Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Desolation [Done]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] A mobile artillery used in conjunction with other forces[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Image Source: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Canon Link: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]N/A[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Restricted Missions:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] N/A[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Primary Source: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]N/A[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] LOOM[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Ulti-Model[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Affiliation:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Closed-Market, Ultimatum, Metal Lords[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Modularity:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] No[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Production[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Mass-Produced[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Material: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Durasteel, Duranium, Computer components, Launcher components[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Classification:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Artillery[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Role[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Heavy Howitzer[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Size[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: L: 30 meter[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]W: 10 meter[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]H: 5 meter[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Weight[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: 1,300,000 kg[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Minimum Crew: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]0 (Computer operated)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Optimal Crew:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] 9 (1 driver, 2 gunner, 1 operator, 5 loader)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Propulsion[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Tracks[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Speed[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: 20 km/h[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Maneuverability[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Very Low[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Armaments:[/SIZE]
    1. [SIZE=12pt]800mm Artillery[/SIZE]
    2. [SIZE=12pt]HMG turrets (one forward facing and one backward facing)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Defenses:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Heavy Armor Plating, Light energy shield[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Squadron Count:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] 3 units[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Passenger Capacity: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Two Persons[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Cargo Capacity[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: One Half metric ton[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Incredibly powerful shells are capable of rendering most positions, vehicles, starships, etc. inoperable if not entirely obliterated
  • [SIZE=12pt]800 mm shell is stronger than most shields are capable of withstanding and can level most buildings[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]400 mm armor plating is capable of withstanding all but the strongest of weapon fire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Light shielding protects against most light electronic weaponry[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Incredibly slow[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Too heavy to cross most urban bridges[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Vulnerable to strong electronic weaponry[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The Desolation are heavy artillery designed to fire at targets at extreme range. The artillery are based on Howitzer design, with a shorter barrel and the charges are filled with less propellant. They are also intended to fire their shells at a higher angle, thus allowing the explosive to hit targets from the top, where most tanks and buildings are less armored.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]The vehicle utilizes three sets of tracks on each side to help distribute the massive weight of the vehicle. This does not save the land over which it drives, crushing most roads and capable of breaking most non-reinforced bridges. The three sets of tracks are designed to be capable of bending in the middle so as to allow the vehicle access to sudden angle changes and allows it to overcome small bumps that would otherwise impede its advance. This also allows it to drive over smaller vehicles, such as light tanks or airspeeders, usually crushing them in the process with its heavy weight. Its body and armor have been curved ever so slightly and where possible sloped to create more difficulty for armor-piercing weapons. Towards the front of the vehicle a small command deck allows two people to tightly view the battle and send commands throughout the vehicle. In the middle the ten meter barrel is based in mechanisms that are hidden within the armor of the vehicle. The two machine guns are positioned in the rear on rotating turret mounts, giving them better vantage points to cover the rear and sides of the artillery unit. The driver is located on the left near the hind-middle of the vehicle, with no physical viewport the pilot is reliant on the various sensors and cameras that are run along the outside of the vehicle, as well as what the vehicle’s computer relays to him. The gunner is located on the opposite side of the vehicle, with multiple readouts from the same sensors and relays. The exact targeting algorithms and plotting is accomplished by the computer while the physical controlling of the barrel is done by the gunner. In front of the gun is the loading chamber, which has the largest space for any area intended for organics to work in. The chamber has enough room for up to seven people at once, acting as both the loading room and an ersatz passenger’s room. The shells are brought from the rear of the craft via a set of computer controlled mechanisms. Once fired the empty canister is deposited in a garbage chute that leads to the front of the vehicle. Towards the rear of the vehicle is the main hold where the shells and any extra supplies are located. This compartment is accessible from the rear of the vehicle through a complex latch mechanism, locked so that it is not opened by potential saboteurs during a mission. Along the sides three sets of point-defense lasers are tuned to shoot down incoming missiles. The various compartments within the vehicle that are intended for organic occupation are interconnected by a number of confined walkways. These corridors often require a regular human to either crawl or bend over in order to move from place to place.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The main weapon is an 800 mm (80 cm) artillery system, each shell is capable of delivering enough explosive force to blast through a heavily armored Capital ship’s hull. In an early test, one of the shells turned a restored AT-AT into a pile of rubble and still left a minor crater beneath it. Unfortunately the size of the shell requires several augmented personnel to move it and load the weapon, however there are autoloading mechanisms that are capable of being activated should the crew be unable, or unwilling, to manually load the shells. The automatic system is slower and requires that power be shifted from other areas of the craft.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Perhaps the second most important part of the vehicle, the armor plating over the entirety of the vehicle is a heavy Duranium alloy. At 400 mm thick, the armor can turn most physical projectiles and is thick enough to handle even the strongest of vehicle weapons. Rumors have spread that it could survive the direct fire of a capitalship grade turbolaser for a short time. The armor, as indicated earlier, is in most places either slightly elliptical in shape or sloped in order to make anti-armor rounds and weapons less effective. This thick armor offer little protection to electric weaponry, or ionic rounds. To answer this, the Desolation are each equipped with a light energy shield that can absorb a small amount of such fire before collapsing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The loading of the artillery usually requires twenty seconds for a new crew, while an experienced crew could accomplish the same task in a quarter of the time. The range of the weapon is anywhere from 10 kilometers from the vehicle to 100 kilometers. The maximum quantity of shells that a Desolation may carry is 50 rounds.[/SIZE]

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