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Approved Starship Dirigible Class Corvette

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  • Intent: A hunter-killer corvette to take down small-medium targets
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: No
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Model:
  • Affiliation:Private market
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel
  • Classification: Corvette
  • Length: 70m
  • Width:20m
  • Height: 20m
  • Armament: Very High
  • 2 Dual CA2 Turbolasers
    2 Quad lasers
  • Defenses: Low
  • Hangar:0 Squadrons
  • Speed Rating:Moderate
  • Maneuverability Rating:Average
  • Hyperdrive Class: 2
TibannaX fuelled engines
Thrust Trace Dampeners (X)

  • Excellent engines and low sensor profile give this vessel a good chance of avoiding long range fire to close on targets
  • Exceptional at pack hunting enemy corvettes and frigates
  • High power sensors and comms good at cutting through jamming signals and coordinating with pack as long as in close proximity
  • Vulnerable to manoeuvrable starfighters
  • CA2 Turbolaser System fires brief bursts that are ineffective at whittling down the shields of Destroyers
  • Slower than typical hyperdrive and no backup
  • Short range weaponry requires vessels to close

Incom’s first foray into light capital ship territory for some time is not intended to compete with ships of the line from established manufacturers. The Dirigible-class corvette fulfils a very specific role. Rather than a picket corvette the vessel is a pack hunter. They have been used to excellent effect in a limited capacity operating against smugglers and pirates. The vessels makes use of the CA2 Turbolaser system. These fire short rapid bursts before recharging capacitors for several seconds. A Dirigible will typically close rapidly on a frigate or medium freighter and line up the shot. The pack will coordinate firing an overwhelming burst. Precise firing can be used to target individual systems and this can be used to threaten larger frigates and small cruisers. However, the technique is unlikely to threaten destroyers which can soak up the burst and recycle shields ahead of the next strike.

Whilst outfitted with two quad lasers, corners had to be cut in some areas. These vessels are not particularly manoeuvrable and are vulnerable to light fighters. Heavier fighters and bombers could potentially be targeted by the turbolasers and are better off engaging heavier vessels.

They’ve been described as crews as rather unpleasant to live on. Whilst the crew complement is small, the weapon’s systems take up a large volume of space. If this wasn’t enough the requirement for these vessels to close rapidly on enemy formations with limited protection is enough to make them a daunting prospect for a rotation.

The hyperdrive is not as advanced as most vessels produced by Incom.
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