Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Don't pick on the little guys!

Scarlet was almost like any other nineteen year old girl you'd see. Almost. At first glance, she'd seem like a regular girl with a red cloak. If you messed with her, however, you'd see a lot more. And that's what happened to a group of thugs a few minutes prior. "Hi-yah!" Suddenly, one out of three slammed against the wall, being hit in the chest by the brunt of a very large scythe. A light tinkling sound filled the air as she laughed, clearly amused at the group's attempt to rob her. As the most recent victim struggled to get up, he looked at the girl in confusion. By this time, his two companions had fled the scene. He had apparently thought she would be an easy target, but was dead wrong. Walking over, she outstretched a hand to help the man up, a small smile on her face. "Here's a little tip: Don't underestimate the little ones."

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Sitting atop a nearby building, leaning on its edge, he sighed and watched the girl go about her business. He was still learning the ways of the Force, but he didn't need it to know the group had been lookin' for trouble. And naturally, the small ones are the ones you want to watch out for. They always feel like they've got to try harder to prove they're just as tough as anyone else.

This tiny girl seemed to be of the same mindset. He didn't speak, however, and merely observed... at least until his HUD finished scanning the Syndicate databases for who this girl was.

Then maybe he'd talk to her.

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