Where do the Drúadan's go?"

A species of wonder and mystery. No one how they came to be, nor do they make many assumptions on the matter. The Elzeri claim the Drúadan's spawned from the Old Gods carcasses that laid dead during the Great War, a deadly duel fought between the Elzeri species to free themselves from the Infinite Empire's grip. According to their legends, the first Drúadans rose up from the entrails of the great god Ramuh the Wise King of Niennor, soon after he was brought down from the heavens after destroying a hundred rakatan ships, and the battle was done, his believers gathered around his dying corpse and prayed for him to recover. Once he spoke his prophecy regarding the future of his children, Ramuh spoke his last words:

"From my flesh will come about the healing of the universe, they shall give you my purest love."
Due to that old legend, the Drúadan was consecrated as holy being sent by the Old Gods to protect their lands and therefore were forbidden of ever being killed. The death of a Drúadan even by accident is considered the worst sort of malice for an elzeri and is punishable only by death itself, an Elzeri is obliged by their laws to hunt down its murderer wherever they are, and whoever they are no matter what is the cost, for the Drúadan are the givers, bound to heal the wrongs of the land and restore it to its prime days, free and graceful.
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Ylla Caeli'runa

Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor

Another fantastic species sub! I look the art and the transformation processes and how they all work together. The greeting ritual sounds a biiiiiit messy, but, hey, happy is happy!

I just have one small thing I need from you before approval. In the Origins section, please link Nessantico.
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