Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dive into the past?

Factory Judge
I would like to possibly do a Roleplay were a group of people would be in the past and take part of the major battles or a major turning point in the past. like order 66 or the battle on Endor. Even fight some Royal guards while trying to get to Luke who takes care of his father and Sidious. We will have to decide on what to do and what will be taking place. NOTE that this will be Non-cannon as this has already taken place and the story plot will not change. Its merely just a view point from a different perspective.

However, I will try and work out a prize for the people who participate in different categories by way of "Best fighter" "Took the most hits and still lived" "Over all best" and other such. I'mm only looking for a few people the max that I will take is six at the current time. However Once it gets to 3 I will wait for 24 hours from this time of 4:44 Pm on Dec, 11 2013 to post the thread. And this will be a Medium paced roleplay.

I will be posting the story plots with this character much like a Dungeon master on D&D and I might have one of my characters take part in it. So if you are interested Post that you are and an idea that you want for the Time period, and prize you may want. (Also Tag me that way I know to add you to the list. makes it easier for me.)

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