Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dia Secura

Dia Secura

Twi'lek. Thief. Convict.

Dia Secura

GenderFemale (she/her)
Height1.6 meters
WeightSkinny as a toothpick!
Force SensitiveNo


At 5'4", Dia could be politely described as "petite" and impolitely described as "flat as a board." Her skin is as blue as a Tatooine sky, while her wide eyes are a deep brown. Don't believe the eyebrows; like most Twi'lek, they're painted on. She has a young face, enough so that, despite being 27, she's still getting carded at the bars. She keeps her scalp covered with a reek-leather wrap, the straps of which extend down her lekku. She tries not to smile with her teeth, which are a little more yellow than she'd like. Typically, she can be seen wearing a brown utility vest over a white tanktop and black cargo pants, along with a pair of heavy boots that might not be her size...


Holdout blaster
Slicing tool


Dia is petty, juvenile, vindictive, and more than just a little bit selfish. Her jealousy-- particularly when it comes to the presence of other women-- never lets up, and she struggles from a general sense of insecurity and a fear of abandonment. Still, it's not all bad. She believes in the power of love to conquer all, and unfortunately, she has a tendency to fall into it a little more quickly than others. She can be quite affectionate and devoted to those she cares about. She harbors an intense disdain for the Galactic Alliance and those who serve it, believing them to be "pigs," whatever a pig is.


Street Smarts: Dia's been around the block a couple of times, and once you've been in one wretched hive of scum and villainy, you've been in them all. She might not have a genuine education, but she knows the price of a pound of spice, the best way to pickpocket an unsuspecting mark, and the places that even cops won't go.

Escape Artist: Dia's gotten out of more binds than she can shake a stick at. Handcuffs and chains are of no concern to her. Her latest accomplishment-- breaking out of a maximum security Galactic Alliance prison-- is her pride and joy, even if she doesn't go around broadcasting that fact.

Scrappy: Dia usually tries to avoid outright fights-- but make no mistake. She fights ferociously and she fights dirty. Expect to be bitten. A lot.


Uneducated: The Hutts weren't exactly interested into sending street urchins to school. Don't ask her to do any math problems, please. Her knowledge of history and science is also fragmentary.

Hey, Jealousy!: Dia has a low sense of self-worth and an equally low tolerance of other women, particularly pretty ones. She's always comparing herself to others, and envy is the name of the game.

WANTED: Dia Secura is wanted for the murder of a Galactic Alliance prison marshal.


Dia Secura was born on Tatooine. Her mother, a dancer in the local Hutt-controlled bar, was neglectful at best. As such, she spent most of her childhood days running around Mos Eisley, picking pockets and running scams with her fellow street urchins. A life of petty crime in the dusty streets came to a screeching halt at age 18, when her mother mouthed off to the wrong patron and got a vibroblade in the gut for her troubles. With no one left to tie her there, Dia ran off to Mos Espa, where she spent her mundane days waitressing in a crappy restaurant.

That was when she met Xaqi, and everything went to hell.

Xaqi was a Falleen, a scoundrel, and a two-bit gangster. In Dia, he saw an insecure, unquestioning and easily manipulated companion. To Dia, Xaqi was handsome, protective, and her ticket out of Mos Espa. Together, the two ran an ever-shifting gang of space pirates called the Red Stars. For years, they jumped from system to system, boarding ships and stealing cargo. It was the ultimate love story, and Dia thought that it would never end.

That was until Xaqi left her holding the bag, metaphorically and literally. A big heist turned out to be a sting, and her so-called boyfriend left Dia behind to be picked up by the authorities with a bag of stolen credits. She was convicted and sentenced to twenty years in a maximum security Alliance penitentiary. That was a fate Dia could not abide. Slowly, but surely, she began to engineer the circumstances of her own prison break. One such circumstance involved seducing-- and summarily murdering-- the prison marshall.

Now, Dia Secura is on the run, always looking over her shoulder.

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