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Approved Tech Detorin's Personal Twin 'Revolvers'

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(Two of these)

Image Source: Borderlands 3D Concept Art
Intent: To have a submission for Detorin's trademark twin revolvers
Development Thread: N/A

Manufacturer: Detorin
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Detorin himself
Modularity: Scope can be taken off.
Production: Unique

Material: Durasteel, Internal Blaster Components
Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld
Length: 37cm
Weight: 1kg (each)
Ammunition Type: Power Cell, Gas Canister
Ammunition Capacity: Power pack capacity of 50 shots and a gas canister capacity of 350 shots.
Effective Range: Slightly more than a standard Heavy Blaster Pistol (Maximum 50 meters)
Rate of Fire: Semi Automatic

Special Features:
  • Optional 4x Scope.
  • Comfortable Custom Grip
  • Identical Pair
Description: Styled to look like old slugthrower revolvers, Detorin's twin blasters pack a punch. Classified as heavy blaster with a slightly longer range, around 50 meters maximum, they were custom made by him during his time as a pirate captain. He holds them dear to him, but not enough to give them names like some people. The 4x scope is detachable, and could possible be replaced by other sights, but he hasn't done so in the past. It's only downsides are it's recoil, which is quite high. Apart from that, it's a powerful and well-made heavy blaster pistol.
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