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Dirt Room

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
2:04PM Empress Teta
Sith Territory

Laravan Corporation, nothing out of the ordinary here. One of the many companies that dotted the Galaxy and yet it had one thing that Irani was interested in; the new HUD system developed by them. It wasn’t the best thing ever created, neither was it most advanced system designed. But it was one step into the direction that Irani was going for with his Solid State Holograms and combining the two would provide… interesting options to Ty’rel.

Which is why he set up a meeting with Silara, the Voice of the Dark Lord- Darth Carach himself had put in a good word for him. Which didn’t really mean much considering he was Carach, but Silara wouldn’t know that. Which served him just fine for the time being. It was sometimes a good thing when things were separated.

Irani settled himself down at the table, rubbed his jaw and then simply waited for the Voice to arrive herself. He wondered if they served drinks here, or allowed people to smoke- he could do for either of them, or maybe both. Both would be good.

A datapad was pulled out of a briefcase and he settled into the dealing of some business in the meanwhile, it never hurt to do a few things at the same time. That was the way to get things done.
Things had been moving rather smoothly since she moved her things into the building the Krath had been using as a base of operations, other than her little breakdown and fighting with Alric - she still wasn't sure where they stood on that, or if he'd forgiven her for being such a queen. But today she wasn't cleaning up or rounding up more of the troubled youths of Empress Teta, rather she was preparing to sell something to bring something up from the ashes - and to make the Krath her own at last. She had things she wanted to tell people, things that would ruin her reputation and drag her entire world out from under her, but for now she'd take it a step at a time starting with business first, selling her precious Laravan Corporation, a company with her namesake written as a partial anagram. She didn't really need the money, her husband was arguably one of the richest men in the galaxy, but she enjoyed justifying her business decisions - and one [member="Darell Irani"] had been one to step up to her with an offer before she'd even gotten a chance to write something down for another business titan.

So when she'd been contacted for a business meeting, and potential offer, she ensured it wasn't on her office out on Sorrus but rather on Empress Teta, where her future was slowly being built upon. Strolling into the room as elegantly as a blind woman could possibly perform, Silara was rather happy to have every room in the accursed building re-arranged with a set of pre-determinate paths that would be clear for her to walk through and not trip over something, as if she could physically see. She, of course, could use the force to do so, but recently she'd grown accustomed to not relying on much of anything. "Hello! I'm not certain if we've met, my name is Silara Vantai, soon to be Kuhn, and it is a pleasure meeting you." She said with a small smile, her words as scripted as they come, as she sat down on the chair opposite of the man. "I understand you have a business proposal involving Laravan Corporation?" She asked, continuing a charade of ignorance as to what this meeting was even concerning - she was well aware the man was at least interested in purchasing the company, the only people whom had came to her for business propositions involving contractual agreements were either dead or had more of an interest in her, personally, than the company itself.

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