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Codex Denied Devlin Dara

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Devlin Dara

  • O R I E N T A T I O N

    Full name:
    Devlin Dara
    5’9” // 1.75m
    175Ibs // 79kilos
    Light Brown/Dark Blonde
    Force Sensitivity:
    The Sith Empire


    R E L A T I O N S

  • H I S T O R Y

    Devlin began the early stages of his life as an orphan and was initially being raised in a communal home on Coruscant, but it became clear early on that he had special abilities and a higher level of intellect and understanding even at the earliest of times. He was moved from the group home to a facility that would handle gifted individuals and try to mold their ideals into him and raise him to join the Galactic Alliance or potentially on the path to becoming a jedi. Neither of those happened.

    Devlin had always found comfort in the technology around him and had started to make a habit of repairing things for people as a way to create an income for himself. It was because of his exposure and skill in this trade that he was kidnapped and eventually forced to work upon a ship helping to maintain it and the other various technologies on board. This was where he had also learned how to slice technology and hack various system to make money. They had eventually landed within The Sith Empire territory and at the time he was only eight years old. Devlin had read that The Sith Empire was against slavery and mentioned his predicament to the guards at the space port. He never saw his captors again after that. The new planet of Dromund Kaas would become his home.

    With no one to take him in and no means of fending for himself he was put into training a few years behind schedule. However, it had become apparent even to his instructors that he was able to learn quickly with his genius level intellect coupled with an extreme level of force sensitivity. Learning the concepts of war and how to use the force came easy but everything else was a struggle. Physically he was weaker, slower, and unable to keep pace with the others and only barely able to pass the requirements needed to move on and often out of breath from doing it.

    As he grew older his physicality never increased and even more of a concern became the lack of confidence he started to acquire into his teenage years. He knew better than to say anything and was often bullied and ostracized from those he was training with. Yet despite those flaws he was able to flawlessly and almost effortlessly pass any mental examination given. Enough so that he often grew tired of strategy games against those around him and sought challenges among those with experience, and he soon grew bored of them too. It was during these years he learned his unique level of control when it came to machines and technology. Using the force, he was able to access computers, information, and even send or relay commands to various subsystems all from the comfort of his room. It was a powerful tool considering the level of dependency civilization had regarding technology from ships to credit chips. He decided to focus on this ability as his hobby of interest and put all of his effort into his force and mental capabilities to combat his physical flaws.

    He eventually completed his training and officially joined the ranks of The Sith Empire still not entirely sure how he would fit into the grand scheme of things. He worried that his talents would either go to waste or even worse his physicality would prevent him from meeting and training with more interesting people or finding those capable of challenging his level of intellect. He wondered if those in charge would look at him and pity him as the others had and keep him from being useful. All of these worries built up within him as he looked out to the city wondering where his life would take him next.

  • A P P E A R A N C E

    Iris Color:
    Piercing Blue Eyes​
    Hair Color:
    Light Brown/Dark Blonde​
    175cm || 5’9”​
    79kg || 175Ibs​
    To Devlin his appearance is his biggest problems and greatest worry. He does his best to keep himself presentable but in the militaristic society that he lives in he is constantly overshadowed by those bigger and stronger than he is. Physically Devlin is barely above average height and is very thin even though he appears to be toned. He is noticeably less buff and lanky for his height often projecting a more feminine posture. He has mid length light brown hair and piercing blue eyes that distract from the young and soft features of his face. Being a member of The Sith Empire, he feels that he needs to present himself differently to be noticed and to stand out among the others and his normal appearance will not do. ​

    To combat the judgement he often received from his appearance he created a new façade for himself. An armor he wears that makes his chest seem thicker with more muscles and even his boots add a couple of inches to his height to make him seem taller and more average to those around him and a helmet that covers his face with a visor to conceal his face. While wearing this uniform he feels a bit more confident in walking around his peers than he does revealing his actual appearance. After all they wouldn’t care about the deception as long as he was able to perform his tasks and could still use his intellect and force powers, right? ​

  • S T R E N G T H S & W E A K N E S S E S

    S T R E N G T H S.

    + Expert Slicer: Even without his force powers Devlin has been slicing his computers almost all his known life. The fact he can slice computers with his force powers is only an even bigger boon.​

    + Genius: Devlin is has a genius level intellect and is capable of perming exceptional feats on mental gymnastics, tactics, and analyzation. He is also adept at quickly learning new mental skills. While these skills will still take time to master he can learn the basics dangerously quick.​

    + Powerful Force User: Devlin is extremely strong with the force when it comes to using force related abilities and powers. He has a wide variety of utilization, abilities, and is able to push them further before exhausting himself.​

    + Technomancy: When it comes to his force powers he has a very profound understanding of how he can use the force to interact with machines and electrical system. Stemming originally from his abilities as a slicer he knows exactly where to do the most damage and can simultaneously control multiple sub-systems at a time but the more he does the more his attention becomes divided.​

    + Tactician: Devlin has a profound understanding of military tactics and often for fun practices scenarios in his mind or with simulations on a computer. He is adept at quickly being able to discern enemy tactics and deploy effective counters. ​

    W E A K N E S S E S.

    - Frail:Devlin is not a physical fighter. He may have passed the requirements but barely. He does not have the speed, strength, or stamina to go toe to toe with someone that is good at fighting physically. ​

    - Socially Awkward: Devlin is a genius and sees things analytically and often makes mistakes based on social and emotion cues that he hasn't learned yet. He also considers his appearance within The Sith Empire to be almost offensive to what he feels is expected for their faction and as such wears attire designed to help mask his physical and mental insecurities.​

    - Obsession: Devlin is easy to latch onto a task or project and throw everything at it for better or worse. He is quick to distraction or avoiding other problems all together when it comes to fields of study or the force that he is interested in.​

    - Lost in the Wilderness: When it comes to surviving without technology or living off the land to survive Devlin is near useless. He may have read information about how to survive alone in a forest before but that knowledge was quickly replaced with things he cared about more. After all technology is everywhere.​

  • M I S C E L L A N E O U S

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    Bounties Collected:

  • A B I L I T I E S

    General Abilities:

    Crafty: Devlin understands technology and computers enough that he is able to fix, and create technology and software with his bare hands and some elbow grease rather than relying entirely on the force.

    Analyzation: Devlin is extremely good at analyzing clues, scenarios, and people given only the barest of crumbs of information.

    Piloting: Devlin is capable of piloting multiple craft, drones, robots, machines, etc. using his skill in the cockpit or via his powers although not anywhere close to that of an Ace pilot.

    Force Abilities:

    Alter Powers :

    Sense Powers:

    Technomancy: The ability to control, manipulate, and use the force to be able to control various machines and subsystems as if they had root access into that computer or technologies data center. This ability like Force Sense or Force Telepathy can be used at great distances but the difficulty comes in based on how many subsystems the user is controlling. Controlling too many complex machines at once can be damaging as you divide your mind and senses across various tasks and objects. If a system is damaged while under control it can have harmful effects on the user of this force power.[/LIST]​

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