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Approved Tech Dishiarza - Sheath of Shrouding

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  • Manufacturer: Darth Ophidia
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Darth Ophidia.
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Nullification resin, alchemised terentatek leather and sinew, leather (other), various alchemical components.
  • Shrouded: In its creation, the case was imbued with spells to contain the presence of dark artefacts placed within through a compound of means and methods expertly woven together. It looks and feels entirely mundane until it is opened, at which point, it and whatever it contains, would be entirely open to the senses and waft of the dark side of the Force.
  • Nondescript: From a mundane perpsective, it does not look particularly fancy or like it would contain anything valuable.
  • Tough: Sith Alchemy makes this case a tough nut to crack. Beat it, burn it, and it will stay intact. it takes extreme measures to destroy it.
  • Arcane Lock: An arcane lock has been carved on the strap. Once sealed with its arcane code-word, it remains closed until the code-word is spoken again. Do not forget the code word!
  • Shrouded: If sealed, the case is concealed from detection in the Force and hides even the auras of powerful force items from the most skilled master.
  • Tough: Sith Alchemy makes it a very tough nut to crack! The leather will not give in to most mundane damage. If sealed, it will protect its contents against most damage, except in extreme circumstances.
  • Arcane Lock: Once locked, it is impossible to open, short of breaking the entire casing. Do not forget the code word! Unless- (see weaknesses)
  • Child of the Force: It draws on the Force for its power. If it is removed from the presence of the Force (By ysalamiri, voidstone, etc) the shroud and the lock are made inert. Opened or closed, it will revert to its original state once connection is restored.
  • Spawn of the Dark: Even if it does not feel dark in its presence, it is weak to Force Light like other alchemical items. Its abilities will gradually weaken and it could potentially be destroyed by direct blasts or overwhelming amounts of light.
  • Do not forget the code word!: It cannot be replaced. Do not forget it.
  • Lost!: If lost, forget about finding it with the Force. The shroud is equal to all!

After the creation of her own Tsariquira, she found it necessary to create a larger and more secure version of similar effect in order to store and transport more powerful items. So, after lengthy discussions with her alchemist in arms, [member="Cerbera"], she decided to design the Dishiarza: The Sheath of Shrouding. It is more like a case than a sheath, but the words are the same in High Sith and it serves for alliterative effect.

The process begins with slaying a Terentatek: This is a feat Darth Ophidia is no stranger to, as she was tasked with it as a young knight, and has repeated it several times since, and features it in the training of her apprentices. When the terentatek is slain, the hide must be stripped off before it has time to rot. During the tanning process, the hide is subjected to alchemical processes that makes it retain its force-restraining capabilities. When it has been tanned and dyed to the desired colour, the freshly made leather is quartered up to the desired pieces.

The Dishiarza itself is made from the neck portion of the hide, where it is rather thick. It was soaked and runes were pressed into the softened leather until it accepted the shape of the rune clusters, which spiral down from the top to bottom without break. Runes also encircle the lid and the lip where the lid meets the case itself, as well as the strap that fastens the lid to the case. When the runes are perfectly engraved, the alchemist (Ophidia) soaks it in an alchemical residue, makes a blood-sacrifice, and goes on a four-week fasting period while regularly casting the necessary spells on each component.

When the initial alchemisation is complete, the pieces are ritually assembled. The leather is stitched with terentatek sinew, which has been treated along with the leather, and the rivets have been oiled in a residue from the previous alchemical process. This whole process so far has only made the shroud. The process is similar for the lock, albeit not using terentatek leather (but with using the sinew for thread) in order to maximise the effect. Only when that is complete is it ready for the hardening process:

Another two weeks of fasting while regularly subjecting the case to alchemical compounds until it can withstand most mundane damage. After which point, the force nullification resin is richly applied to the case, dampening any residual presence, making the shroud nice and tight.

The very last thing she did was to write down the code-word and commit it to mind.
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