Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Down Here in the Deep Blue Sea


It was known the Dagorn that [member="Darth Orcus"] had such an interest in him when it wast noted that he had access to the Force, and not that many Tranodshans were blessed with such a rare gift. Indeed, Dagorn could care less if he had the Force or not as he relied on his natural skills and improved them so his hunts for the Scorekeeper would have a higher successful rate and be much quicker; however, knowing that he had this power he sought to use it for his own purposes so he could expand his horizons and hunt down dangerous hunts that barely any mortals has ever thought of hunting before.

Meeting at the Herglic's worldship the Trandoshan was amazed and awed to see fjorns, oceans, and other marine geological features that covered the whole miniplanet. Even better, its animals that he could hunt down for the Scorekeeper, and it'd be a new experience for him since the animals he constantly hunted were mammals and humanoid species. But right now was not the time to think about hunting and killing. Now was the time to further himself and become a pinnacle of his kind.

Landing at one of the entry levels that would him to the internal structure of the artificial world Dagorn would find himself submerging into many layers of the planet, seeing a variety of sea creatures gliding in the water until it would come to a complete halt down in the bottom of the deep blue sea.
The artificial sphere was no bigger than a comet. Indeed, the entire ship had fallen quite suddenly into Orcus' lap. Bequeathed by a woman. Some slight renovations were underway, evidenced by scaffolding [member="Dagorn"] would witness on his journey down, but otherwise the station remained as it had been. Orcus couldn't quite figure out what to do with such a vessel.


The upkeep costs were exorbitant, but unlike other paramilitary organizations, Dark Water Security did not field a standing mercenary army, nor a navy. The HErglic Trade Empire employed a number of merchant marines, but mainly for defense.

Yes, for the time being Orcus' pocketbook was quite full. Ready to be spent. And oh, how he ached to spend it. He'd never been one to put his savings in a sock drawer. No, no. Reinvest. Push more blood through the market. Get the arteries flowing. Steady, secure. Mmm, sometimes.

And so it was that Dagorn would find himself escorted into a circular chamber beneath the water. Seemingly empty, but for dank air and a large Herglic in a blue suit.

"Ah. And you must be Dagorn." Rumbled Orcus. "Guards, leave us."

Black, glittering eyes looked over the Trandoshan. "I was told you have certain... abilities. And you seek further instruction in how to wield them. But first, a display. Let me see what you are capable of."

The room warped, fell away, became a field of snow that crunched underfoot. A deep crevasse, rock walls on all sides, shadowed but for a shaft of light that shone down through the opening high above. Five humans appeared, three with vibroblades and two with blasters. They surrounded the Trandoshan, then they attacked.
The Trandoshan found himself before the humongous Herglic within a chamber reinforced with glasteel just to view the complex life forms enjoying themselves in this aquatic ecosystem. As always, Dagorn sniffed the air with his tongue as it came out from his mouth and could smell the odor coming from the Sith Lord. What a fine kill he would be for the Scorekeeper if he were to hunt him down this instance. Without a doubt, he would be rewarded with a ton of Jagannath Points and not just because of his size,but because of how unique and special he was with the Force. After "tasting" the Herglic's smell and the ones of the guards protecting Hion he put his tongue back in his mouth where it belonged.

After the Herglic introduced himself to Dagorn the guards were ordered to leave which left the two aliens in the chamber. There was no time frame for Dagorn to introduce himself to Hion, but he didn't cared or mind not being allowed to greet the Sith with his name. After mentioning him of the supernatural skills he had and wanting to improve them he was, then, challenged to wrestle five humans after the chamber was changed into the scenario of a land that was going through winter.

Finally, something to kill. A loud war cry was yelled from Dagorn's vocals, gripped his small machine blaster in his left hand, and shot a barrage of blaster bolts at one of gun wielding opponents while charging at at tow humans with the vibroblades and avoiding single fired blasters from the second blaster-wielding human. One of the humans with a blaster fell down with death overtaking them which gave Points to the Trandoshan, and having a sense of joy after his kill Dagorn focused on his two adversaries that he was rushing at. Just before closing the gap with the humans the Sith Acolyte threw his blaster, center mass, at the human with great strength which made contact and caused him to stumble backwards. His compatriot, who took a moment to see at his comrade, was met with Dagorn's right hand that pierced his throat with his clawed fingers, causing blood to come out and stain the floor of the chamber. Knowing that he would die in mere moments the Bounty Hunter threw him at the third vibroblade-wielding human which pinned him on the ground.

After killing his second opponent Dagorn jumped at the human, that stumbled a while ago, and bit at his neck which made the human scream in pain and agony from the wrath of Dagorn, who's mouth was painted and dirtied with blood and flesh from his victim. He was then interrupted as blaster bolts impacted at his armored back from one of the two remaining humans. Dagorn then reached for his blaster and spewed plasma projectiles at the attacker that killed him.

Which then left the pinned human and the Trandoshan.

Holstering his blaster, Dagorn walked towards the human that was trying to push off the corpse of his comrade off of him but no success. He was pleading for mercy and help, but he begging wouldn't stop the blood lust Dagorn from offering him to the Scorekeeper. Looking at his prey with eyes of hunger he raised his foot and stomped it at the throat of the human, therefore, killing him. Finished with his task the Sith Trandoshan looked at Hion and waited for what he would do next.

[member="Darth Orcus"]
The combat scenario ended and the holograms of the dead combatants, along with the snowy scenery, dissipated. Once more, Dagorn was alone in the cold, circular room. Orcus stood opposite him, flippers clapping in polite applause.

"My, my Mr. Dagorn. My scouts were correct. You do have an ability. And I could feel the Force at work within your movements, perhaps subconscious to you, but you do have the gift."

Or curse, some might say. But Orcus did not deign to vocalize that particular thought. He knew too well the price paid for power. Betrayal of friends. Abandonment of brotherhood. All so he could forge a better tomorrow. Heroes were all well and good, but at the end of the day it took a whale who wasn't afraid to get blood on his hands to do what was necessary to protect society. Those who abided by petty morals fettered themselves. They didn't have what it took. And, in time, they would be shown as failures, frauds. Hypocrites.

No one was perfect. And the only thing people loved more than heroes were heroes shamed and heroes dead.

The truth was an ugly thing.

"Now I know something about your skills, but I don't know you. Come, walk with me."

A door slid open at the rear of the chamber, opening to a long corridor. Glass walls on either side that looked out into the artificial ocean reefs.

"Tell me what it is you hope to achieve from my tutelage. Tell me what it is you long for most in the galaxy, hauum."

The Trandoshan could hear the might Herglic clap his flippers in applause as he saw the conclusion of the fight between Dagorn and the humans. The Sith Acolyte could, honestly, care less about appraisal or such coming from the Sith Lord. He only cared about receiving the Jagganath Points he received from the Scorekeeper after killing the squad of humans and offering them to the goddess. How many as points has he received after killing so much? He had no particular idea at all, and he didn't care how much his hands were stained from killing innocent beings just gain what he yearned for the most.

His tongue hissed and could smell the odor of the whale and the blood spilled on the floor of the platform he stood on. Dagorn walked to the bulky figure of Hion as he motioned the Trandoshan to him. They walked through a glass corridor in which they could see the diverse marine life swimming in the oceans of D'orq. "I sssssssseek to become the bessssst of my kind. I only want to pleassssse the Sssscorekeeper, and with thisss gift I can kill thossse for Her." He was being honest by every word he said. With the Force he could become a much better hunter than his Trandoshan Cousins and become the pinnacle of his kind. And he only cared for the Points that the Scorekeeper would reward him after killing a life for the mystical deity just so he could have a much better life in the afterlife.

[member="Darth Orcus"]
Sadly, there would be no jagganath points for [member="Dagorn"]. The humans had been holograms.

"Hauum, yes. These points. Part of your belief. The more you accumulate, the higher your place in the afterlife."

Orcus nodded as though he understood, but truly he did not give credence to such superstitions. It was difficult to convince one who had seen what waited in the next life. Orcus could not say for sure, but there might have been a few Trandoshans he had encountered in the Netherworld. Best not to tell Dagorn. No need to crush his dreams of salvation just yet.

"Well, the more renowned the target, the more points you receive. What's to stop you from turning on me?"

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