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Dionysia Felar Wirhan (WIP)


NAME: Dionysia Felar Wirhan (Deye-oh-KNEE-zhuh Feh-LAHR WERN)
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 6"
WEIGHT: 130 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Strawberry blonde
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Determined: Don't tell Dionysia the odds; she doesn't care. If something needs to be done, she'll do it and do it gladly for honor, glory and the protection of others-- and money, so long as it's nothing untoward.

Natural Warrior: If it's classified as weapon, Dionysia picks it up with ease. This is in part due to her childhood training and in part because she simply takes to the art of war like a fish to water.

Trained: Dionysia had a solid Mando family structure growing up, and her parents were sure to train her from the time she was young in all of the laws and practical basics of being a warrior such as weapon maintenance, hand-to-hand combat, tracking, etc.

Compassionate: Dionysia's sense of self-preservation is often only affected by her damnable sense of compassion for others. This extends to her mild version of the usual prejudices that run rampant in Mandos.

Frank: Although compassionate, Dionysia doesn't have time to mince words or play politician and her frankness often presents itself as being undiplomatic or insensitive. She's too comfortable with herself and her own worth to keep her mouth shut when she has something to say, so good luck trying the "silent but deadly" suggestion with her.

Domineering: She isn't beyond grabbing someone she's trying to save and shoving them along the path they need to take-- literally. It takes an even more dominant personality to redirect that energy or steer her away from the course she has set for herself.

Although only of average height, Dionysia presents as a much larger person and that's as much presence as the armor that she wears like a second skin. At present, she keeps her strawberry blonde hair cut short, jaw length, which frames her face and emphasizes the sharp blue of her eyes.

Dionysia spent the majority of her life on Mandalore, raised by her parents and several other Mando family members. Like her brothers and sisters after her, she was raised to adhere to the same laws and code as other Mandos, never considering that there might be another path in life she could take. (It helped that she didn't care if there were other options.)

When she was 14, her father was killed in combat, leaving Dionysia and her mother to guide her siblings through their early training; her uncle, thankfully, stepped in as the father figure, shouldering some of the familial responsibilities. She and her mother began working off-world together when Dionysia turned 16, and the experiences they shared only strengthened the bond between mother and daughter. Even in later years, when Dionysia began fighting on her own, she made frequent calls and trips home and always held mother-daughter missions as particularly important to her.

Dionysia's village held lighter prejudices than others on Mandalore, so she never balked at working with or protecting Jedi when necessary, though she kept and still keeps most of them at arm's length and regards their motives with suspicion.

No ship.

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