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Double trouble (Koda Fett vs The Twinz)

Xaehdak Kubaza


It had been roughly several long months. Constant tracking and attempted tracking of their prey. There were little to few beings in the galaxy willing to accept a bounty contract for this man. This legend. A revered murder and killer. A simple man. Koda Fett. Fame had a cost and Fetts own bounty could only draw out the best or the crazy, Lucky Xaehdak and his brother Zhorbak were both. Nalrithians. Big insectoid species high in aggression and muscle mass. Like the massive roaches they were the two brothers had managed to survive and thrive within the Outer Rim as mercenaries, assassins and bounty hunters. Xaehdak himself had finally secured a small army of men by his side as well. A future crime lord. It was only through this new position and web of new infochants that enabled the "Twins" to finally find this Koda Fett.

Xaehdak and Zhorbak wanted this all to themselves. One million credits. Very ambitious and very dangerous. The bounty had the potential to expand their names and reputation... Or end it.

Reports and rumors detailed Fett's last known location on Nal Hutta and probe droids confirmed the information to be true. Streams of white, black and blues filled the viewport window only to suddenly end and transform into the view of a orange and green planet. Auto-pilot engaged and confirmed to land, Xaehdak lumbered out of the pilot seat and entered the ship armory. A grin ensued. Time passed faster than expected as the ship landed on the planets slum of a starport. Xaehdaks thoughts shifted to his brothers and then back to his own.

They were ready.

[member="Zhorbak Kubaza"]
[member="Koda Fett"]

Zhorbak Kubaza

Sitting in the hold of the vessel arms crossed over his behemoth of a chest Zhorbak’s foot tapped against the metal flooring rapidly as the excitement within the warrior built. Months of hunting, of dead ends, of multiple corpses, had finally proved fruitful. He and his brother’s quarry had risen its head right into their sights. The thick corded muscles beneath the green skin shifted as adrenaline built up in the Nalrithian. The creatures that shared the hold with Zhorbak reacted to his excitement, they themselves shifting around. The bravest and curious of which being the young Porg that Zhorbak had adopted. The innocent creature waddled and leapt up onto the warrior's lap without a second thought where it stared at the menacing visage giving a short chirp.

Mandibles opening and clicking Zhorbak stared down at the creature with what many would think as anger but in reality, was the closest approximation to a smile that the creature could produce. Both of the large hands came down around the Porg petting it gently. Clicking his tongue and barking in his native language Zhorbak soothed the Porg he’d affectionately named Mr. Snuggles.

Some of the other creatures within the hold stirred, two of which looked to be snakes that were close to 3 meters in length, one of which snuck near the Porg its mouth opening as it neared its prey. One hand raising Zhorbak smacked the snake on its snout and shot it a stern glare in which it retreated. Unlike his brother Zhorbak found more enjoyment in wildlife, and in organic technology over the blasters and slugthrowers his brother carried.

Shifting through his brother's thoughts Zhorbak knew it was time, they were nearing the planet. Standing Zhorbak emitted a short bark in an alien language long forgotten to many, the language of the Vong. In that instant, many of the creatures within the hold began to shift making their way to the Nalrithian.

Moments later Zhorbak took a step onto the vessels landing ramp where he awaited his brother to finish the preparations. Zhorbak took in the starport in which they landed, the stench assaulting his senses. All around the dredges of the galaxy could be seen making their way to their ships carrying shipments of spice, weapons, and whatever other contraband they were looking to smuggle. Sneering at them Zhorbak scoffed before calling back into the ship. “If you take any longer I’ll set off on my own.”

[member="Xaehdak Kubaza"] I [member="Koda Fett"]
It was a wretched hive of scum and villainy, and whether it were less or more so than Mos Eisley Cantina was readily available to be debated. It held this plainly putrid stench that wafted throughout the settlements that rest alongside the banks, and the mud that crept over, under, and inside the structures hardly aided in alleviated the issue. But hardly anybody seemed to ever pay it too much mind; they carried out their activities that were either out of survival, enjoyment, or advanced but remained strictly criminal. Usually. It was surprisingly populated, too. Aliens from everywhere led their lives on Nal Hutta, and families were raised as much as they fell.

The Bounty Hunter had waded through the streets, and he earned the curiously placed gazes that often felt as if they were remembering something - someone. The T-Visor offered nothing in return, however. It departed from the galactic stage, and the spotlight, but it had since returned. Maybe he hid away on some space station, or maybe he merely wore another set of armour and selected another name, he might of even attempted a regular life where he didn't need the armour and could freely wear the face he kept concealed. It didn't matter, not anymore. Especially not to the Bounty Hunters that cursed beneath their breath, and the ones that had their eyes light up at the possibility of snagging a million for themselves.

"Fett!" The Mandalorian, or so the Bounty Hunter that wore their famed and traditional armour, had heard the angered cry and stopped in their tracks. "I know that's you, Fett!" It persisted, and the infamous T-Visor had reared over a shoulder to inspect it's origin. He hadn't been entirely sure if he began to expect anything, but he happened to witness an orange-skinned Twi'lek that looked to be surprisingly combat-ready - but he didn't grant them a reply. "Yeah, that's right." It spat forth; "You remember me. You remember this face." It snarled and shrugged, as if its shoulder was gesturing towards the burn scars that covered its left-side. "And now." It began, slowly; "I'll return the favour!" It blurted rapidly, angrily. The Twi'lek thrust it's humanoid hand towards its hip, and specifically the blaster that rest there. He snatched it and quickly aimed it in the direction of the Mandalorian before squeezing the trigger, and sending a crimson bolt towards the Bounty Hunter, and it skimmed right by, illuminating the metal but missing all-the-same.

Fett brought his wrist upwards as he bent at the knee, slightly lowering in an attempt at becoming an even smaller target. Fett clenched a first as a bolt had been let loose from his gauntlet, piercing the air, and eventually the Twi'lek. It struck the fabric of it's clothing as they began to sear away, and then the flesh itself; the disfigured alien had gasped for the swamp-filled air that reeked of something terrible, but it couldn't muster enough. It wobbled in place, moving back and forth, left and right before a final attempt to fill their lungs was made. Though, it had been to no avail. He fell backwards, collapsing into the mud and left for dead as the Bounty Hunter continued on their way. Nobody had even known why Koda had arrived, or why he'd bother to stay.

"I had my doubts." Fett softly murmured to nobody in particular as he began to wade forwards through the inkling of civilisation that stretched over Nal Hutta. He couldn't stay hidden, it seemed. He left the limelight and the fear he inspired dwindled, maybe it'd return, but he would have to show more as to why they stopped pursuing Fett.

[member="Zhorbak Kubaza"] | [member="Xaehdak Kubaza"]

Xaehdak Kubaza

Several tones and beeps sounded in various pitches echoing throughout the ships armory. Mandibles cluttered together with a rhythmic pattern as busy three digit fingers worked securing equipment and gear to Xaehdaks heavily muscled body. The Nalrithian was augmented with cybernetics and favored technology above all else. Biotech was great but in Xaehdaks mind he never needed to worry or show affection to a piece of metal or power cell. The last straps were latched to his armor. An old ragtag suit of Katarn-class commando armor equipped with a Combat De-ionizer. Bits and pieces of the armor were mixed and did not match but the cosmetics didn't matter when Xaehdaks prey was on their knees begging for mercy or waiting for death. Sadly the helmet did not fit his obtuse skull. Furrowing a brow the Nalrithian snarled hearing his brother call inside the ship. Mandibles clicked and clattered causing constant noise. Irritation. Pivoting Xaehdak traveled in quick strides down the back of the ramp. Four red hued eyes focused on his brother.

" And then I'll have to go one step further and raise you from the dead. It's bad enough I broke you out of prison..." He uttered in his breath re-arranging a LJ-50 Concussion rifle strapped around his hulking torso. The Paragon vibro-ax shined in the taint of Nal huttas faded sun as it shifted back a forth on Xaehdaks back and held in the Nalrithains hands was a strange Organic looking creature or weapon. Its tentacles moved about in small subtle movements. Lastly was a small pistol on the hip strapped away. At first glance it appeared to be a Tangle pistol. It was known to him as a Blorash spitter and was perhaps the only organic weapon he made exception for. Chuckling he shook his head thinking about the absurdity of raising from the dead and suddenly snapped. " Stop karking around and direct that shab were we can better use it. We have prey to catch!" He paused and stared his brother dead in his eyes. " And blood to spill!" his mandibles twisted into a sinister smile as if the Nalrithian had tapped into a inner monstrous bloodlust. Stepping off the ramp and jerking his head up to stare at the muck of a sky Xaehdak bellowed causing his long dreadlocks to tremor and shake. Whipping around violently rattling various small trophies like finger bones. The ships ramp began to close but not before five probe droids exited with a hover.

All five flew off in separate directions.

" You know how the hunt makes me get." he commented and began walking away. It was the closest [member="Zhorbak Kubaza"] would get to an apology. There was ping on the holo-screen side of the Nalrithians inner bracer. They had a trace roughly three miles away. The source a fire fight that had been reported with a mandalorian at the scene. There was no word said nor signal given only the rush and burst of movement that the Nalrithian exploded into.

It had begun.

[member="Koda Fett"]

Zhorbak Kubaza


Standing at the base of the ships landing ramp Zhorbak simply cooed at the two amphistaffs that coiled around his arms. The serpents more than just pets, but weapons, weapons that responded to Zhorbak, that cared for him, that he shared a connection with. These creatures he understood in a way his brother never would. Even his armor was organic being the infamous Vonduun Crab Armor. His armor a crimson red instead of the common black, it even being able to amplify his already tremendous strength.

Turning on his heel as Xaehdak approached, Zhorbak's mandibles spread open, spittle flying at his brother as a hiss escaped the maw. "You mearly had the gall to attempt to break me out, I'm the one that had to kill the guards. I'm here to be the muscle." Zhorbak spat, the upper two of his eyes flashing a vibrant green as the Mqaaq'it implants altered their color to display the Nalrithians mood. Body trembling, mandibles clicking, his fists tightening Zhorbak was tempted to throw a blast bug at his brother for his insolence and the sheer audacity to yell. "Watch yourself brother, hunt or not remember what I did to those who turned on me."

The tension between the two Nalrithians was so thick one could cut it with a vibroknife, their eyes locked as their conflicting personalities clashed, and tempers flared. It only made sense as Zhorbak had been the one to kill the rest of their clutch years ago. Though as the notification came through there was no more need for words to be said, simply the hunt. Spinning on his heels Zhorbak sprinted behind his brother. This was the area where Xaehdak was his superior, all the cybernetics he'd been enhanced with put Xaehdak above Zhorbak in many ways.

The beating of their heavy feet on the ground was obvious as the two moved as one, their massive frames causing children and the like to scatter for fear of being trampled. As they moved the two upper eyes of Zhorbak changed to a vibrant orange as the excitement within him began to build, the adrenaline pumping through his form as they made their way towards perhaps one of the most cunning and lethal beings in the galaxy.

[member="Koda Fett"]
Zhorbak and Xaehdak might have bickered frivolously amongst one another as they began their approach, but it needed to be ceased before they actually engaged. The Bounty Hunter was as infamous as they were for a reason, and many had tried to ensnare Fett in an ambush but it had been their cunning that let them continue freely. It wasn't going to be easy regardless if they intended on bringing in Fett alive, or leaving his corpse slumped over, face-first into the mud. There was likely to be more compensation if they proceeded with the latter, surely. The Mandalorian never had any real friends or allies, but he certainly proved efficient in creating enemies; Jedi, Sith, Hutts, and more. They never liked Fett, and his unmasked corpse was sure to bring some delight. It wouldn't hurt their reputations either...

Nevertheless, the Bounty Hunter continued on their way after leaving a Twi'lek dead in their path. He tread across the ground as so much without thought for the blatant murder. He had become so immune to the act, it came and went and left absolutely nothing; cold and relentless as ever. He ascended the small flight of stairs before an elevated cantina, resting on its stalks in an attempt to avoid being situated in the bog. And then disappeared inside.

[member="Zhorbak Kubaza"] | [member="Xaehdak Kubaza"]

Xaehdak Kubaza

For now Zhorbaks comments and threats would have to wait. Prey was near and closing fast.
With a single solitary leap Xaehdak rose into the air. His enhanced muscles assisting his movements with ease adding extra strength and speed. Landing on a low roof top with a near silent thump. His sprinting motions quickly found rhythm in speed and pattern. Every two houses or establishment the Nalrithian would jump over a gap of space only to land on the next building across. Large body frame soaring above alley ways casting a shadow on the ground below. Growls and snarls sounded in calm breaths as he seemed to run on and on. With his new enhancements, Xaehdak rarely ever got tired. In fact this feeling made him feel rather invincible at times, a side effect of merging with cybernetic muscle enhancements. It caused him to get sloppy at times. Long thick dreaded hair slapped against the back of his armor, rattling trinkets, charms and small trophies.

Two eyes glanced at a wrist showing the location of the Probe droids while the other two cybernetic eyes zoomed in slightly spotting the small droids roughly twenty-eight meters away. All of which were hovering over a cantina raised to the second floor. According to the probe droids Fett had walked inside. It would be his tomb. Holstering his current weapon and priming the LJ-50 Concussion rifle the Nalrithian made sure to line himself across from the entrance of the cantina. Leaping off a circular raised bump on a roof top, Xaehdak aimed his weapon straight at the archway and pulled the trigger.

Purple energy flashed from the barrel and disappeared from the Nalrithians sight as it soared into the cantina. Landing on another roof top Xaehdak could hear and image the carnage that the five meter blast radius would inflict on patrons inside. If [member="Koda Fett"] was inside it would surely flush him out. But how much would it injure the man? A strange sound would erupt within the cantinas interior and from outside view the front portion of the establishment blew apart. The shock wave pulverizing the poverty stricken materials used in its construction. Dropping into a prone position Xaehdak waited for surviving movement.

[member="Zhorbak Kubaza"]

Zhorbak Kubaza


Show off, Zhorbak thought as he saw his brother leap upwards and take to the roofs. Xaehdak knew that Zhorbak lacked the cybernetics that turned the other Nalrithian into a freak of nature. Sticking to the streets the large behemoth of a creature charged through them sometimes trampling those unfortunate enough to have been in his path and knocking others out of the way. The lungs within the Nalrithian's chest cavity hammered with both exhaustion and from the strain of so much exertion.

As he made his way through the streets Zhorbak came across the limp body of a twi'lek, his run unending and not even thinking about moving the corpse. A heavy booted foot fell down on the twi'lek's head with a sickening crunch, and pop. The only difference Zhorbak felt was a faint sticky sensation on the bottom of his right foot. All around while the streets may have once been calm exploded in screams and gasps of horror. The scene gruesome as the mercenary drabbed in Vong armor continued onwards to come to a skidding stop at the Cantina the probe droids above had alerted the Twins to.

No sooner had the cantina come into site did the front of the cantina exploded outwards. And they say I'm the crazy one. Zhorbak thought as he took in the destruction, above the raucous explosions, the screams of the Nal'Hutta denizens grew to a chorus causing Zhorbak's mandibles to click in excitement. "Not letting him show me up." Unslinging the thud bug launcher from his chest the Nalrithian loaded it with two Blast bugs, a sound of clicks and hisses escaping his lips as he gave the insects their instructions in their native tongue.

Leveling the launcher Zhorbak roared his finger pulling on the faintly squishy, organic trigger. From the barrel, the blast bugs were launched one's wings opening and fluttering around to the left side of the cantina, the other to the right. Both impacted near simultaneously detonating with the force of thermal detonators. Balls of flame exploded outwards, as the establishment began to shake having lost all sense of stability its roof beginning to crumble inwards.

[member="Xaehdak Kubaza"], [member="Koda Fett"]
Fett believed that he could remain silently ignored in the dark, damp corners of the seedy cantina that rest on silts over the nausea inducing swamp marshes of Nal Hutta. It seemed to be reasonable that he wasn't bothered aside from the twi'lek who had already met their demise twice over, and he certainly hadn't expected another would-be hunter-- or hunters --searching so soon. And they hadn't attempted as much 'searching' as they did leap into the action immediately, and he wasn't any the wiser. The Bounty Hunter sat in their own silence, entertaining their own thoughts as they remained armoured and glanced back and forth towards the patrons that refused to pay Fett any mind, but their nervous glances casually wandered. Fett felt satisfaction in that, truly.

But, it didn't last. He couldn't quite put anything to it in the moment after briefly witnessing this purple, light-like object enter and erupt a mere moment later. It didn't help in the slightest as more detonations followed it immediately, ensuring everything had been brought down. If it hadn't been for the armour and those genetic modifications, Fett was going to be another dead clone that wound up face-first in some backwater hellhole. Though, he had been thrust through the wooden planks that covered his back. He struck the muck beneath and rolled through the shallow water despite his hatred for it. Fett grunted and groaned at each impact until he finally ceased those movements. And he had taken a moment to rise, no doubt, clambering back to their feet rather sluggishly.

He hadn't the slightest clue if there had been more than one of them, but it was safe to assume that there was only one attacker that owned an arsenal that could rival his own. The Mandalorian took to the skies as their jetpack ferociously spat flames before hoisting them into the air and moving in a manner that wouldn't make one an easy target, all-the-while his scanners searched, and searched, but it were atop a rooftop that he bore witness to a freakish creature armed to the teeth. Maybe they looked towards Fett, maybe they didn't, or they might've been innocent in the affair. Fett didn't seem to think twice after he fired that 'aloysha' missile that was set to erupt in white phosphorous.

[member="Xaehdak Kubaza"] | [member="Zhorbak Kubaza"]

Xaehdak Kubaza

As the building crumbled the Nalrithian raised a single brow expecting the battle to soon begin. Though their initial assault was successful, Xaehdak knew it would not be enough. Watching the rising asilant rocket into the air Xaehdak took in the moments that passed with extreme focus. All four eyes scanned over the extent of what could be seen of [member="Koda Fett"] gears. Target confirmed. Yes. Traditional mandalorian styled armor and assumed to be heavily armed. Fett was smaller than the alien pictured. A pity really.

It seemed the legends and myths would fall short today and soon be set into desolation. He's scanning and. Before Xaehdak could finish his thought his stare felt as if it met Koda's own. Expressionless and stoic. Truely unreadable through his T-shaped visor. Timing was perfect though daring. Next came an action out of pure instinct from both parties. In a blitz of movement the large alien rolled off the edge of the roof falling several feet into the side alley way. Smacking to a light post and twisting into a durasteel dumpster side. Durasteel overcame his form as the building he just rolled off of blew into pieces igniting the area into flames. Talk about razing the roof. Such filth. Covered in filth. The green complexion felt as if it would creep into a red color. There was indeed anger but he was alive after all too. With a shake and bit of turbulence from the explosions shockwave the Nalrithain let his primary weapon drop and switched to his only Organic weapon. A shocking cybernetic pulse emitted through his spine and across his body flooding his system with adrenaline and other such chemicals to enhance his reflexes and perception.

A stationary target was a dead one.

Xaehdak slithered out of the Dumpster and sprinted down the allyway hugging the wall. Already he knew come tomorrow he would feel the bruising from his rough fall.

[member="Zhorbak Kubaza"]

Zhorbak Kubaza


Watching the building was torn asunder Zhorbak was filled with an immense sense of pride part of him wanting to believe that they'd just sealed the legendary Koda Fett without even breaking a sweat. The realistic part of Zhorbak's mind knew that to not be true if it was that easy to kill the hunter he wouldn't have been considered the best in the business. The sound of a jetpack cut through the air, obvious among even the throng of people that screamed at the random destruction that now filled the streets.

Eyes trained on the building Zhorbak watched as the Mandalorian rocketed into the air seemingly unaware of the Nalrithian that had blown out the sides of the building. It was the perfect opportunity, and all the while Xaehdak was tracking the Mandalorian, and from what it seemed the Mandalorian was focused on only him. This memory that had never been his tickled the back of Zhorbak's mind. Placing the launcher back on his shoulder the Nalrithian drew out the chitin carbine, within it loaded the Bio-slugs that were known for their tracking abilities as well as eating through armor. Running forward a few steps the carbine raising the mercenary pulled the trigger aimed at not Fett's armor but the jetpack that rested on his back. An attempt to swat the bug out the sky and put them all on even footing.

With Xaehdak keeping Fett's attention, Zhorbak could only hope that the tactic worked. Do not come this way, I don't want him to locate me. Zhorbak thought before moving into the crowd of civilians and despite standing tall and above them, he prayed to the force that Fett wasn't as crazy as they were and willing to kill civilians to get at a potential foe.

[member="Koda Fett"], [member="Xaehdak Kubaza"]
They always seemed to be rather disappointed. Maybe they believed that the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter was going to be something similar to a freak of nature; over seven or even eight feet tall, rippling with muscles, and every weapon available. Fett was never as large and as imposing as they often though, it seemed. But, that might have given reason to be fearful for reasons unknown; to remain cautious for there are the things you do not know. He certainly lacked the sheer strength that had been afforded to creatures such as Xaehdak and Zhorbak, but compensated elsewhere through technological expertise, intellect, and cunning. It was rather commonplace for others to boast and preach of honour, but Fett found it to be an obstacle. He preferred the tactics his own cunning could provide. Others, however, most definitely did not. Especially the Mandalorians. Fools, he thought of them.

And it were for those reasons that Fett could be considered incredibly dangerous. Xhaedak may have disappeared, but they could have initially thought the very same of the Bounty Hunter after completely detonating the entirety of the cantina. He had to be certain. The Mandalorian, or would-be (as of late) continued to hover ahead and venture towards the ruined remains that existed of the structure that Kaehdak had once stood over. He continued to tightly grip the carbine that previously lay within his vice-like grip whilst his wrist-mounted weaponry remained ever-available to be thrust into the fray, if it hadn't been ended already.

If it hadn't been for the frantic actions that the civilians had engaged in, Koda may have spotted Zhorbak through the use of his motion sensors; instead they became utterly useless. He missed the brutish alien and the slugs that had been sent soaring towards his armoured figure, but they had very little effect after being caught in the flames considering the Bounty Hunter refused to remain still. It was a shame, but Zhorbak still had the element on surprise.

[member="Xaehdak Kubaza"] | [member="Zhorbak Kubaza"]

Xaehdak Kubaza

Chaos engulfed the Nal Hutta's streets and ally ways. Within this manic movement the Nalrithian thrived. Obstructions blocked his vision of his prey [member="Koda Fett"]. A higher vantage point would need to be taken. Still under the effects of his cybernetic reflex augment Xaehdak sprinted down the ally way. Turn. His long strides made the distance of the ally's shorter than he expected. Clawing the side of a building the large alien began his climb up the side of the building onto the roof. The organic weapon blurred and glooped with interaction of alien hands. His sprint did not cease once on the roof top. Again he climbed once more invading the privacy of a more well off establishment on the third floor of a tower like structure. Grabbing a humaniod with one hand pushing them aside. Aiming his gun with the other. His finger pressed the nerve firing the mass of flesh once. The Blorash jelly spitter sounded oddly with a sploosh or sickening sticky sound. A blob of jelly soared down to the hovering mando below at ground zero of the now exploded building.

With his off hand Xaehdak single handly wielded his LJ-50 concussion rifle at the hip. Poised to aim in the general area the Mandalorian was in, knowing how fast concussion rounds traveled. He pulled the trigger. Accuracy was off to be precise but the 5 meter explosion radius would make up for that.

I got it.. He thought to himself.

[member="Zhorbak Kubaza"]

Zhorbak Kubaza

Seeing the desired effect not happen the Zhorbak growled to himself, how the bugs had been eradicated in the heat of a jetpack seemed impossible considering the sheer amount of heat necessary that would've been necessary to melt them akin to a slugthrower bolt. "Defective rounds" The Nalrithian swore to himself that when he ran into the dealer he'd bought the rounds from he'd skin them alive and send the body to their family. With that part of the plan not working Zhorbak moved through the crowd elbowing people out the way as he hung the Chitin rifle across his back and began loading the thud bug launcher once more.

"Oh, he wants to play games? I'll show him." Hissing and clicking his mandibles the Nalrithian gave the commands to the two blast bugs he loaded into the launcher, with that he raised it to the sky and fired both the bugs following his commands and splitting up and moving on Koda Fett from different angles, one from above and to the right the other from down and to his left both aimed for his jetpack. They need not even touch the Mandalorian, they simply got close and then would detonate into twin plumes of fire with forces rivaling thermal detonators.

Last time you had something it ended up with you rolling off the roof and into a dumpster. Zhorbak thought as he himself began moving loading and unslinging the Chitin carbine once more switching out the bugs that had once been held within for others. This time he'd ensure that they were the metal coated ones. Back pressing near a building and beneath a shroud, the Nalrithian waited to hear what came next.

[member="Xaehdak Kubaza"], [member="Koda Fett"]

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