As the lights in the compartment flickered one of the slaves holding a carbine panicked and pulled his trigger. Another slave panicked at the first slaves gunshots and began firing wildly in the air. Within moments weapons were being discharged throughout the room. Tharn and the old Twi'lek woman both dived for cover.
"Stop!" Tharn yelled his voice echoing throughout the compartment. Everyone stopped almost at once, snapped out of their panic by a voice of reason.
Tharn, using his Trandoshan vision crawled to the nearest slave and snatched his weapon from him. He pulled out the weapons glowing power cell and held it high in the air. Miraculously no-one else had died, apparently shooting wildly in the air is harmless after all.
"Oops" Tharn heard one of the slaves mutter sheepishly.
The old woman got up from her crouched position. "None of us are trained with weapons, bring your weapons here so my friend can ensure they are on a safe setting" she said addressing the group.
Most of the slaves obliged, recognizing the old Twi'lek woman as one of their own. A large wookie standing in the corner stubbornly refused. "You will bring me your weapon now" the old woman commanded making a strange gesture with her hand. To Tharns surprise the Wookie obliged.
"I suggest you take this opportunity to disarm our guests. The last thing we want is for one of these simpletons to kill each other.. or us." The old woman whispered to Tharn. The Trandoshan nodded and as each of the slaves lined up with their weapons in front of him. Tharn set the weapons all to "safe" and discreetly broke the fire control mechanisms off each weapon so they were stuck in that position.
Hearing Ravona's voice above Tharn tossed the glowing power cell through the open hatch above. "Ravona, is there anything we can use to climb up?" he shouted. Moments later a wire ladder came tumbling down to the slave compartment. Not wanting to leave a dangerous adversary unattended Tharn hoisted the still unconscious Jedi over his shoulders and climbed up the ladder, the old woman followed close behind. To Tharns surprise none of the slaves chose to follow them. Just like livestock they were more comfortable with the uncertainty of the place they knew as opposed to the risks that were inherent in following Tharn and his companions. Tharn felt disdain growing inside him, even with freedom at their fingertips they wanted someone else to make the decision of leaving for them. Somone to rescue them from thier fate. These were broken and cowed creatures he realized, even with their shackles gone they were bound to their fate by fear.
Atop the ladder Tharn spied Ravona standing near the glowing power cell he had tossed up earlier. "Thank you" Tharn said to the blue skinned Twi'lek as he gave her a friendly nod. She looked like she had been through a strom. Tharn felt guilt rise up in him. The old woman had suggested they escape in the Jedi assault craft and Tharn had considered the option, even though it meant abandoning their ally to the waiting Jedi warship poised nearby.
"Lets head to the bridge". The old woman said. The group moved silently to the fore-section of the ship with Tharn still carrying Jedi Kngiht Avec thrown over his shoulder like a bag of flour. Tharn spied numerous compartments and hatches as they made their way forward they didn't have time to stop and check them all. There was still another Jedi to deal with, any remaining slavers or surprises would have to wait. The communicator in Tharns shirt began to beep again so Tharn pulled it out and hit the receive button.
"Tharn, this is Mara, you have not answered my request and I am growing impatient". The female Jedi's tone was very differnt then when he first heard her over the comm channel. When she had control and her friend was safe she was disengaged. Her tone had been, flat, bored even amused. Now it was full of frustration and anger.
Tharn considered how to answer the Jedi. Tell the truth? Likely to fail, both Jedi assumed he was a slaver and with the female agitated she would be difficult to reason with. Plead for reason? And throw himself at the mercy of the Jedi, unacceptable. Intimidation? Tharn did have some leverage.
The group reached the bridge and entered. The lights were on and everything seemed intact.. except the navigation computer. The old woman rushed forward to examine it.
"The slavers must have scuttled it to prevent their destination from being known.. clever beasts" the old woman said sounding impressed.
"No hyperspace?" Tharn asked.
"Oh we have hyperspace" the old woman said assessing the ships status,".. but the nav computer is stuck on a single destination. Csilla. In Chiss space" The old woman replied as she began spooling up the hyper-drive.
"You might fit in" Tharn said joking with the blue skinned Twilek.
"Sensors show we have no movement, but engines are at full" the old woman stated.
A voice over the comm channel interrupted the groups exchange "Listen You Slaver Kung!, You are trapped in MY tractor beam, and I will blow you sky high before I let you escape with my friend!" The voice almost screamed at Tharn through the comm.
Intimidation it is, Tharn decided.
"This Jedi Avec is precious to you" Tharn stated over the comm. "You will not harm him, I however.." Tharn dumped the unconscious Jedi to the floor and stepped on his hand with a clawed foot, "..will make him suffer before you reach his lifeless corpse". The still unconscious Jedi let out a faint whimper of pain.
Tharn could almost feel the Jedi fuming over comm channel. He waited... The ship lurched forward as it was freed from the Tractor beam. One of the Twileks hit the hyperspace lever and the empty space before them melted away in a flash of lights.
The excitement over, Tharn and the others breathed easier. The Old Twi'lek turned around smiling, but her smile quickly faded as she looked at Tharn. Perplexed the Trandoshan asked "Wha..?"
"The pod on your back. Its been damaged". The old woman stated pointing.
"What!" Tharn yelled as he lost all semblance of poise. He turned and cocked his head to have a look. As the Twi'lek said it was damaged and dripping the precious fluid required to keep its passenger alive. Tharn recognized the damage as a shot from a blaster. "Those Wretched Slaves! They did this!" The Trandoshan shouted in a rage as he looked for someone to blame. He pulled the Electro-whip from his side intending to head aft to sate his anger by inflicting pain. "They will never be free, I swear it!".
"Wait!" The old woman shouted. "Your agitation is increasing the fluid loss. You need to calm down Tharn. The Chiss are brilliant scientists they will be able to help"
She was right. The drip had become a steady stream, Tharn needed to calm down or his cargo wouldn't survive the trip to Csilla. But Tharn continued to panic as fear of losing the last of his ghrakhowsk (those who hold a Trandoshan life debt) dawned on him. His fear, turned to anger, his anger to rage. It was an endless cycle. The Trandoshan tried to breath to calm himself but to no avail. His failure further agitated him and he roared in anguish. If his ghrakhowsk died all this would have been for nothing.