Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Disassembly Line

The guard looked at the bith for a long second, before placing a hand on his right ear. Abyss had decided to abstain from using his ghostly avatar to mock his apprentice for now, to not disrupt the probably quite important meeting between him and the man that still had the rest of his armor. The method and the following reactio that [member="Dravis Rosilla"] had chosen to reclaim it was something the sith Lord had analysed closely. It was almost amusing to see, as Abyss shared the bith's tendency to overthink in situations of high stress, a weakness that had brought devastating consequences more than once, but also a weakness that was almost exclusive to those with a exceptionally powerful mind.

"Mr. Castor someone is here to talk to you about a business proposition."

After the words were spoken by the guard into his headset there was a short delay, again a few quite stressful and tense seconds in which the decision if Dravis plan had even had a chance of success was made. There was mumbled whisper, to silent to be heard coming from the headset of the guard, who then turned around and gestured the bith behind him to follow.

That the guard was only one of many became clear upon entering into the home of Drake Castor, the luxurious rooms filled both with expensive pieces relics and heavily armed private security. It was good that Dravis hadn't picked a more direct route, because none of the guards made the impression of being paid for anything less than killing any unwanted intruder without question. The man they had meet at the stairs lead them through a corridor, ending in a large room outfitted with a gigantic screen and an oversized sofa.

On it rested a human male, roughly around his late forties, with brown hair with slight glimpses of white in between, and wearing a suit that was fitting for luxury of his home. Drake Castor leaned back, taking a long drag from his cigar before even looking at the bith. As the smoke danced out of his mouth he snapped with his left and motioned the alien to sit down as well.

"Talk. My time is valuable."

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