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Private Descent into Darkness

Lord Revna



Descent into Darkness

Location: Corellia
Time: Night
Tag: Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway

Darkness had long since settled in on the planet of Corellia, and with it came a thunderstorm seen like no other in the years that came prior, many residents seeking shelter in their homes avoiding the torrential floods and flashes of lightning. Revna however was no one of those, she had fled into the deep core along with her Sister Lord Igna Lord Igna after an unsuccessful mission. Though it could not be considered a complete failure, they still wore the scars of battle and defeat. Contrary to the Jedi's expectations that were hunting them, they had fled into the core rather than back into deep space and found themselves on the planet waiting out the storm and their pursuers.

Their ship had been badly damaged in the skirmish and needed repairs undertaken to fix it, something which Lord Igna Lord Igna had taken charge of. Revna's gaze met her sisters as they landed their vessel on the stormy world, narrowly slipping through a tightly woven net that had been laid out.
"Sister, we must be cautious. Though we have managed to escape, for now, we are not out of the clear. I sense something, something close by, it is calling out to me in the force." She seemed slightly concerned, clearly, it was something she had not felt before and did not know its significance.

Donning a dark cloak, she exited out of the ship and headed towards the city on a speeder, allowing the force to guide her towards what was calling out to her. She and her Sister shared a special connection, one that only occurred in those that shared a close connection, and what could be closer than sharing the same womb. Their minds were like one, allowing them to coordinate their actions without speaking, and allowing their minds to communicate without speaking.

The connection she felt was similar to that of her sisters, but also different, fainter. As she allowed herself to be guided towards the source, she entered into a high-rise metropolis, a centre of trade for the city. Her body had become soaked by the rain, but her resolve only solidified as she found herself growing close to the source. Finally, she found herself outside of a residential complex, staring at the source that drew her here. A boy. Why had this child drawn her here? She was determined to find out why.

The young boy grinned.

He liked storms, they were full of uncontrollable, unbridled power that would no one person would ever be able to harness or control. He didn’t much care for the rain that tended to follow along with the storms, but the lightning and the thunder was incredible.

Zachariah jumped from the window ledge he’d been perched on. He’d been watching the storm from the safety of his parents abode, abode that one day he would inherit. It was one of many things he would inherit, all of his fathers property and all of his companies would be his one day.

Slightly daunting.

Ever since he’d been born, his patents had been training him to continue the family business. He’d had his regular education, but from the moment he returned home from school, he was studying accounts and employee records.

He’d never really had much in the way of an actual childhood.

Grinning from ear to ear, he walked out to the front of the house, brushing his hair from his eyes. The rain felt cold against his face, crisp white shirt soaking through and clinging to him. The cold was nice, refreshing.

His parents would never follow him in the storm. He knew he had a few minutes to just enjoy himself.

Lord Revna

Lord Revna



Descent into Darkness

Location: Corellia
Time: Night
Tag: Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway

Eyes locked on the child, her gaze could not move away for even a moment as she remained fixed on this anomaly. She had been observing him for several minutes now as he sat on the window ledge, but he had moved outside and allowed himself to be soaked by the stormy weather - odd. That was the only thing that ran through her mind.

Finally, after a couple more moments of observing, she moved forward with intention. Slowly approaching the child, the sound of her footsteps echoed through the streets, masked slightly by the pitter-pattering of rain, which was only interrupted by the rumbling of thunder. She stood in front of him, her face obscured by her black cloak, allowing herself to remain relatively hidden; her pale skin and striking black tattoo only visible with the crash of lightning illuminating the night's sky.

Her voice echoed through the street as if it originated from everywhere, and nowhere at once
"Tell me, child, what are you? What have you done to draw me here?" filled with the sting of cold malice. Revna was a threatening figure at the best of times, her aura leaving an imposing and suffocating feeling that sucked the air out of the surrounding area.

As her eyes locked on him, something seemed to have clicked into place. She could sense something new now, something she had missed before; the reason this child had drawn her here. He was force-sensitive and powerful unlike any other she had met before, perhaps even stronger with the force than her master.

"Do you like storms?" she asked, no doubt causing the child to be confused by her sudden shift in attitude. "Where I am from, an endless storm ranges that swallow the whole planet. It is something like no else in the galaxy, the air itself is alive with static electricity."

Zachariah found his eyes locked on the figure.

The figure in question was feminine presenting, he could just about tell that. Other than that, she mostly blended into the darkness of the night. Every so often, in the flashes of lightning, he caught sight of her pale skin and her tattoo.

When she spoke, her voice went through him. Her voice bounced around like an echo, it didn’t even sound like it was coming from her. It was very much coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

“Get away from my son”

The young boy hadn’t even heard his father appear behind him, didn’t even notice his presence until he spoke. He hasn’t heard the man walking, seen the man in the cracks of lightning, nothing. The man had been but a shadow.

The man was holding a blaster, pointed right at the figure.

And Zachariah was scared.

Lord Revna

Lord Revna



Descent into Darkness

Location: Corellia
Time: Night
Tag: Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway

Revna has been so focused on the child that she had allowed her sense to dull, not noticing the boy father approaching until he was directly behind him. She smirked as he raised his blaster towards him, such petty tools were of little use when facing against a sith. With a waft of her hand, the blaster flew out of the man's grip and landed across the street as she skillfully disarmed him.

"This is true power, if you come with me I can teach you, I can show you your true potential and allow you to shed the shackles that bind you. I can teach you so much more." Her voice once more pierced through him, as the subtle words of temptation echoed through the street. "I can show you this." She would say as lightning began to dance on her fingertips before discharging it and striking the boys father, leaving him writhing in pain. She could have taken his life quickly should she have wanted to, but instead she made him suffer has his body writhed on the ground before falling limp. Dead.

"There is but one choice before you, join me or face the same fate as your father." Her gaze locked on his. It was clear to the child that she would not allow him to walk free, and would simply, meet the same end as his father should he refuse.

He gasped.

The young boy knelt next to his father, placing his fingers against the carotid artery of the man. There was nothing, no sign of a pulse at all. She had absolutely tortured the man and then killed him.

“What was that?! Why did you kill him?!”

The boys mother had come rushing out, presumably summoned by the screams of the man she loved. She too felt for a pulse, crying her eyes out and screaming when she realised the same as Zachariah.

Zachariah knew he had no choice.

“What did you do to him? Answer me.”

He spat the last comment, sadness and grief being overwhelmed by anger, anger towards the woman who had just butchered the man who had raised him, who had been responsible for shaping him and caring for him.

“Why should I come with you?”

Even saying it, he knew he had no choice but to go with the figure, she has left him with no real choice but to go with her. She had made sure to take everything from him, give him no reason to stay.

The blaster bolt caught him off guard. His mothers sadness had also turned to rage and she had used his fathers blaster to take a shot at the hooded woman.

The boy yelled, but he knew it wouldn’t matter. The tears were running down his cheeks.

Zachariah couldn’t bare to look as she was killed. He had no intention of seeing another death, and he was very sure that the hooded woman wasn’t going to let his mother walk away.

Lord Revna

Lord Revna



Descent into Darkness

Location: Corellia
Time: Night
Tag: Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway

There was little that shocked Revna, and this woman actions could have been said to be one of the few that did, what foolishness. She might have decided to spare her, but choosing to raise a weapon towards the Sith would always end in just one way - death.

She stepped to the side, dodging the poorly aimed shot by the woman before her hand was raised in a vice-like grip. The woman was raised off her feet, clutching at her throat as Revna used the force to choke her last few breaths out of her, letting her flail briefly. After a few moments, her hand fully clenched as the woman neck snapped, tossing her aside to the ground.

"A poor choice to have made." she rebutted. The child before her should have come willingly and would have been spared of seeing his parents die, but alas it mattered little now. With a waft of her hand, the boy would find himself beginning to feel sleepy before drifting off.

She approached the child slowly as she scooped him up in her arms and placed him on her speeder. Skilled Jedi had fallen at her hands, let alone the countless commoner lives she slaughtered on the battlefield. Revna began to head back to the ship, her prize in hand. She held him close as she rode back, not allowing harm to come to her future tool.

He wasn’t sure what was going on.

At one point he was awake, and then blackness. Then the memories began to play, over and over again like unrelenting torture, like a form of hell. He watched the moments multiple times, he saw everything.

He saw the lightning strike his father, smelt the burning flesh and watched the man in agony, begging for his life. He watched his mother lose her life, watched the life drain from her eyes as she was choked to death.

Yet no one even touched her. She couldn’t breathe, her throat was closing but she wasn’t even being touched. He’d never seen anything like it before, it was weird and scary and something he had never once seen before.

Then he watched it all over again, a second time. A third followed, a forth not long after. Over and over again like a nightmare, like torture and hell that he had never once experienced. It was horrible and he hated it.

Lord Revna

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