Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Devil of Dagobah
NAME: DG-45​
FACTION: System Authority​
RANK: 45​
SPECIES: Thyrisian​
AGE: 25​
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 6’2​
WEIGHT: 185lbs​
EYES: Brown​
HAIR: Black​
SKIN: Tan​
+Spectacular marksman, easily one of the best in existence​
+Skilled with vibroknife​
-Outside of his knife, 45 is useless in close quarters​
-Unless given orders and clear targets, 45 cannot and will not operate efficiently​
-Sees himself as equipment, not an individual​
-Extremely anti-social​

BIOGRAPHY: Born Veret Jun, the boy grew up on Thysrus as the outcast of his family. In a culture where heavy weapons and close quarters capability were tradition and highly praised elements of society, the eboy who hunted with his tomahawk and a rifle was looked at with disdain. His father shunned him, his brothers and sisters teased him, all Veret had to confide in was his mother, she alone gave him comfort. He had his fair share of friends on the world that was the home of the Sun Guard, but little made up for the disapproval of family.​
On the eve of his 18th birthday, clad in furs and ceremonial paint still on his face, Veret left Thysrus without so much as a goodbye to anyone but his mother. Alone the boy traveled the galaxy, and in doing so discovered a vigilance within himself to protect the weak and eventually found himself enlisted with the Omega Protectorate until some month or so after the Dark Harvest catastrophe.​
During the event, Veret found the first sense of belonging in his life. During a standoff above Dagobah, a CIS commander ordered their vessel to stand down, in response to which, Veret donned EVA gear and acquired a high power rifle, and fired a blast into the command center of the opposing vessel. Of course it did absolutely nothing, but when the CIS crew brought him up on vid-screens, he was flipping them te bird.​
After the Harvest, the ship he was on, captained by one Adean Miles split off to start a life of piracy. Oddly enough his group of marauders ended up in the employ of the CIS and he became a member of the Templar Order as a force sensitive sharpshooter. But, during a mission gone awry Jun was caught far too close to a thermal detonator. Badly injured and left for dead the Architects recovered Veret and rebuilt him as the head sniper of the new Dread Guard.​


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