Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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'The Steel Hand'
54 Years Old
No Faction
Non Force User
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Gunslinger: Detorin's specialty is guns, especially his dual blaster pistols.​
+ Terror of the Stars: Detorin is a highly skilled pilot, both in starfighters and while captaining bigger ships.​
- Non Force User: If Detorin could use the force, he'd be so much stronger. But he can't...​
- Mutiny: Detorin was overthrown from his former captaincy, leaving him feeling ridiculed and left to start from the bottom.​
Years ago there was a tale spread among lowly traders in the Outer Rim; one that spoke of a merciless Pirate Lord called 'The Black Cape'. It was said his ship, The Star's Grace, would drop out of hyperspace right behind the unsuspecting trader and before any knew it the trader would never be seen again. To most people's surprise, the rumors were true. Mostly true. They were exaggerated by traders into scaring others at bars, but The Black Cape was a real pirate. Him and his crew amassed great riches in piracy, and among lesser pirates he was hailed as a Pirate Lord. However, the First Mate became jealous, and in a dreadful mutiny him and the crew marooned The Black Cape on Tatooine. In the process he lost his arm, forcing him to be called the Steel Hand instead. From his new work as a mercenary he managed to buy himself a ship, and return to the stars. But he was no longer the renowned Pirate Lord he once was. He was just a lowly scoundrel, trying to make it back to the top...​
Large Vibrosword​
Owned Property


Pssh, white is the new black and I'm the new queen.

...Just... need a new ship... again. Lost the other one in a gamble. >_>

*is a gambling addict... maybe... kinda*
Not everyone is as tall and brutish as myself, son.

Take your uncle, Mordecai. He's a few inches shorter than the average Epicanthix, but nonetheless burly.

This lad could use more meat on his bones though...

[member="Cyrus Zambrano"]

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