Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do you like Piña Coladas?

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
The first thing Audrey took note of was the odd tension that suddenly sparked between [member="Alask Diruno"] and both [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Zatten Black"], the latter seeming to have more reason given his reaction to him. Obviously this was something that would hinder the relaxation everyone here, including Audrey herself, was trying to take advantage of. With an annoyed grunt she stood and got in-between the two. Looking back between them with her cold eyes peeking out from the black vizors she wanted to make it clear that the two would listen.

"If both of you are going to start killing each other or something, I suggest taking it further down and away from this part of the beach. People here are trying to relax after all." She then looked to the one called Alask and said "As for you, whoever you are, I suggest you not make a scene. Not unless you want to deal with me. And trust me when I say I am in no sort of mood today for it."

She stood there with her arms crossed and in a commanding demenor the whole time. If he was going to try anything she'd be ready to react however she would. She wasn't intimidated by him in the least. She'd dealt with far worse after all.

However her attention was drawn by the arrival of [member="Tahl Edrel"], whom she had not met but only knew from the Red Raven records. She knew he was a member, or at least a close ally, and figured there was likey going to be some sort of shenanigans to come from him. Just the look of the little creature had sent signals into her mind.

She only waved to him before hearing [member="Anastasia Rade"] mention a cantian that served drinks, to which Audrey replied "If they allow for smoking, them I'll join you for some. I could use a refreshment or two."

(Show of hands, who wants to see uptight Audrey let loose and get drunk? lol)
Chroma Zed was a great place as far as Maxie was concerned. As long as they let him keep driving his car over the dunes like he was, he had no complaints. Old Red was purring like a cat as he drove over huge piles of sand, and through a rocky arch. He was singing along to MC Mallet, an old favorite of his.

When he saw the crowd of people, he pulled up and got out to see what was going on. Outside of Old Red, it was sweltering hot, and Maxie did something he almost never did: He took off his battered green jacket. He left the sleeveless shirt, and his pants, with the guns strapped to them on, but he took off his boots. The chick sitting in his afro chirped happily, and his dog jumped up to one of the women, a lonely lady with glasses, and pounced.

"Damn! I'm sorry, really. Little bastard's got more energy than he knows what to do with."

[member="Audrey Thénardier"]
Cryax was quite protective of her and it was very sweet of him. She didn't need his protection but knowing that he was there for her was very comforting. The way he treated her made her love him even more.

"Yes, I say we all stop this fighting right now. It's silly and we all came here for some relaxation and fun. You all can get back to your regularly scheduled wars tomorrow." She grinned waving her hand around as she spoke. If they were to have a party well Ana was going to make the most of it. "Drinks are on me and I bet I can drink all of you under the table."

As much as Mandalorians loved war and fighting they also enjoyed life. Family was the most important thing to them and there was nothing like knocking a couple back with family. They had taught her how to hold her liquor and soon she would be able to see how well these folks could. Ana knew her boyfriend couldn't hold his but she had yet to see him completely wasted.

"Who is with me? You and the chick can come too." Why not? The more the marrier.

[member="Cryax Bane"][member="Audrey Thénardier"][member="Maxis Vellum"][member="Kadrak Jalaan"][member="Aurora Starr"][member="Alask Diruno"][member="Zatten Black"][member="Tahl Edrel"]
Who was this guy to suggest a bloodbath? He's seen him somewhere before but he wasn't this crazy. "I didn't suggest any fighting." he said standing up putting his hand to his side. "Alask? Don't know who that is. Must be one of my victims." Under the hoodd was a smile. It seemed fun to toy with people even though he'd been taught better.

Walking over to the man that questioned him about swim clothing he said, "I don't know. Guess I've never thought about swimming.... well in water that is." Finally turning to the woman who seemed to hold power, he gave a really wide smile. "What, your going to get at me for doing nothing? That's quite funny." Obviously, this wasn't relaxation. Alask headed towards his ship after ignoring the other comments.

[member="Zatten Black"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Aurora Starr"] [member="Maxis Vellum"] [member="Kadrak Jalaan"] [member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Audrey Thénardier"]
Arrogance was not Kadrak's cup of tea, less so when it came from one who looked to be a Jedi. She'd had her fair share of sour experiences to have a reason to at the very least dislike most of the Order. And this one, it seemed, wasn't any different. "If you're smart you'll keep your weapons away. And if you know half of what's good for you, you'll stop before you're ahead." Her hand almost dropped to where her blaster pistol would typically be holstered, but she checked herself at the last moment. It was possible that the weapon wouldn't have changed the situation any, but it certainly would have put her more at ease.

As if to calm him she gently traced the top of Zatten's hand with her thumb, glancing sideways to him with a crooked smile. She was perfectly aware his threats weren't idle, but if this Alask was anything that he made him out to be in the few sentences he spoke, then things would turn ugly in the next few seconds unless the kid suddenly wised up. Which hardly ever happened, more so with his sort. Blasted Jedi, thinking they were better than everyone else.

And, unfortunately, he continued speaking. With a quiet sigh she studied him as he walked away, a wry smile playing on her lips. For once, it seemed he would be doing the smart thing. That was a first. "Now that he's out of the way..." She squeezed Zatten's hand again. "Must have been one of your many friends, huh?" The rhetorical question wasn't without it's irony, as the both of them knew perfectly well that he always seemed to attract his share of enemies, whether purposefully or no.

Flashing a smile, she looked to [member="Anastasia Rade"]. "I wouldn't make that bet until you've seen how much Zatt can drink. It's hard enough to get him drunk, and even harder to give him a hangover."

[member="Zatten Black"], [member="Tahl Edrel"], @, [member="Audrey Thénardier"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Alask Diruno"], [member="Maxis Vellum"]

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
With the man, Alask, out of the way Audrey smirked, seeing as they could get back to what everyone was trying to do: have a good time. Her little moment of victory was cut short when a dog ran up to her and started stradling her leg. In her mind she prayed he wasn't trying to do what she feared he would while trying to push him off of her. She wasn't a fan of dogs, mainly because she thought they were too rambuncious of animals to have as pets. Cats and the like, however, were more her thing.

When [member="Maxis Vellum"] finally managed to pull the dog away and apologized Audrey tried fixing herself while wiping the slobber from her hands. She wound up scrapping it against his clothing while saying "No need to worry. Just make sure he doesn't do it again, or you might want to consider having him fixed." with an annoyed tone.

Audrey turned back to the others when [member="Anastasia Rade"] had made the challenege of trying to out drink her and everyone else. While never one for getting involved in such things, due to past experiences, Audrey had perked at the chance to at least let lose for today. If anything she may prove her liver was better at holding her drink more than [member="Cryax Bane"] and [member="Zatten Black"].

"I'll wager that little game." she said to Ms. Rade, holding her finger up to garter attention. "Let me get my things and then I'll show you how a real woman drinks."

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]
I watched the little prig leave, and squeezed Kadrak's hand back. I shook my head angrily, and put my mouth near her ear to whisper.

"Attempted apprentice. I think he even tried to kill me, once."

Deciding that was enough explanation for now, I just glanced around at everybody else, and grinned.

"Nothing can outdrink me... Except possibly some kind of genetic experiment. But I've never met one."

I thought about it for a second, and then shrugged.

"Also, I think Cryax and Kadrak both had their first experience of my hangovers at the same time. It involved me flying through a window."

[member="Audrey Thénardier"] [member="Kadrak Jalaan"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member='Cryax Bane']
"Hah! I can hold drink like a barrel, I'm in!" he laughed~ the Whiphid didn't often get the chance to relax, and we was gonna use it by getting drunk off his face~ the best way to spend it!
Cryax smiled enthusiastically at the addtion of his Whiphid friend and his droid. "Tahl! Good to see that you and your R4 took me up on my offer." The Chiss patted Tahl's droid on the head. "How are you little buddy?" As the R4 wisecracked, Cryax laughed. "Yeah yeah, I'm going to have to get you a "World's Best Droid" mug aren't I?" Then another man joined them along with a menagerie of animals, and he had to stifle a laugh as the dog got a little too affectionate with Audrey.

At the mention of a drinking contest, the Chiss perked up. Cryax himself was a lightweight when it came to alcohol, but it was an entertaining way to spend a hot afternoon in the company of friends and his lovely girlfriend whom he was eagerly anticipating seeing in her bikini. He'd not known Anastasia to drink much so the news that she was game for a contest such as this intrigued him.

The Chiss smiled widely at his girlfriend. "No offense, ch'eo ch'acah, but my credits might be on Zatten. We went out for a night of drinking and lets just say I certainly couldn't hold my own with him." He then turned towards Kadraak and gave her a sheepish grin. "I still never apologized to you for my rudeness that night. I was probably pretty out of line."

[member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Zatten Black"] [member="Audrey Thénardier"] [member="Kadrak Jalaan"] [member="Maxis Vellum"]
The question was almost on her lips before Zatten answered it for her with a quiet whisper. If she was completely honest, it didn't really surprise her. It wouldn't be the first time someone had tried to kill him for no reason, and it certainly wouldn't be the last, if she knew him well at all. In answer she murmured, "You might have to elaborate sometime. I never saw you as one for taking on an apprentice."

With that out of the way she looked to the group with another smile, their confidence in the drinking game almost ironically amusing. If only they knew. But she wouldn't try to dissuade them any longer. "That was a hangover? It just seemed like a regular day to me. Especially when you consider the fact that someone almost always tries to injure you in some way on a daily basis. It's a slow day, otherwise." She looked up at him with a teasing smile, as he knew just as well as she did the statement was true.

At Cryax's apology all she did was shrug. "Hey, no harm, no foul. Let's just say you're one of the better drunks I've seen, and leave it at that." She looked to Zatten pointedly. "And you don't count, because it's almost impossible, if that, to get you drunk, let alone give you a hangover."

"I'll join in on the game, though. It would be rude of me not to."

[member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Zatten Black"], [member="Anastasia Rade"], [member="Tahl Edrel"], [member="Maxis Vellum"], [member="Audrey Thénardier"]
I winked at Kadrak, still grinning, and gestured broadly to everybody.

"Well, let's see if any of you can beat me."

I pointed at Cryax, and mimed a finger gun.

"If I lose, Cryax can keep those credits he sliced. If I win, well... They were mine anyway."

That was another story to explain later. A funny one, too.

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"] [member="Audrey Thénardier"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
"I wouldn't do that cyar'ika I'm going to be drinking Zatten under the table." She grinned winking at him. She had experience drinking and had been experimented on too. Ana would probably be the closest thing he would come to being matched.

Since they were in company she would keep her clothes on even if everyone else was in a swimsuit. The swimsuit really was only for swimming as she didn't want a bunch of stares.

"If you lose to me, Cryax is going to buy me something nice with those credits he stole." She smiled lightly squeezing Cryax's arm as she began moving them towards where this cantina was supposed to be. They were talking a lot and not a lot of drinking. She wanted to change this.

[member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Zatten Black"], [member="Tahl Edrel"],[member="Maxis Vellum"], [member="Audrey Thénardier"] [member="Kadrak Jalaan"]

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
Hearing all the bets being made Audrey smirked, even though she felt left out. She intended to drink as well yet didn't have any sort of challeneges as personl as between Bane and Zatten and the others. Still the prospect of it all did intrigue her. It reminded her of when she was younger, during her more reckless times, when she would drink herself silly with her friends and her family, in some instances.

Once she;d finally collected all of her things she spoke up and said "You men think you're so durable? Heh. I'll wager myself or any one of us woman will be able to drink you out until you're blind for three days. Am I right, ladies?" she asked, hearing thier responses. After that she gave a smirk and said "Come, Mr. Bane. Time I showed you and your friends how to really drink."

With that she strode with them towards the cantina where, as they walked, Audrey already played through the situation in her mind given how many times it happened to her before. She just hoped she'd do better than against soe of her friends from back in school.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Zatten Black"] [member="Kadrak Jalaan"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Tahl Edrel"]
As they took their places at the cantina bar, Cryax gave Anatasia a huge grin and wrapped his arms around her. "If you say you can out-drink Black I believe you. You know, either way, I'll be here to hold your hair if you're sick." With that he tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and chuckled. "And of course I'll buy you something nice with those stolen credits." He flashed a smile at Zatten. "You'll have to tell me how you found out that was me. Who is this mystery slicer you've been hiding?"

The Chiss turned towards Audrey. "Challenge accepted Lady Thenardier, but my credits aren't on myself in this game. I'm a horrible drunk. I'm the king of awkward comments, and I pick fights. Seriously, you ladies will be carrying me out of here." He gestured towards the Zabrak. "Kadrak can attest. She's seen me at my worst. And Kadrak, if I'm one of the better drunks you've seen, I feel bad for you."

Cryax flagged down the bartender. He didn't know what everyone was drinking, but he figured it was safe to start with a round of shots.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Zatten Black"] [member="Kadrak Jalaan"] [member="Audrey Thénardier"] [member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Maxis Vellum"]
"I'm sure that, whatever his story is, it involves copious amounts of drinking and, if we're lucky, someone else getting thrown through a window." With a grin she glanced towards Zatten. "Pardon me if I just told the story there, but we'll call it a lucky guess." She leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Or maybe you do have a slicer you've been keeping a secret. Unless you've been putting your, hmm, 'little brother' to work instead?" The AI that, for the most part, controlled his ship wasn't something many knew about, and she wagered herself to be among the three or four that knew the secret, if the number was indeed even that big.

All she could do was shrug, once more, at Cryax's comment. "You don't really need to. If people get too handsy, I show them where to keep their advances. Otherwise a blaster bolt between the eyes fixes things up, right quick." Kadrak spoke idly of it, the thought not really bothering her. If someone had to be taken out of comission for her life to continue on unhindered, then so be it.

As Cryax ordered a round of shots an amused smile found her lips. It wouldn't be the first time she'd done as such with the Chiss slicer, and the results of his drinking still stood out fresh in her mind. But, if anything, it was more of an amusing memory than anything that truly bothered her. That took more of an art than a few misdirected comments.

[member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Audrey Thénardier"], [member="Anastasia Rade"], [member="Zatten Black"], [member="Tahl Edrel"]

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