Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Did They Send Me Iguanadon? When I Asked For Apatosaurus


They watched her, their eyes staying peeled on her. It was as if they thought she was about to kill. Of course that wasn't the case, that was downright silly. She wanted the Killiks to work for the One Sith, to work for her specifically. They had unmatched unity, unmatched cohesion. If they worked together on a common goal, they could accomplish tasks far more swiftly than any human work force could ever do. That was simple fact, and Mierin knew it.

“Your world will soon fall to us, the hives it contains, it will soon be ours.” They eyed her, staring once again. “Yet this does not have to be a bad thing. Indeed it could be to your benefit.”

The Killik seemed to perk up slightly.

“Work with us now. Help us now, and when the time comes, you shall be rewarded.” Her voice was sanguine, and she tried to entice the insectoid.

Of course the creature would be able to communicate with its entire Hive in almost and instant. The decision would likely be reached quickly.


Well, you couldn't doubt that Mierin was talking sense.

The confidence that his Master held regarding their forthcoming attack upon Alderaan was not feigned. How could it be? The Republic were weak, ineffective and spoiled by period of star peace, without the Sith Empire they had began to tear themselves apart, splintering into different factions, chopping and changing their leadership to bad and worse choices.

They would never have a chance, and it would be Mantorok's time to rend and tear through scores of Jedi.

The Chistori looked to the Sith, then back at the insects. His own loyalty towards the One Sith made the decision seem obvious. However, the reptile did not speak upon the behalf of the Killiks.


The Killiks waited for a moment, unsure of what to do with themselves. They saw sense and logic in what she had said, it was difficult not to after all. She smiled at the Killik, watching him with glowing yellow eyes. He remained silent for the longest time, Mierin assumed that he was communicating with the hive, speaking with those that weren't present.

She wondered how they did such things.

“We shall agree. Hive Oorooroo will join the cause of the One Sith.”

The Dark Lords Hand smiled, her face splitting in half with a wide grin. Several million worker bee's had just agreed to join the One Sith. Nest ships, darts, and millions of Killiks would not become one with them, oh how beautiful this was.

Soon she would have everything.


Well, that was relatively simple.

The process perhaps wouldn't have been so short of Mantorok had any other part to play rather than stand and observe. Could you imagine? He'd probably just lose his patience and start ripping into them, and then be swiftly slaughtered by the power and extreme organisation of the hive mind.

The Chistori looked to Mierin, observing the woman's smile. Of course, her handywork had just acquired some invaluable allies for the One Sith's cause, it was pretty par for the course that she would be pleased with herself.

He looked back to the Killik once more, not uttering a peep, what a good Apprentice he was, no?


Mierin looked to the Killik for a moment.

“I wish to test your hives capabilities.” Mierin said calmly, eying the strange bug like creatures. “Your species is renown for it's unison, for its single minded determination. The Killiks work together like no other species, I wish to utilize this capability.”

The Insectoid stared at her for a moment, not quite sure how to answer the woman. It didn't know what she wanted. Were they to be slaves? Were they to be worked to death in factories and furnaces in order to supply the One Sith War Machine with arms and armor? A truly terrifying thought, but not one that Mierin had in mind, the Killiks were far too useful to be just slaves.


The creature spoke wearily, its voice cracking slightly.


Truthfully at this stage the Chistori was growing slightly bored.

He thought it was a done deal, that they had submitted and that they could leave, move on and leave the Killik to do whatever it was that they liked to do in their spare time. It was hard to say. What did insects do for fun? What were their hobbies? Or as a hive mind did they not have individual pursuits of downtime and pleasure?

Who knows. Those who have read the Wookiee article perhaps, but not I, not Mantorok.

The Chistori continued to observe.


“My ship is underarmed when it comes to current galactic standards.” The Killik twitched slightly. “There is a shipyard not far from here, I want your hive to do begin the construction of a new type of vessel.”

Why not just have regular workers do it? Well that was simple, the Killiks in theory would be able to do it much faster. All they needed was one single joiner to be well learned in the creation and upgrade of Starships, and then they would all know. From there the Hive would become super efficient. That was a simple fact of their society, and it was what made them so useful.

“Are you capable of this?” The Killik seemed to nod its head.

Well at least her assumption was right. This Killik hive had had starship building experience, they would be capable of doing the re-fitts she wanted on the Crimson Wraith, and they would be able to do it far faster than any human crew.

Such was the gift of a hive mind.


Mantorok's mind began to wander.

He dreamt of violence, of bloodshed. He pictured himself tooth and claw shredding through the Jedi, claws melting through flesh like a hot knife on butter, spreading sweet crimson around in a delicious spray. Teeth crunching though both muscle and bone. They would scream, they would beg but Mantorok's need for violence would be the only want sated.

The Chistori's fists found themselves clenched, salivating at the prospect of his own imagination. Although soon enough, his time would come.



The Killik seemed to stretch itself slightly, it moved and shifted trying to seem taller and express some sort of dominance. Mierin simply watched it for a moment more, before regarding it with a tough impassive face.

“We will meet on you on Coruscant. There you will begin work on our ships. If your work is as fine as I assume it will be, then your Hive will be welcomed into the One Sith.” The Killik nodded, almost eagerly, and then turned away from the two Sith. It was of course all in theory. The Killik could do good work, or they could fail. If they failed, the Sith's reaction would likely not be a grand one and would most likely end with the Killiks in permanent slavery. If they did do a good job however, the rewards sown onto the Hive would be exceptional.

They would have resources, they would have food, supplies, and everything else they would ever need.

That was what the Sith were all about she supposed. The people of Coruscant, the people of Csilla, and soon the people of Alderaan would all learn this. The One Sith were kind to those who succeeded, no matter who they were.

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