Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do You Come Here Often?

Taris - Lower Levels - 2037 Local Time

The Coal's Luster Cantina was the local watering hole that Kalous had found himself in for the night. Hating even the idea of consuming any of these so-called adult beverages; Kalous wasn't here to order a round and sing along with the band. No, Kalous was at this venue for the same reason he had been to at least one cantina on every planet that he had visited over the last few weeks--information. This information, however, was the sort that could only be found within the seedy underbellies of society.

A job, that was the information that Kalous sought. After losing his fortune, Kalous had found that maintaining his own ship, and body, was far more expensive than he had realized it would be. At this point he had no crew to split costs, or profits, but what he did have was a willingness to do almost any job to get a chunk of credits toward his next refueling. This want--need--for credits found him in this cantina, of all places, and this night he hoped he would find exactly what he was looking for.

The cantia was as shady as any other in the galaxy. There were obvious spores of mold and dilapidated fixtures littering the atmosphere. The ambiance was something more akin to a waste dump than a place for people to eat and drink. That was what most of the lower levels of Taris were like, unfortunately, and these conditions sickened Kalous to a point that he would silently dwell on what he could do to help these people--if getting paid didn't mean as much as it did. Either way, the lights were dim, gambling was rampant, and the bouncers were--seemingly--throwing someone out of the door every hour--a typical night.

Walking into the cantina; Kalous first noticed a friendly table in the corner of the room--a perfect position to protect his flanks while he attempted to relax--and so that is where he started his journey for the night. Taking a seat, Kalous left his right hand on the handle of his pistol as he surveyed the rest of the cantina. He knew that somewhere--someone--had a job willing to be had.

[member="Anastasia Rade"]

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