Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Doing a little good.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The shield medical class frigate was over Echo'lya today for two reasons. The first was to provide medical aide for those in need of it and unable to reach it. And the second reason was actually using the first one for a cover up. Sure they would do some actual good and help sick or injured people, but the real reason the frigate was here was to gather beskar.

The Crime Lord known simply as Miss Blonde was incognito today as her identity was hidden by a suit of armor that covered her face and allowed her to go unnoticed. Her force signature was shrunk down and today she was just any other representative of Reclaimer Arms & Industrial here to gather beskar for a client who wanted armor.

Her name to the man would simply be Karrin and she'd be the woman who was in charge of getting the ore needed for the man. So docked to the medical frigate a small ship was attached and inside of it lay Miss Blonde who was waiting for the client to arrive so they could be off. The goal was simple, here on Echo'lya bandit camps popped up every day and raided mines and at this point it had just become second nature to steal the beskar from the thieves themselves before they could sell it.

You killed some bad people, got some beskar, and helped a few people. All and all it was set to be a good day.

[SIZE=10pt]Having arrived on the medical frigate[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias spent some time observing it the facilities it provided. While it wasn’t his concern or any of his business how other ships conducted themselves and what equipment they used he still did it out of an ever growing curiosity. Once he returned home he could possibly pass on the designs to the engineers of his kingdom and possibly get a leg up on their enemies. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nikias was dressed in a simple pair of pants and his upper body bare. He hadn’t donned battle armor since before he had left his homeworld. Which was his main reason for contacting Reclaimer Arms & Industrial. Taking no measures to his who he really was Nikias carried his lightsaber on his help[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and the gauntlet on his left arm that contained the emitter for his shield. A tool that had been of much aid since his initial journey out into the galaxy. His white hair was well kept and cut short as usual while a days’ worth of stubble was on his chin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Crossing over into the smaller shuttle Nikias saw his contact by the name of Karin. Seeing her completely covered in armor put the gravity of the situation in Nikias’ mind. He’d been told ahead of time what they would be doing to acquire the beskar[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and while he was a jedi he had been a warrior first. The thought of simply letting the bandits get away with what they had done didn’t sit right in Nikias’ chest. He would’ve gladly joined on the mission even without the promise of Beskar. “Karin I presume?” Nikias asked as he took his seat in the shuttle.[/SIZE]

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Like the distorted voice of Kylo Ren Miss Blonde's helmet would respond to the man in a deeper baritone that would mask her voice.

"That's correct." reaching on towards the controls Miss Blonde pressed a few levers and the ship disengaged from the frigate.

Pulling off and away the woman now with the Jedi onboard started their journey towards their destination. Which happened to be a small settlement of late beskar miners that had been gunned down by bandits and had their metal stolen. It was one of the many strip mined mines on the planet that held the precious ore and the woman was going to see to it that she got the metal to continue her training but to also make a profit.

"We're about to go somewhere that has a lot of bad people, no oxygen, and a lot more guns. A mine got hit three days ago by bandits, killed all the workers, and now I'm going to take care of them and take the ore. If you don't want a part in dealing out punishment I understand you Jedi types aren't ones to seek vengeance." Blonde said as she banked the ship and continued to make their way towards the objective.

"But these are killers, rapists, and wicked men. And they have what we want. And this ain't sanctum space, and it sure as hell ain't republic space. Out here things are handled by the barrel of gun. So the question you need to ask yourself is are you going to let wicked men get away with the sin of murder, or are you going to do something about it?"

The target was coming up in a few kilometers and Miss Blonde was itching to get inside to start blasting away at bandits. She loved it and it was always a blast to see them get blown away once they realized they couldn't raid anymore mines.

[SIZE=10pt]Having prepared for the planet Nikias had a standard re-breather since the planet had a type two atmosphere. Nikias wasn't the type to wear an enviro-suit anywhere unless it was necessary. So sitting back in his seat he let himself relax. Not truly bothered by the vocal tuner that Karin wore. For all Nik knew he could've been sitting next to a Sith and he wouldn't know. For one he lacked abilities in the sensing aspects of the force and had trouble sorting out life forms and presences in the force which made him pale in comparison to other Force Users. "Glad to be doing business with you then."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Listening to the story of what had happened to the miners[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias nodded his head hiding the emotions that he truly felt. Just hearing the words set a new flame ablaze inside him. He hated the thought of all the workers that had been killed and for those that would never see their families again. It was one of the worst things to imagine[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and sickened Nikias to his very core. "I think people listen to much about all the press spread about the jedi." Nikias said calmly as he checked over the rebreather to ensure that it was functional. "Not all of us just stand back and take the pacifist route. I have never[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] nor will I spare the lives of those who have made such decisions. They choice their own fate the moment they decided to kill an innocent." Nikias said letting the woman know that his choice had been made. He'd come on the mission for armor[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but now it was much more personal. It would be serving to avenge the miners that had been killed. Gold eyes flashing they were alive with a mix of emotions as Nikias began drawing on the force preparing his body for the fight soon to come. It started as a small bubble within him and slowly began spreading through him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nikias had once let an entire military unit that had been filled with similar beings as the ones that they were soon to fight. Not out of choice but due to being assigned to it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] it was his duty to go out into the field and ensure that those same vermin never returned to commit the same crimes. While also serving as a reprimand for Nikias' past failures. "Let's go hunting." [/SIZE]

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Vengeful Jedi, I like that." and that was all that needed to be said.

For the rest of the ride Miss Blonde didn't need to say anything else. The ship approached the mine and she quickly set the ship to autopilot before standing up and heading towards the back ramp where a gun rack was located. Grabbing a compact assault rifle and a few side arms the woman popped a few fresh clips into them and loaded up with various pieces of ammo.

The ship hovered above the mine and the enemy knew they were coming, all that could be done was breach and make sure they were taken care of. Moving to her data pad the woman ordered the ship to open fire on mine's front door and in a display of firepower the door was blown away and replaced with a ray shield to keep the mine pressurized.

"Stay behind me, and watch your corners." the ship's ramp opened and blonde jumped down to the floor letting the low gravity cushion her fall.

Once on the ground the woman ran forward and past the shield where dozens of blaster bolts started to fly. They had made into the mine now it was time to clear it. Popping up with her assault rifle the woman started to lay into the bandits with automatic fire doing what she could do suppress the enemy to give the Jedi a clear way into the building without being picked off.

[SIZE=10pt]It was finally time to get to work and while the ship was put into autopilot Nikias joined Karin to the ramp of the ship. Looking at the gun rack and examining the range of weapons and ammunition clips Nikias decided not to take one. First off he hadn’t been given permission[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and second he had rarely used ranged weaponry. On Hora most battle had been done with lightsaber combat which often negated the need to use a blaster.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Hmm.” Nikais said knowing that the order didn’t mean that he needed to say anything. The woman had obviously done this plenty of times and knew what she was talking about. Nikias was the one new to the operation[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] even if he wasn’t a stranger to combat. Letting Karin lead the way Nikias waited till after she entered the building before he jumped off the ramp of the ship landing on the ground of the planet with a roll. Rebreather on his face Nikias rose from the roll up into an immediate sprint for the building.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]As he passed through the ray shield Nikias raised his left arm and with a simple thought the shield emitter built into the gauntlet came to life. Expanding from it a gold shield of energy came to life with the lethal hum of a lightsaber behind it. With Karin keeping the first few miners pinned down Nikias pushed out with his right hand and from it a wave of energy left that knocked the miners out of their cover leaving them to be mowed down by Karin. [/SIZE]

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

"Moving!" Blonde shouted towards her Jedi comrade.

Jumping over the piece of cover Miss Blonde raised up her rifle and started to pick off those who had fallen to the ground with a spray here and burst there. She would then proceed to fire and maneuver forward without the hassle of having to deal with blaster fire. The power armor she wore absorbed most kinetic impacts and the phrik being highly energy resistant just dispersed the plasma as if it were water coming down on a stone.

"Right side! Inbound!" Blonde said as they cleared the entry hall.

Now inside the main mining facility it brought up more challenges. It means that they could be hit from multiple angles rather than just the people that were on the opposite end of the hallway. And so she informed the Jedi that coming from their right was a group of bandits armed with various weapons of destruction and even two in the rear setting up an E-Web.

Now Miss Blonde had other things to worry about like one of the Pirates on her left loading themselves into a rather large mining exo suit that stood almost seven meters tall. The woman loaded an explosive grenade into the under barrel of the rifle and swiftly dodged a swipe from the machines drill as it attempted to come down on her. The Jedi would need to deal with the Pirates before they set up a cross fire and cut them to pieces.
[SIZE=10pt]The moment Karin had started moving Nikias was on her six shield raised to provide protection from blaster bolts. All the blaster bolts that had been aimed at him had harmlessly bounced off his shield and into the walls or ceiling. Nikias took this time to appraise the sturdiness of Karin's armor as she walked through blasterbolts as though they were nothing. Can't wait to have my own set. Nikias thought following the woman into the main area of the facility. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]It seemed that as soon as they exited the entry hall the bandits had doubled their efforts to ensure that the two couldn't move further. "I got them!" Nikias said turning to his right and seeing them setting up their weapons. Even with his shield they would be sitting ducks as if he could block the shots with it that would just give the pirates a chance to flank them while they were pinned down. Bringing his shield up Nikias blocked three bolts from bandits who had broken off from the group setting up the E-web to provide covering fire. While some jedi would've been able to enhance their body and make it into the fray with plenty of time to stop the bandits setting up their weapon[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] that was something Nikias couldn't do. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Instead he settled for the easier thing to do[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] snatching the lightsaber hilt from his belt Nikias reared back his arm and hurled the blade holding out his right hand as a way to visualize his control over the saber and making it slightly easier on himself. The hum of the lethal weapon filled the halls as Nikias controlled it. With a slight shift of his index finger Nikias changed the direction of the blade slightly allowing it to cut through all three bandits that had broken off from their group. With another wave of his hand and flipping it palm up it obeyed curving through the air first slicing through the neck of the one trying to man the weapon and his allies that were setting it up. Finally summoning the weapon back[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] it snapped into his hand. Before he waved his index fingers to knock over the E-web gun.[/SIZE]

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Miss Blonde was too busy to go and help the Jedi, she had to trust that he could handle himself in a combat situation and judging by the amount of spinning blades and thumping bodies it seemed he had the situation under control. Now as for Miss Blonde she was busy murdering the crap out of this exo suit. The woman was latched on to the exo suits front and was punching punching the front furiously while it spun around flailing and trying to get her off.

Augmented punch after punch the front plate layer gave way and the woman swiftly grabbed a grenade to shove it in the hole and jump off. Hitting the ground in a roll she ducked behind a crate before the mining suit exploded in a burst of red and multi colored chemical flames. She looked up and saw the Jedi had taken care of his end and she was happy to see she didn't have to pick up the kid's slack.

"Beskar is in the back of the mine probably the storage area. Let's go." she said with her distorted voice.

The woman would then reach for her compact assault rifle and call it to her with the force. The rifle flew towards her and she swiftly caught it before they proceeded deeper into the mining facility where it got darker and darker as they went along.

"They are killing some of the lights. You got a light kid?" The woman asked as she switched her visor to low light mode.
[SIZE=10pt]Staring at the sight before him Nikias could do nothing but whistle as the woman walked away from the explosion. It almost seemed like something he'd seen out of a holofilm and wondered if it was her armor making her punches stronger or something else. Nikias wasn't naive enough to believe that there weren't force users in the galaxy that did their own thing[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] this woman could just be one of them. She hadn't shown any traits that made Nikias suspicious or on edge[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but of course this was business. Seldom did one want to show their true traits or they may scare off their customers. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nikias' suspicions were soon confirmed as he saw Karin summon a blaster rifle to her with the force. Nikias wasn't some traveling galaxy sellsman and had no intention on pawning off the thoughts of the Silver Sanctum or offering for her to join them. Karin had been well aware of the Sanctum on the ship so she probably knew all about it and those that served under its flag. "Who am I to complain if they don't want to lay it out for us?" Nikias asked mockingly as he looked at the damage and death that had been done. While he was a jedi he knew he wasn't supposed to take joy in the suffering and death of others but he simply couldn't help it. Nor did he want to.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Not answering Nikias simply pulled out a small glowstick and activated it before clipping it to his belt. Making his way to the opposite side of the hall from Karin[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias would appear to be a lone figure as the red glowstick illuminated his body and cast a dim glow a few inches around him. He had moved so as to not give away Karin[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] if the pirates thought there was only one they would be more likely to make a mistake and underestimate the gravity of the situation. [/SIZE]

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Blonde with her low light visor up scanned ahead of them and marked the location where the storeroom was, and that was thirty meters ahead of them and between them was a few bandits who decided to stick around after watching the display of brute force and death wrought upon their former coworkers. They must of thought they both didn't have low light modes and infrared lasers attached to their guns because when one stood up blonde immediately shifted and put one between his eyes.

"I'm going to give the rest of you a chance! Drop your weapons, put your heads down, and lay on the ground before I put you in it!" The only response she received was a few blaster bolts towards herself and the Jedi.

Her armor absorbed and dispersed the energy but she couldn't say the same about the rest. One by one she gunned each man down until her and Nik were the only ones left in the hallway. With the bandits dead Blonde looked over to the Jedi and pointed towards the locked storeroom door.

"That's all you, man. Get it open and let's get going." Blonde said with a very patient voice as she stepped past numerous dead bodies.
[SIZE=10pt]Pirates never learn their lesson. [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Nikias thought as he heard the woman he knew to be Karin give the pirates a warning. Nikias knew that they wouldn't do it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] one thing you could always count on was them trying to save their own hide[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] or giving in to their greed instead of common sense. Though even if they had gotten on the ground Nikias probably would've killed them[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] they'd taken the lives of innocent miners and didn't deserve to keep their own. They had a world for such prisoners near his home planet[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and it was wrought with wildlife that was out to kill the prisoners that were dropped off there. Raising his shield Nikias deflected away the blasterbolts aimed at him and simply watched as Karin mowed them down. There was none of the overwhelming jedi compassion and trying to save their lives[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] only Nik's cold silence as his gold eyes watched them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Deactivating the shield and placing a hand against the locked storeroom door Nikias formed a telekinetic shield around his hand and reared it back before releasing a punch at the wooden door as he'd been taught. Upon impact the telekinetic shield would release the force against the door causing it to shoot open hanging halfway off the hinges. Inside the storeroom was a hovercart filled with beskar ore that had yet to be processed. Examining it Nikias nodded his head and activated the cart. "Yea let’s get out of here[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] the scent of dead rats turns my stomach." Pushing the cart out the room Nikias would follow Karin back to the ship.[/SIZE]

[member="Miss Blonde"]

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