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Approved Tech Divine Intervention

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  • Intent: Create a weapon for Slayer for his various killing needs.
  • Image Source: DooM Eternal Supershotgun Doom Eternal.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Classification: Side-by-side Double barrel Shotgun
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type:
  • Scattershot
  • Incendiary
  • Any Shotgun based round...

[*]Ammunition Capacity: 2 Rounds. However, Fires both at the same time.
Reload Speed: Average

[*]Effective Range: Long Range
[*]Rate of Fire: Low
[*]Stopping Power: Extreme
[*]Recoil: High
  • Two Barrels is All You Need: Two barrels, firing at the same time, at quite a distance that can rival some other conventional weaponry on the battlefield, with various kinds of rounds ranging from two hard hitting slugs, scatter shot, Incendiary, Explosive, Ionite, or a mix of all of the above? Devastating is about as close of a word as you can get.
  • Skull Basher: With the amount of weight and heft with this weapon, should someone get within close enough range, it can second as a bludgeon.
  • Get Over Here: Giant hook, meant for grappling onto things, Be it enemy, wall, Ceiling, or otherwise.
  • Mine: Difficult for Force users to take the shotgun from someone's hands with the force. Or use the force around the wearer. Protecting the wearer from Saber Jockies, and more.
  • Two Barrels is All You Get: As with any weapon that has a extremely low magazine or none at all, Reloading is pretty much the limiter on how fast you can fire the gun, as well as requiring the person to gather the ammo they want, load it up, then fire it for a second set. Just enough time for really fast combatants to close the gap.
  • Long Walks on the Beach: This is a heavy gun. It was built heavy to help reduce recoil as much as possible. Even then, there is still quite a bit. Hefting this gun around is not one for people of weak stature, or who are clearly not of the physically inclined prowess.
  • Not Much Reach: As with any kind of Grappling Hook, The reach is limited due to the usage being attached to a shotgun. Meaning it can only reach about 25 meters. However, the farther one reaches, the easier it is for people to grab, intercept, or disrupt its path. It should be used with caution.
  • No Forcies: With utilizing a Void Stone within the Shotgun, there is an area around the wielder that severely hampers the usage of the force upon the shotgun, and the wielder. The further you are away, the less of an effect it holds.

In a world governed by Monsters, Force Imbued Weapons, Saber Jockeys, and Giant Creatures, there has to be something to bring them down a notch or two... or seven. Typically, to take out one so powerful, another needs to rise in its place. However, there have been advancements in technology that allow beings such as Slayer to pick up a weapon, and stand toe to toe with these kinds of beings.

This is only one of many.

A double barrel shotgun. Hatch design with an under-barrel grappling hook attachment to allow rapid movement around an area, ensnare enemies, or to just close the distance on a foe so the twin barrels can be shoved down their throat, and ended with a single pull of the trigger. Only enhanced through the addition of a Voidstone hidden in the grip of the weapon, inhibiting the use of the force. While to a significant degree right at the epicenter, it wanes in effectiveness the further one is away.

That isn't all. Effective with pretty much any kind of shotgun, scatter gun, or Slug based round, opens up the opportunity for one to use a multitude of rounds, or even combination of rounds that can be effective against whatever the user may face. With quite a heavy stock, and using extremely durable materials, Its just as effective as a bludgeon as it is shooting. However, its preferred method of use is to load it up with whatever rounds one wants, and let the loud crack of the weapon speak for the owner.
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