Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
The travel time was still some of the longest to get back, it gave Krass after she had gotten herself back to some level of normal a chance to continue working on the mesh of the wintrium. With the converter and chem synthesizer set up so the the droids were working. She had a number of her stuff ready for anything but producing more for her to practice and work with while she was weaving the mesh into the plating of the speeder she had to work with. A few new ideas that she could work with as thoughts of new swoop bikes came to her.

"Hmm this should be fun." With the new synthweave it will help with making the speeders function on a level few others can have, new methods of protection but also it will protect what she wants to do with the lightside and calming effects of the force. Her hands moving the plates and pieces to the anvil she could work with so it was ready to try. Krass started pounding and shaping the metal so it would work better with the glassy mesh weaved into the metal until she finished. Turning all of the work on parts of it so the speeder would be a tool of the jedi.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
She kept working on it while the mechanical droids and pit droids were working with her to take apart and start rebuilding it into a very nice speeder they could use. Her own force energies flowing throughout her body in a form of meditation compared to a lot of the different things she had tried, just sitting still to channel the force and not move her body was never the answer but she wasn't one of the jedi who could use movement as a form of meditation either so instead she built things to meditate and found harmony in that.

The speeder itsself was humming and practically vibrating with the force energies when she came away from it with a small nod of her head. Not keeping track during the trip until she was working on the engine of the speeder with the purple and blue webbed frame. "How does it look?" She asked the pit droids helping her as they seemed to be looking up and down bopping each other but she took the hint of it. "Alright alright so it isn't perfect but with the new mesh it will be protected and with the synthweave it will keep away darksiders."

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
As the hours and days went by allowing her to work on the speeder and produce some more of the mesh to set in the maturation chamber as needed, she beefed up some of the really interesting things smithing with it. Her hammer falling down on the metal while she checked a smaller application of the mesh in the construction of blades that they were using. She could make saber resistant blades for confronting the saber swinging sith or any number of darksider, neutral and other jedi who wanted to purge all of the peoples in the galaxy.

"See with this we can make a difference." she was looking at the ballistic combat knife as with the right work it could be made superlight weight, with the mesh and synthweave that would allow it to be protective and stronger compared to the standard blades out there in the galaxy. She held up the blade with a nod of her head before she slid it into the water checking larger things on the racks of her cargo bay. She saw some fo the pistols and rifles they had to work with and the super lightweight weapons could handle the extra weight of the wintrium.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"How much longer?" She asked it after another day of working in the cargo bay, getting some of the things finished up as well as making a crate of equipment and gear that she could show off to the others that they had returned and been seeing all those stars.Krass was just enjoying the feeling of it now as she didn't have some large woman to put back in her place drinking wise or having to deal with other researcher and workers who didn't know the details needed to work and smith the crafting stations of the temples.

She saw Manaan on the viewscreen as they were heading into it, taking some of the larger things into account with Ahto City after all of the damage that had been done to it over two wars. She couldn't do much within it but she could work with the selkath that were using the ancient rift station to work on things like their guardian robes with the mesh being tested on an active water planet for the pressure as well as protective qualities agains thr local sharks and wildlife. It would allow her to have more data while they linked up for many of the things.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"We are on approach to Ahto City." She heard the droid while it was time and in need of a resupply for the ship, she was going to need to commission for her work hopefully a nice self sustaining and automated ship that the artisan could use to travel around the galaxy. She knew a ship like the vanguard and defenders that the jedi order used would serve a strong purpose in the end while she rubbed her hands together. Checking all of the crates they were bringing into the rift station to replace whatever they gave them.

"Good now lets get this all unloaded once we fully arrive." She was moving towards the cargo bay and loading the crates on the repulsor sled she felt them docking in the hanger in Ahto City. The ramp opening as the message about obeying the laws on manaan was playing. A standard message as she walked down the ramp with a look on her face pushing the sled throught he doors and meeting with some of the jedi there on the planet. They had been making some things they could all work with as she walked seeing the sterile silver hallways.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
She was always amazed at how much the cit remained the same, regardless of what happened to it. Silver and white metal walls that let the large city be seen frm orbit on the blue jewel, a very mechanical feel as droids and security cameras were all around. Selkath plying wares to offworlders that can be used by them offworld, there was no violence in Ahto City under the Selkath law as one of them approached her speaking. "Welcome back to Ahto city, your docking fee is two hundred credits for services needed."

Krass looked at him and yeah they always charged while she was speaking to him. She had a few ideas of the different things she could do. a mind trick wouldn't really solve the problem but she could make it work providing the credits for the selkath with a small look on her face before she shrugged it off and was being joined by some Republic officers and jedi. "Padawan Krass welcome to Manaan, we have the submersible ready for you to head down and join the researchers and workers at the rift stations."

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
Ah now the real fun could begin while Krass let them push the sled towards the Republic Embassy and base, she'd be able to work on some of the things here maybe meeting some of the other alienss at the cantina or check out the swoop track as they were going to spend some time working with things. "Alright then, tell me when it is all loaded and and I'll be ready to head down. For now one of you can take me to the swoop track to watch them, I want to get a drink and see some of the local culture."

That seemed to be able to be done as Krass was getting to go and look at some of the things, seeing more of the city as the metal pathways gave way to open sections of the city with fountains, people milling about, shops being shown and workers moving large crates all around. Krass moved into the sunlight feeling it on her face before she turned around and saw more of the massive city giving herself the scent of sea air. The small artisan seemed and felt very very small standing in the small section of the massive city.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
She was being led the opposite way of the republic facility here in the city, they had a submersible bay that could be accessed from there but she was looking at the deeper things going on while they went up a little finding the far section. One of the bars here held the swoop bike track. She was entering it as the doors hissed a little with the sound of mechanical works then there was the aroma of different drinks, bar food and all the different beings inside. Looks came at her and the one officer before she hopped up to one of the stools.

"Droid, some of your finest and where are the current crop of rider times?" She got it with a nod of her head watching the screen as several of the riders seemed to be going really hard and fast on the course to try and push faster and faster to get some of the best times. She saw the bets were getting up pretty high giving the winner a number of odds. Hell one of the larger aliens who was driving had the best time of them all as Krass was debating it, she had the new swoop in the cargo hold of her ship and it was fast.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"Hmm how much would it be to get my swoop out of the cargo hold of my ship and brought over here and then back?" She had a nod of her head at the droid while it was showing it up and she had some time to kill. If anything she might be able to do several races to really drive it in and push them all to the limits... Plus she had to be willing to test her new and improved swoop bike herself otherwise how could she ask or tell others to do it. A coward is the only one who would do that before she was paying the fee and signing up.

"Hmm call me Short round." It might have been an insult from the valkyri but she could do it and she could prepare some of the things in the submersible and clear it with the Republic, others now would be here for her while she had the swoop transferred walking the pathway to the course itself. A run off area where the markers and speed pads could be seen with the padawan touching the swoop bike. The desh-terethium metal frame with hybrid plexisteel, mesh and synthweaved body was still incredibly lightweight.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"Ready to begin?" The droid asked her as she climbed up and in putting on her canopy with a small look at the controls before she gave the thumbs up and could feel the calmness of the swoop bike. Allowing her mind to expand outwards with enhanced senses to feel each piece of the swoop. She was going for a record that could not be beaten and that was what was important in the long run until she saw the light beep from red to yellow to green.... Then the klaxon went off alerting her as Krass pushed the control to go forward.

She was pushing it hard as the engines whined going up, speed kicking off when she jumped forward with the nose of the swoop rising up so the engines could accelerate her forward at speeds she hadn't been calculating and she could feel the chassis of the swoop bike wanting to bend from the power almost folding it when she used the force to move and tap a speed pad surging forward. Dropping the nose as it came down with her keeping it going as she reached out with the force onto the swoop and heard the klaxon for the finish line.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
She hadn't realized how fast the swoop was going, they had worked on it and she had entered a zone feeling out the course and where to go with the force using her swoop as a conduit to go forward. The timer on the clock was trying to calculate as Krass climbed out of the canopy with some cheers from the others, her swoop had parts of it bent a little from the speed but the plating had remained the same. It was inside where there was damage and Krass stood seeing some of them when she entered turnign to look at her for a moment.

They cheered giving her applause that thundered throughout the bar as the time on the screen was seven seconds flat as she seemed to look at the twenty two seconds the others had. She had a third the time thanks to the higher performance engine as well as super lightweight body and frame. There was nothing in the rules about it just most didn't go for tuning up their own equipment like she might compared ot them. "So was it good?" She said it giving her contact information to the droid and hutt running it, she had the best time.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"We'll contact you as the current champion and record holder if someone beats your time though given how fast you are able to go I doubt it. Most have to push and work flawlessly in the course for times below the twenty second mark." Krass offered a raised eyebrow watching the others who were behind her as she got some of the racer bonds with a nod of her head to them. "Alright alright for now I am Manaan champion right?" She got a nod of confirmation as none of them seemed to be able to beat her time yet.

Well she supposed if anything she could beat her own time and go for making it faster to really beef it all up, Krass could think of some of the new things they were doing as she had been working to improve the engine and make it even faster if all went well. She knew some speeders were out there that could allow you to attack but she preferred a swoop bike allowing her to get across large distance faster then many others while Krass was walking up to the bar reading the bonds and how much they would be worth credit wise.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"so about that drink." The swill the droid had given her when it seemed to think she was just here to watch the races but now that she had the vistory and a large stack of racing bonds that would give her five hundred credits each... well she was important enough to merit the top shelf and finer things. It gave krass a small amount of pride while she went over the data from the swoop bike itself and the read outs her droids were giving it about the mesh and hole under the strain it had been holding up. Making her hull plating near impossible to break or bend.

"Well that works for a good test I think." She had been passing the time as one of the swoop racers seemed to be trying to beat her time and pushed it until one of the engines burnt out and then he hit some debris on the track sending him spiraling itno the water nose first whent he feed was cut and medical droids were sent out. All for some pieces of flimsy she thought of it as a waste going forward with her drink until she was done putting them in her pack and walking with the one soldier to go and meet the Republic.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"Come on then lets go and see what they have managed to do, the walk will I guess have to work for clearing my head. We have new data on the durability of the wintrium mesh and the information will work strongly for future projects using it in walkers and vehicles. She could think of a few instances in galactic history where an unbreakable walker could help solve a number of problems before entering the pathway to go back towards the shops and districts. The small padawan reaching out with her hammer and using it to protect the pack of bonds.

Then she was reaching it, the Republic emblems on the metal with a fresh coat of paint that was across from a hotel where if she wanted to some nice rooms to spend the night... Not very impressive but why the hell not since she knew the beds in the Republic facility were not that comfortable to sleep on for a small or tall person with a bad back. Krass saw the officers who were finishing loading up her submersible as they closed the cargo compartments with the large sub designed for a tteam to head down but it was just her.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"All is ready for you to go padawan Wyms and we are glad to say news of your skill on the swoop track has spread. Jedi padawans who can show up the others might lead to some new recruitment." Krass gave a nod of her head and shrug of her shoulders with a nod of her head. "Well if we get some new people then lets go and get to it." A frown on her face before she was moving itno the compartment of the submersible with one of the officers and a selkath who was going down with them getting a small nod.

"we will be down there soon enough." The officer said as the rest of the people left the sub bay and Krass sat down giving a bow of her head as the idea of being in it and once they were under the water she could see the light filtering through from the sun on the edges of the city when they were heading down. She could see some of the fish and the large sharks that were swimming around the closer they got to the massive rift on the planet. She could see the lights from the station while they were coming in towards the lagoon bay.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
The submersible came up in the massive lagoon bay as Krass could see some of the things there, several more subs were lined up before she put her hands on her nose blowing to pop her ears so the ringing and pressure wouldn't bother her. The doors opening when the color changed from silvers to grey and blues, large viewports made of crystasteel for everyone to see out into the murky depths of Manaan. Selkath were swimming wearing the mesh as they were testing it with the sharks to get a look from the padawan.

"It is preforming well enough?" The Selkath that was there gave a nod of his head while walking towards the larger labs fot he research station. They had fixed up and opened the parts where they could work out all of the bigger problems so it came in handy. "Yes, against the sharks bites in real time tests it has preformed substantially better then some of the others and is much lighter. With the dive suits developed by Sasori we can have newer models that are functionally lighter weight, highly protective and made for humans."

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
That was the good news she had been wanting to hear instead of more problems, more issues so it came as good news along with the news they were making their own drinks in one of the breweries down here. Letting some of the more exotic underwater fruits ferment with other ingredients underwater only seemed to add to it before the artisan came out in the large lab they were working on some of the things. She saw the dive suits and the mesh there being improved upon with it.

"It is looking better then i thought it would be." They were weaving into the mesh more reactive materials that would color it to almost at times blend in with the water around it. THey could use the crystal coating to help disguise underwater to protect but there was also so much more while they were rebuilding and improving upon the base. She knew they had been developing and using the pathway modules to well make the base reach down into the ruins with more of the things like capstone to defend the base.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"I'll head out with some of it then. Investigate the rift where you found some of the crystals." That was one of the things they had discovered once the sith had stolen the progenitor in their invasion. It left the rift exposed and opened but still producing kolto, Krass was leading the way as she started getting dressed in the dive suit with the mesh over her checking the breathing system so she had a large amount of air supplied if needed. She didn't need it for now though while the holographic design of the base was there.

She could see a lot of the sections had been constructed with more parts in mind for them to use. She could walk through the pathways and different modules leading off of it. Something protective when she was going down the lift modules seeing out the transparasteel into the rift that was glowing. Ruins all over that were able to be investigated in modules as well then sealed to the rock with stronger pressure seals as a lacquer before she looked over some of it. Large jutting formations of crystals that even she could feel the force from.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"We have been expanding daily, each day there are at least five modules hooked up and sealed for the base o add to the functionality as well as the distance. Across the floor of the ocean and along the rift there are living modules for the researchers that are providing food and supplies to everyone." The jedi spoke this time as he wore the same dive suit and checked the sonic emitter just in case they had built into it. With the mesh and down here with the chemical equipment being added they could make more of the mesh for everything.

"That is good to hear, I know it isn't easy but after we complete hopefully the wintrium synthesis project we can begin working on Kolto and other healing juices or things. I know some were looking to create bota that would last longer off world." As well as a number of other projects when she finished coming to the bottom of the rift. A walkway leading them to warehouse modules that were designed to hold artifacts or anything of interest they might have found when she opened the door. Several scientists were in there working.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
"We have also been working and setting up equipment for production in other sections of the facility, since the station is not hidden like in the past nor just being used by the Order of Shasa as a meeting place they have helped a lot. Providing jedi teachings with skills like their waveforms or how to forage on the ocean floor. We have been workign to expand towards some of the selkath cities so they can let their scientists eventually join us here." He was proud of himself and he had reason to be when krass looked over some of the things.

"Well that will be good when we work on some fo the things, I know the other facilities are operating and constructing just as much with some of the things they have but all are enjoying the new equipment from Sasori so put it to good use." Her eyes drifted from the warehouse to the other one attached next door over that was being set up with the equipment for production as well as synthweaving the materials together. Above them through the transparasteel several sharks were swimming.

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