Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do Unto Others (Akodya)

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Valx woke up from a long sleep, more like a mini coma. Where was he? It took a minute, but then he remembered what had happened. That other padawan who went by the name Akodya had got him severely injured. He could not "see" and his head was hurting profusely. This was her fault. She caused this. He would get her back. he was building up this hatred. Emotion was a tool of the Dark Side. Valx was a Jedi. He needed to control his emotions, forgive her. But he couldn't. She hurt him.

"Akodya," Valx shouted, "Where are you!?"

No one was around or he would've sensed them, he guessed it was probably nighttime and everyone was asleep. He struggled against the wires attached to him. How long had he been out? Hours? days? Valx shook his head to clear his thoughts. He'd need to catch up on lost time. His recovery would be difficult too. The pounding in his head grew worse as he groggily sat up, taking a drink of water. Fantastic. His first week as a padawan and he's already hurt.

Akodya Mune

"I'm here, no need to bellow like a wounded bantha. Other people are trying to sleep."

The young padawan emerged from the small supply room that was linked onto the medibay with to bottles in her hands. After the incident that had occurred a few weeks back, Akodya had volunteered to help heal the wounded padawan. Partly because she thought she could use the practice, but mostly because she had been feeling guilt ridden ever since she saw him double over in pain in a pool of his own blood. She wondered if he had felt her presence or he had just called out her name in anguish after accidentally causing his injuries. She could sense Valx's frustration as he wriggles around the bed, loosening the wires that were attached to his body. She'd been working on pulling him out of the coma for a few days now, after being able to seal the massive whole in his chest without leaving a scar. Sighing she walked over to Valx, who had managed to sit up, and pressed her soft hand to his forehead, lightly forcing him back down.

"Stay on your back, if you strain yourself you will fall right back into that coma." She said quietly, but firmly, to the other padawan. She was exhausted...she had been up all night, her long hair that was usually tied up neatly was sticking up from lack of sleep, constantly getting in her eyes.

@[member="Valx Raizod"]

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx thrashed around violently, "This is your fault," He lashed out.

He didn't know why he was acting like this, but he immediately realized the error of his ways. The Dark Side was manipulating his emotions. Valx had to control himself if he was going to become a Jedi.

"I--I apologize... You have to help me, @[member="Akodya Mune"], for I cannot do this alone," Valx spoke in a hushed, vulnerable tone.

He felt himself slipping away...back into his slumber...

Akodya Mune

The other padawan began thrashing around violently, his muscles tence and his lips curling into a snarl. Pure rage was present on the young man's face. Akodya's eyes widened at the outburst and snatched back her hand, before studying Valx with a scrutinising gaze. There was a dark presence about him that she couldn't shake from her system. What was up with him.

After a quick apology sanity seemed to grasp him once again and his expression softened as he slipped back to sleep. Why couldn't she stabilizing him? Frowning Akodya rubbed her eyes before emptying the pair of bottles into a dish of water set out on the bedside table. The contence would help relax him while he was asleep so his rest could be as pain free as possiable. Dipping a cloth into the liquid for a few minutes and ringing it out, she folded it up and pressed it gently to his forehead. Now he could breathe in the medicene with ease.

Yawning, the padawan say down in the chair that faced the bed, her eyes not wavering from her patient. "What did you mean by that Valx..." She whispered to herself, chewing his words over in her mind.

"What can't you do alone?"

@[member="Valx Raizod"]

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx shot up in a cold sweat, noticing @[member="Akodya Mune"] breathing in the corner. By the timing of her breaths, she was asleep. He was still relatively angry about the incident, but he didn't have the energy to continue to sulk. Maybe one day he could forgive her, but he was too hurt right now.

"Akodya...," Valx whispered.

He tried sensing where she was, but to no avail. His Force powers weren't quite back yet, so he couldn't sense where she was at. He tore off the cords attached to him and shimmied out of his bed, taking a few wobbly steps before falling and letting out a shriek of pain and surprise. Valx fumbled for something to grab onto, which happened to be his blankets, and pulled them trying to support himself. His meal tray fell off and clattered to the ground. He laid there in agonizing pain...

Akodya Mune

Akodya suddenly awoke to a yell and a crash, jolting up before jumping to her feet. Her wide eyes locked on Valx who lay on the floor trembling in pain. Stang. Rushing to his side Akodya carefully but firmly wrapped one arm around his legs and one around his shoulders and hoisted him up back into the bed. Once the padawan was safely back were he should be, Akodya quickly studied the wound to make sure he hadn't broken it again. Blood trickled from the very top of the now smaller hole in his torso. Cursing under her breath the girl rushed to get fresh bandages. She dressed it has fast as she could, her long loose hair tickling his skin as she worked. Once the slash had been covered she hovered her open palm over it. Taking a sharp breath inwards Akodya focused her energy on the slice, picturing the torn flesh knitting itself together neatly and cleanly. A faint blueish glow began to softly burn over her hand and the wound, the Jedi commanding the force to heal and kill a bit of the pain.

After a few moments the glow faded and the broken skin had been repaired. Snatching back her hand Akodya stood up with a sigh. Pushing her hair out of her face. He refused to listen. She had told him not to move for a reason, didn't she? Looking down at the food littered around the bed and the blankets pulled into a pile, it was safe to say Valx still lacked the strength to see. Akodya had actually only been informed off Valx's situation with his sight recently...if she hadn't been told she probably would have never guessed it herself. The boy used the force to see because of his blindness, much like how a Miraluka would. Placing the cloth back on his forehead Akodya stared down at him before going to clean up the mess.

"I believe I told you to stay put, Valx. If you need anything, call for me and I'll do it." She said quietly.

@[member="Valx Raizod"]

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx lay on the bed smiling faintly and mouthing the words "thank you" to @[member="Akodya Mune"]. She had taken care of him, and as a padawan healer, she did a fine job. He had realized that his emotions were preventing him from forgiving her. It should've been water under the bridge by now, but this was personal. She made a careless mistake, and it proved fatal to him. As he laid there in bed, wincing in pain, he knew he needed to forgive her, but he was too blinded by anger to even acknowledge her presence in a polite way. It was going to be a long road to recovery, and he had no doubt that Akodya would play a prominent role one way or another.

Valx coughed and fumbled around for his water cup, "water," he said dryly.

He felt his forehead, noticing the bruises and gashes on his head. He then felt his stomach, noting there was no scar anywhere. The washcloth did help to soothe his pain a little, but his eyes and head pounded. He couldn't remember hardly anything about the injury, save Akodya was the reason he was in here. They both definitely had some relationship problems to work out after he recovered...

Akodya Mune

As she scraped up the last of the food on the floor, Akodya missed the word's Valx was forming silently. Once she discarded it, she returned to her patient who was aimlessly feeling around for something. Raising an eyebrow at him, Akodya watched at waited as he struggled to say what he wanted so desperately. After a while the word 'water' left his lips, his voice horse.

Akodya nodded and stood up. "Of course, I won't be but a minute." She said calmly and sweetly, switching from regular stiff Akodya voice to her nursing healer tone. She wondered if he still blamed her for the accident. Guilt took her by surprise once again as the thought back to that day. She had been reassured she had done nothing wrong, as she was only trying to defend her team mate. Her memories drifted back to when Valx mis calculated his jump and ended up driving the blade through his abdomen. Shaking the images of blood from her head she returned her attention to the task at hand. Taking the cup that had not fallen from the bedside table, she left to fill it with fresher, cool water. She returned shortly with the cup to see the boy was touching his own head and chest torso, probably trying to get an idea of his injuries.

Kneeling down next to the table Akodya gently slipped her smaller hand around his and placed the cup in his palm to let him know it was there, before curling his fingers around it. She didn't want to take away his independence by bringing the drink to his mouth, as she suspected he'd want to feel helpless.

"There. Anything else Padawan Raizod?" She said, deciding formal was better in this situation.

@[member="Valx Raizod"]

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx took a drink and coughed. She was the reason for his injuries. She threw the rock at him. She was to blame for this whole incident. She would have to live with this guilt. He didn't intend on forgiving her anytime soon either.

"Thank you," He said quietly, as he took another drink.

Usually Valx was an easy-going, temperate man, but since the accident, he'd been filled with hate. It was the Dark Side trying to get a foothold in his life. He needed to eliminate that from his life if he was going to become a Jedi Knight. He could tell that she wasn't going to make this any easier on him in the future. Of course, the same could be said for Valx too. Valx finished the water and set it back on the table and laying back. He could still sense her watching him. She was a very polite girl and humble too. He liked that.

"Akodya..." Valx whispered.

@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Akodya Mune

"Yes?" She asked in response to Valx quietly whisper her first name and waited for his reply. Akodya wasn't to fond of the idea of people he hardly knew addressing her by her given name. It was to fond and familiar, she'd expect her master to call her Akodya...but other than that no one else got away with it. She was starting to think he was just saying her name for the heck of it, to get a reaction from her. Sometimes he spat it in disgust, sometimes he muttered it weakly, and other times he murmured it with a calm and soft voice. It was as if he was trying to decide between hating her and trying to make peace. Because of his weakened state, Akodya let it slide this time.

The young jedi healer resisted the urge to yawn as she rubbed her weary eyes, waiting for Valx to speak. She could understand the struggle, waking up from a coma was almost as bad as dealing with hibernation sickness. She could sense the mixture of emotions rushing around the other padawan, he was probably frustrated and angry, as well as in pain.

@[member="Valx Raizod"]

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx reached up and caressed her cheek. It was then that he leaned up and kissed her, full on the lips, passionately and tenderly. He knew if anyone found out it would mean certain expulsion from the Order, but he didn't care. This would either mend their relationship or make it a living hell for them both. And he realized once again that he playing his emotions, a dangerous game.

He gently pulled back so no one would see, after all, it was fairly late anyway. He ran his fingers down her face, feeling the contours of her face.

"I'm sorry..." Valx whispered apologetically.

@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Akodya Mune

Slowly in the dim light of the medibay Valx reached out and gently brushed his rough fingers over her cheek. Akodya's body tensed and she flinched away a little. She was about to move back when he leaned up and pressed his lips against her own in a fervent kiss. No one had ever given her such an intimate sign of affection. She was to shocked to move. Once the boy parted the embrace her mind started whirling. How the hell was she to react to that? She was overcome by the urge to slap him across the face. How dare he do something to her! emotions began to boil and bubble in the pit of her stomach as she gawked wide eyed at the other padawan.

"W-Why the hell did you do that?!" She stammered shuffling back to give herself some distance from Valx, almost forgetting his fingers were still tracing her face.

@[member="Valx Raizod"]

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx whispered in the night, "Shh... people are sleeping."

He smiled and gently retracted his hand, closing his eyes. Her lips were like the mouth of an angel. Her skin was a far contrast from his rough, bruised hands. This is as intimate as Valx had ever been, with anyone. He laid back and slowly fell asleep. Maybe this was the budding of a new relationship. Now, she was mad, but later she would get over her shock and anger...

@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Akodya Mune

The boy slowly took back his hand as he lay to rest once again, a small smile playing on his lips. Akodya scowled down at him, frustration beginning to overwhelm her. Stang. He looked so damn SMUG. He didn't even answer her question, which was the very LEAST he could do after KISSING HER. In a way, she felt violated. Shouldn't you give a little warning before attempting something like that? Isn't that how it worked? He was weak, sure, but he could have asked. She was so furious now she couldn't even look at him. Getting up she began to pace around the room, tapping her finger on her lips that Valx had just touched. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she tried to think a little bit clearer. Valx was not in his right mind. He was hallucinating. He didn't mean anything by it. He can't have...

"Do you even know what a gesture like that even implies, Valx..." She muttered under her breath, aware he was fast asleep. He'd stolen her first kiss. Something very valuable to her. She had been under the impression he hated her, and then he goes and does...does that. Akodya turned to study the boy with eyes like slits. Judging by the expression he wore as he slept, he'd enjoyed himself.

@[member="Valx Raizod"]

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