Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Destined Arrivals

Bolt stood with folded arms. Dressed like he had a formal affair to meet, the young man looked to the start sky. Val’hala has multiple suns so night wasn’t long. He had learned to enjoy it a lot.

The sigil upon his forearm, burned by the GodKings Force abilities, led others to recognize his position. He was the will of the Gods as many called it. However this wasn’t who he was inside.

The man was a Wrath due to formality. Once upon a time Bolt has bested Zaiden Dean. With ease. Now returning from his reclusion, Zaiden has named him such.

Bolt figured it was due to fearing that he would usurp the King. Never once had leading been a goal.

Bolt just did what was right.

His all white dress shirt, black silk pants, and the blazer he held in his folded arms. These spoke of the man he was. Proper. Relaxed. Powerful. In more ways then most expected.

At that he began walking the hi-rise pathways that marked the euconopolis. He knew that he was thousands of miles up. That anything could happen and send him plummeting. The lack of concern was near palpable.

Izevel Zambrano Izevel Zambrano

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