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Ready For Judge Derumic Android


  • Intent: To submit lore for the Derumic Android. Will be used to accompany factory submissions for the types of Durumic Android as well.
  • Image Credit: Bear Boltson on Pinterest
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Derumium Akhuul Sautra
  • Name: Derumic Android
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Sautra Vokh
  • Average Lifespan: They are mechanical, and were invented as a Sith Lord's way to convert his whole estate into immortal servants to serve him for all eternity as part of a scheme to cheat death. They are immortal unless they are destroyed and-or have their spirits stripped from the bodies.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: At first glance, they look like various forms of skeletal droids. However, the red cores and burning red eyes signal that more is beneath the dark-chrome bodies. What seperates these from other mechanical beings is that they were all once biological people of the estate of Akhuul Sautra, an ancient Sith Lord. The Derumium that makes up their bodies houses the vestiges of their souls as it manifests in the red glow from their innards and eyes. Their forms can be manipulated through the force and Sith alchemy making Akhuul and his apprentices, as well as the officers of his army and scientists in his employ, look more distinguished than the standard form that look like metallic skeltons. Force users may sense a presence of the Dark side in their vicinity due to the Sith Alchemy used in their construction, as well as the spirits of Sith Purebloods and Sith slaves being housed inside the android bodies. A few of them can use the force with what is left of their spirits, further seperating these from droids. Finally, all of the Derumic Androids have a heirarchy among their own programmed into their minds as their original conscoiusnesses were downloaded into the android "brains". The soldiers and slaves have to obey the orders from their officers and the scientists (scribes), while the apprentices (Lords) have authority over the officers and scribes, and Akhuul Sautra has a programmed authority over all Derumic Androids. Such obedience extends to how the lower ranks cannot harm the higher ranks as their programming will stop any attacks.
  • Breathes: Is mechanical, and does not have to breathe.
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.83 meters/6 feet (slaves and soldiers have a slight hunch with their necks making them appear shorter while nobles stand upright)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: The Derumium bodies look dark-chrome in color, nearly metallic black.
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: They look like robotic, humanoid skeletons with a red glow coming from the inside of their torso and red blazing eyes that look comparible to hot coals. The slaves and soldiers look simple in their design with no ornaments. Officers look slightly more ornamented in order to distinguish them from the soldiers with basic headdresses and ornamental pauldrons and girdles marked with Sith runes. The scribes have ornamental girdles and cloaks made from Derumium that are integrated into their bodies and also have a single eye on most of them, yet are still simplistic in ornamentation compared to higher ranking androids. Then Akhuul Sautra and his apprentices look the most ornamented with ornamental pauldrons and girdles, headdresses comparable to crowns, and metallic cloaks and capes made from the Derumium of their bodies, as well as being marked with even more Sith runes that glow when using the force. Derumium hardly corrodes, as a result, (as of making this sub) Derumic Androids look prestine despite being thousands of years old.
  • Races: Not in the sense that there are different origins, but rather the strict heirarchy programmed into the minds of every Derumic Android creates situations where this occurs. The higher up in the heirarchy one of these are, the more ornamented their apperance is with some being integrated with body armor into their Derumium bodies for extra protection. The most basic looking of these are the soldiers and slaves, who have no ornamentation and have a slight hunch with their necks making them appear shorter, and also had little of their personalities progammed in with their minds making them have little difference to automata. Officers command soldiers and slaves, stand up straigtht, have more ornamentation, have integrated armor, and have the ability to think independently in order to command the soldiers and slaves. However, the ornamentation of the officers is not as extravogant as the lords. Scribes are equal to officers, however are fewer in number due to them originally being the scientists that studied Derumium in order to make the androids and other Derumium items on Sautra Vokh, and have a role as advisors to the lords and Akhuul in the heirarchy. They have retained as much personality and independent thinking as the officers as well. The lords, made up of Akhuul Sautra's apprentices, have more ornamentation, more of their personality remaining as a result of their force sensitivity preserving their spirit better than the officers and scribes. The lords retain some force sensitivity, and command all the lower ranks as part of the heirarchy. They also assist Akhuul Sautra in maintaining Sautra Vokh's facilities and monitoring the galaxy to protect Sautra Vokh. Finally, Akhuul Sautra is a category of his own with all the Derumic Androids forced to obey him and designed to rule Sautra Vokh and the Derumic Androids forever. He has the most force power of the androids, and the most ornamentation, however just as much personality as the lords.
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare - Only the lords and Akhuul himself have force sensitivity.
  • Immortal - Unless destroyed and-or have the remnants of their spirit stripped from them, a Derumic Android can live forever
  • Construct - They are mechanical in nature, as a result do not need to drink, eat, breathe, or sleep.
  • Derumium - The Derumium that makes up their bodies allows for resistance to much damage and allows for easier repair through using the force.
  • Forced Unity - The programmed obedience and heirarchy allows for greater coordination and unity for the Derumic Androids in comparison to other species.
  • Mechanical Sensitivity - By preserving some of their spirits (some more than others) lords of the Derumic Androids and Akhuul Sautra are able to use the force despite their current, more mechanical forms unlike other mechancial beings in the galaxy.
  • Irreplaceable - With all the Derumium mined up on Sautra Vokh, no more of these androids can be made to replace any that are destroyed and rendered unrepairable.
  • Vestiges of Spirit - As part of the transformation from biological beings into these androids, many have lost much of their essence to the point where the lords and Akhuul himself have less force power than they did when they were biological. Using the force strains their spririts and requires much concentration for them as well. Some force powers they retain are weaker than before, while others have to use their technology to compensate for the loss in spirit that caused the loss of force power.
  • Programmed Heirarchy - Despite the unity and cohesion created by the programmed heirarchy, if any of the higher ranking members are destroyed the lower ranks to that being would be vulnerable without anyone to command them. Furthermore, the programmed obedience from the heirarchy means that there are no checks when higher ranking androids make a decision that could doom their kind as no others, aside from higher ranking members, could stop them.
  • Diet: N/A due to being a construct. The equivalence to poison would be any force power that strips one of their spirit as that can kill a Derumic Android yet would leave the body behind as a derelect husk.
  • Communication: They communicate "verbally" through built in voice modulators and speak in the Ancient Sith language if they speak at all. The lords and Akhuul know of Galactic Basic, however they still speak Ancient Sith out of pride. Meanwhile the officers and scribes only know Ancient Sith, then the soldiers and slaves do not speak but only understand Ancient Sith when commanded.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard - through the use of Derumium, the estate of Akhuul Sautra on Sautra Vokh attained galactic standard technology of modern times (time when this sub is released) in the days leading up to the Great Hyperspace War. However, since then the technology has stagnated with no more Derumium to use to update technology, and little desire to innovate among the more cogniscent of Derumic Androids
  • Religion/Beliefs: The closest thing to a religion Derumic Androids have is the Way of the Sith and the Sith Code. All Derumic Androids were once biological Sith or biological slaves of Sith, as a result the way the Order of the Sith conducted affairs and taught the force would be as close to a religion as the Derumic Androids have.
  • General behavior: The general behavior of Derumic Androids varies depending on the station one has in the heirarchy. The soldiers and slaves behave much like droids, yet may respond to any threats or other events while following commands faster than droids. Unless told otherwise, they would stand in place waiting to be commanded by their superiors. While commanded, they will tirelessly work at the given task until it is complete or commanded to stop. Officers are the ones who command the soldiers and slaves the most and act as a constant hand of guidance to the lesser ranks in the heirarchy. While they may have more independent thought than those under their command, the officers still have to rely on the lords and-or Akhuul to switch their routine of activities. Yet, the officers are able to exercise much free will in carrying out their routine of activites and keeping those under their command occupied or out of the way of their superiors' affairs. The scribes catoluge events and the condition of all Derumic Androids, as well as any technology being used on Sautra Vokh, when not acting as advisors for the lords and Akhuul. Just like the officers, they will keep to their routines until ordered otherwise by the lords and-or Akhuul yet excersize free will of their own when catologueing information and maintaining infrastructure and androids on Sautra Vokh. The lords have more variety in their affairs as they have the most free will of any Derumic Android aside from Akhuul Sautra himself. They are delegated by Akhuul to keep watch in order to protect Sautra Vokh from outsiders, as well as maintain regular affairs on Sautra Vokh by commanding the scribes and officers to do given routine tasks. Finally, Akhuul oversees all on Sautra Vokh. He is the one that orders the lords to carry out their duties while he watches the galaxy as well. Part of his watch is for the protection of Sautra Vokh, while the other part is for his own occupation of eternity so he does not get bored. In particular, he watches the Sith of the galaxy watching their affairs however he can from the distance of Sautra Vokh. All Derumic Androids are congnitively adults with physical forms equivalent to adults in biological races. Their lives are a loop of carrying out their given duties to Sautra Vokh, and Akhuul by extent. Their existence is almost comparable to a colony of insects with the one difference being that none die and no more are produced. Since the Great Hyperspace War, Akhuul has had Sautra Vokh become hidden from the galaxy, and used the advanced technology invented by the scribes to move the planet away from Sith Space to safer locations throughout the galaxy tucked away from the prying eyes of all others (including other Sith). Akhuul maintains a reclusive stance to the rest of the galaxy as a result of hiding for thousands of years. The lords may think differently of outsiders, yet being forced to follow their orders makes them comply with their ruler's stance nonetheless. If some wayward adventurer manages to get passed the efforts to obscure Sautra Vokh from the galaxy and encounter the Derumic Androids, they will be subject to varying outcomes. If the visitor is Sith themselves, they may receive a wary welcome from Akhuul's estate but are deliberately kept away from more important machines, rooms, or even androids (Akhuul in particular). If they are Jedi, would kill them on sight out of stringent defensive measures so they are not found out by the bitter enemies of their masters' order. Meanwhile, others may either by killed, scared, or forcibly driven away if they are the usual denizens of the galaxy. The Derumic Androids never sleep, and never stop at their tasks. Large portions of the androids are kept dormant in a stasis sleep as not many are needed in order to operate Sautra Vokh while in hiding. As a result, many of the soldiers, slaves, and even officers do not do anything at all and instead are forced to remain in vast networks of "crypts" being shut down until woken up by the lords and-or Akhuul when needed. Their station in the heirarchy also dictates their general behavior. Those more designed and purposed for military use are soldierlike in nature and act as protective warriors. The slaves act as tireless workers when ordered to do the labor of maintenece on Sautra Vokh when put under the command of scribes. The scribes are scholars, stewards, and were once inventors as they designed all the technology utilized by the androids (including the androids themselves). Then the lords are immortal tyrants only subject to the orders of their master, Akhuul Sautra, who rules all of them.
The story of the Derumic Androids begins with Akhuul Sautra. He was a Sith Lord in the times of the ancient Sith Empire. He fought in the armies of one of the lesser lords on Korriban until he was chosen to become an apprentice under said lord. Eventually, after killing the other apprentices and his master, he took the title as a Sith Lord and moved his inherited estate to a frontier world in the empire known as Sautra Vokh. On that world was a unique ore that could be smelted into a metal that could respond to the force. The catch was that the force was integral to the smelting and forging process of the metal. The scientists of his estate conducted experiments utilizing Sith alchemy and the metal that was then named Derumium. Eventually, Akhuul thought of using the metal to do what no Sith has ever successfully done at that time, to cheat death.

The scientists worked with the labor force of slaves to construct weapons out of Derumium at first, then armor, then spacecraft, then they eventually developed the Durumic Androids that Akhuul schemed of. Eventually there were enough android bodies to house every one of his soldiers, officers, apprentices, scientists, and even slaves, as well as himself. When they were all produced, Akhuul initiated the transferrence from organic lifeforms into the immortal spirit driven machines that all under his rule would become. Through a modified spirit transfer ritual, the the spirits of Sautra Vokh's residents and rulers were housed in the designated bodies. Then, through brain scans of all undergoing the transference, the consciousness of every member of Sautra Vokh estate was downloaded into the android brians. While the more higher ranking members of the estate had their personalities intact, the soldiers and slaves were little more than mindless automata. Even more so, the spirit of each member was not fully transfered due to the lack of a body attached to the force to house the spirits in. Akhuul and his apprentices found themselves weaker in the force than before they underwent the procedure. However, if they concentrated their essence enough, and-or used technology to help emulate force abilities, they could still do much of the mroe basic feats of force power they could before. A secret part of the transferrence, however, was the programmed heirarchy that was discovered when it was too late to reverse. Akhuul orchestrated that all of the androids would obey him and never harm him. Such a rule then carried on the lower ranking members of the estate by having the obedience and inability to harm the superiors of a given rank. Akhuul not only achieved the ability to cheat death through this form, but he also managed to get all of his subjects and apprentices to serve him for all eternity as well, created an unnaturally stable microcosm of Sith society as a result.

The transferrance was complete around the time Marka Ragnos died. The Sith lords were all jockying for control of the Sith Empire, but eventually the struggle came down to Naga Sadau and Ludo Kressh. Akhuul had planned on avoiding the struggle, or if anything join the side of Kressh, however when the two others discovered him before the Great Hyperspace War came to fruition, they both turned on him. They branded Akhuul a heretic, and erased all trace of Akhuul Sautra from the history of the Sith kept in the empire. Yet, before they could reach Sautra Vokh and destroy all Akhuul and his subjects had built, Akhuul used a secret machine to make Sautra Vokh leave its home system and travel away from Sith Space out of knowing that his rivals would destroy him if they put their resources together as they did. It was during this secret exodus that the Durumic Androids became what they are today. Most were put in a stasis "sleep" as the services were not required while the migratory world was in hiding from the rest of the galaxy. Expecting to be hunted, Akhuul had Sautra Vokh never stop moving in fear of being hunted by his rivals, their descendents, or even the Jedi.
Since the earliest times of their creation, the Durumic Androids of Sautra Vokh have been a secret to the galaxy. They hide from the outside by the orders of their immortal overlord. They constantly were monitoring the galaxy, recording what they saw, but being sure that none in the galaxy saw them unless they wanted the outsiders to.
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