Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dinner for two (@ Lady Kay)


B'arin sat outside the big colorful building. He is dressed in a pair of jeans, a leatheris jacket, and some tattered boots. He never thought he would ask out a bounty to dinner, but here he is, waiting for the lady in question. Then, "that" part of his mind took over his thoughts for a moment. What would this night turn into? Will he- no. He knew better than to think about her like that. After all, it's only dinner.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Oh boy. What the heck was she doing here? It was simple really. Have a little dinner to keep the bounty hunter off her back. No big deal. It shouldn't take long at all. That is of course if he kept to his word.

Kay arrived about five minutes after he did, dressed in simple yet comfortable merchant attire. Her satchel hung over her shoulder like always. It wasn't as though she needed to dress up at all. This wasn't a date.

She stood about ten feet from the door, searching the crowd for the bounty hunter.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Well that was easy to spot. She weaved her way in and out of the crowd to get to him. It was noisy. And busy. But not too bad that she couldn't hear him.

As she approached, she bowed her head to him in greeting. Yes, she's the respectful sort. "Evening. Sorry if I'm late."
He bowed his head in return, being respectful.

"It's no trouble at all. Shall we?"

He points to an empty table and smirks. 'This is actually happening... who would have thought?' he thought to himself for a moment before snapping back to reality.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Normally she would keep behind him so that she wouldn't find herself with a blaster at her back, but she had to relay a little bit of trust at least. Once at the table she sat herself down and picked up the menu. With any luck she'd be out of here in a couple of hours and off on her own business.

"So...I didn't catch your name at all?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She raised a brow slightly. "Fett? Mandalorian, I take it?" Well that shouldn't come as much of a surprise. His flashy grin and behaviour made her wonder just exactly what his intentions were for the evening. He hadn't even picked up the menu yet.

Kay continued to search the menu for the perfect steak. "Just Kay is fine, thank you." She didn't need to use a title all of the time.
B'arin realized he hadn't picked up the menu at all since he sat down, and he was starving! He picked up a menu and searched for a steak as well.

"Ah yes it is. Quite sharp of you to know that..."

Once he set his menu down, a droid stopped by the table to wait on them.

"What would you two like for tonight?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Quite sharp? Nah. It was an easy one. "Everyone has heard the tales of the famous Fetts from long ago."

As the droid approached she looked and nodded. "I'll have a glass of water, cup of Sapir tea, and to eat...I'll have a sirloin Bantha steak, medium well with salad on the side."
"Really now? Ah, pardon me, I'll have a glass of Mandalorian Gal, not too strong, and some strip Bantha steak, medium well."

The droid nodded as it took the menus and scooted away. B'arin looked over to Kay once again.

"Where was I? Oh yes, I had forgotten about those old tales... truth is my clan nearly died out..."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Nearly died out? Really? Well if it's one thing that is admirable when it comes to Mandalorians, it's their strong family ties."

Their drinks were the first to arrive. Kay had a sip of her water. Her tea she would save for later as it needed to steep. "I don't know who my family are. I just don't remember them."
B'arin takes a sip of his ale as he nods.

"I understand... hey, don't mean to change subject, but how exactly did you earn that bounty on your head? You look trustworthy... and harmless. I'd hate to see you locked up..."

B'arin took another sip of his drink as he looked up at her and gave her that smirk... that one damned smirk.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Oh it was like one of those smoulder-ish smirks that cocky men like to use. But his question was not unexpected given that this was all to avoid him attempting to collect on the bounty.

"Well basically it was on me because I've been working hard to disrupt the Cartel's slave trade. I've rescued many and even stopped some from being enslaved in the first place." Kay just shrugged as though it was a normal thing to do and wasn't at all a big deal.
He couldn't believe his ears. That was it?! "Sounds like the Cartel is easy to anger..." He takes another sip of his ale as the droid waiter returns with their food. "Enjoy" was all the droid said before it scooted back to the kitchen.

(forgot to switch to B'arin. Sorry)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded. "Yeah, that's it. But granted, I've done it countless times, which is why they keep wanting me to be brought in. But as a Senator for the Republic, it's a little difficult for them to do too much to me as it would ruin some of their political aspirations."

As the food arrived she thanked the droid and started to eat. "What did you think that I did?"
"For a bounty like that, I was expecting something worse... but apparently not..." B'arin ate some of his food and looked up at her to talk again. "How were you even able to pull it off? Did you have any help, or did you work alone?"

He highly doubted that she would be able to pull it off on her own.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Hmmm. He was fishing for information. She had forgotten that there were other caveats to her bounty. Information and items that she owned were also worth a price. So Kay began to be very careful with what she revealed.

"Some of it I managed on my own. Other times I hired help. It really isn't all that difficult. Either that or I'm much better at it than I thought...."
He'll admit, she seems to know how to handle herself.

"Alright... that's all I wanted to hear." He swears he sensed something... odd, and it was right in front of him... but where?
B'arin looked up at Kay... wondering if she was what he was sensing. He gave her a confused look as he stared into her eyes.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She raised a brow as he looked at her funny. "What's the matter? Is your dinner not sitting well with you?" Kay looked to her own plate and shifted the food around with her fork, looking for anything suspicious.

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