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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Dominion of Tammar Rewards

What do you want as a reward from taking part in the dominon of Tammar?

  • A personal starfighter (small craft with more weaponry and shielding but slower and less agile)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A metallic material with blaster resistance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A metallic material with physical resistance (think slugthrowers)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A metallic material with lightsaber resistance

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Dominion of the Tammar hex has been approved!

Despite the sweeping conflict that has taken much of our focus, the Sith Empire has managed to still complete the Tammar hex dominion for March. As a reward for participation in the dominion there will be three rewards (3) for each character that took part. Even if you only made one post you will still receive something for your contribution towards our empire's expansion.

These rewards will be:
  • One starship submission made for participants. (This will be a single, limited run, starship line produced using the debris and wreckage of destroyed ships that made up the Tammar blockade).​
  • One material submission made for participants. (Participants can use this material in any manner they want, this post can be used as proof of permission as long as they took part in the dominion.)​
  • A personal submission made for each character. (I will be personally making individual submissions for each character that took part using Ellie Mors Ellie Mors as the manufacturer. So if you want some cool alchemy creation or want a weapon forged or even a holocron this is your chance.)​
I've posted a poll along with this announcement to give the faction members a voice in what they will get regarding the starship and material submissions. Please vote for one (1) starship option and one (1) material option, as you will be limited to 2 choices per person and I can't put multiple questions in this poll. If the choice you wanted doesn't get the majority of votes you can still use that as your personal submission reward.

For the personal submission reward please post what it is you want made below (if you don't know exactly what you want just a vague idea is fine, too, and I'll reply and discuss it with you). The personal submissions that are created using the force will be made by Braith for your characters, anything that is more industrial (like if you opt for another starship or a speeder) will be made by the faction. Don't be afraid to ask for some exotic trinkets, armor, weapons, etc, as I will be able to fulfill any of these needs!
Ellie Mors Ellie Mors

Given Sarrius' predilections, I dare say something that helps him kill people better would be appropriate, perhaps a talisman/weapon/set of light armour that uses the blood of the fallen to empower him and wreak even more carnage? Blood for the Blood God, anyone?

Assuming, of course, that the caffeine rush hasn't expired at this point.
While it may seem a bit out there, I think a talisman of transformation would be fitting for Telis, with his focus on transformation, change, and evolution. Plus, a hammer is sometimes more necessary than a scalpel, and something like a Arkanian Dragon also calls back to his (technically) Arkanian roots.

Though, I wouldn’t mind some Dark-side flair being included alongside the transformation. Normal dragons are already cool, but figured there’s never a point in time when one shouldn’t be having as much Sith aesthetic as possible.

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