Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do You Have A Sample

On that planet of Drunkenwell, in the city of Kalandra a two head, four armed humanoid sat over a desk in the council chambers of Kalandra. One of the heads was concentrating heavily on some data pads in front of it and a holomap of the city, while the other played some sort of game on a hand held device. They sat at a large wooden desk in the council chambers of Kalandra. Suddenly the comm beeped and a message played.​
The head, looking at the data pads, snapped up. "Cobbler cease playing that damned game!"

The head know as 'Cobbler' looked to the one that spoke. "But it's fun! Your such a kark Dobbleresh." Cobbler threw a data pad across the room and cross his set of arms.

"Speak again guardsmen." Dobbleresh said.

The guard stated his message once more. "The Hutt has arrived me Lord."

Dobbleresh's eyes widen and he looked to Cobbler. "Be on your very best behavior when this Hutt arrives." His voice almost cracking with excitement.

[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
The Hutt slid across the floor into the city chamber. He had a small entourage of slaves and assistants with him. They all helped carry various food items. Once he reached the doors, on of his slaves opened them and introduced him.

"The Great Jemba." The small man bowed as he let the Hutt slide past him.

Jemba moved right up to the desk, his slaves following him. "I wish to set up a restaurant in your fine city." The Hutt slid his hand into a small bowl that one of his slaves carried and pulled out a chuba, he chucked the live creature down his throat all the while waiting for the troig's answer.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Dobbleresh looked about the servents and nodded. "I believe that we might be able to make it work. What did you have in mind?" He gestured for Jemba to get comfortable, as he pulled up a holomap for the city.

"Now, obviously there better location you get the more we take as a percentage and the more you initially pay." Dobbleresh tried to remain as serious as possible while Cobbler began to start fidget with part of his shirt.

[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
The Hutt smiled it's smiley grin. "Perhaps if I let you two fine gentlemen taste my goods, then it might help lower the price."

With the clap of his surprisingly clean hands, servants would begin to offer various plates, bowls and cups of foods and drinks to the troig.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
As the food was offered to them, Cobbler couldn't help himself. He began to pile the delicious food into his mouth barely stopping for a breath. On the other side, Dobbleresh was more polite in eating, he even thanked the servant.

"Dobbler! This Hutt can sets up anywhere 'e wants!" As Cobbler spoke Dobbleresh both metaphorically and physically bit his tongue.

"Jemba, this food is quite delicious as my foolish friend has stated. And I am sure that if you continue to serve such good food you will have a prosperous business." He looked over the holomap and down the main street of Kalandra. There was a small lot with some ruined buildings on it. "Perhaps there?" Dobbleresh pointed to the location his finger.

[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
Jemba smiled as the troig enjoyed his meal. "I can't help myself!" He said as he flailed his arms in the air. Jemba took a large portion of the meal and shoveled it down his mouth.

Finally once they all finished he looked to the holomap. "Sounds like a plan. But who much will it cost?" Jemba was almost worried, then he thought of something. "Bah, send my Lord Sempra the bill!"

As he said the words, a slave pulled up a holocom hoping to get in touch with Sempra.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]
There was but a moment Before the circling green cartel sigil blurred away presenting the blueish image of Sempra the hutt.

"Most venerable cousin! Is something troubling you?" he asked with a worried expression. If anything would have hapened to his favourite chef there would be blood spilt,

[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
The large form of Jemba bowed as deep as a Hutt could. "My Lord Sempra. I must ask something of you." He looked from Sempra to Dobbleresh. "I ask that you would pay the fee for me to set up my establishment here. Of coarse you would get a cut of the profit."

Jemba licked his lips as he awaited Sempra's answer.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Sempras posture relaxed somewhat. He made a note about tracking [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"] better in the furture so that he could have his men near by in case he ended up in danger.

"That is what we have agreed upon dear cousin." he declared and turned his head toward Dobbleresh.

"Mr Dobleresh, see to it that my cousin, the venerable Jemba recieves a good location. The funding will be handled shortly. And no tricks with the building, if I learn that there is a moist problem or anything else that might endanger his food or reputation I will make sure the Jackals hear of your poor managing efforts in Kalandra." the last line was a clear threat.
Cobbler glanced nervously down at the table. "Make sure you give him the good location." He said as he pulled on his and Dobbleresh.

"Yes I will, now hush!" Dobbleresh said to Cobbler.

He then looked to Sempra. "He will get the best location available your Greatship. I will personally make sure that there are no tricks with the building or land." Dobbleresh was use to getting threats from the numerous thugs on Kalandra. But to be threaten by a powerful Hutt was something else.

"For the land we have in mind it will be 37,000 credits. Unless you wanted a different piece of land." Dobbleresh was calm during the negotiating of the price, it was something that he had always been good at.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
Jemba shook his head. "That land will do." He almost seemed like a young child who had his sights set on getting the newest toy.

"Thank you for your support my Lord Sempra." Jemba said as he looked back to the hologram. "I will make sure there is a constant supply of food for you." He said as he licked his lips.

[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

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