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Approved Starship Delta-7B Interceptor "Verde"

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Delta-7B Aethersprite-class Interceptor

Image Source: Here
Affiliation: Lan Graendal, personal
Manufacturer: The Galactic Republic (KDY, historically)
Model: Delta-7B Aethersprite-class Interceptor
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel
Classification: Interceptor, personal transport
Length: 8 Meters
Height: 1.44 Meters
Width: 3.92 Meters

Armament: Rating 3
  • 4 x Laser Cannons

Squadron Count: N/A

Special Features: N/A

Maneuverability Rating: 1
Speed Rating: 2
Hyperdrive Class: Class 1.0 (Requires Booster Ring)

  • [+] Speed: The Verde is an extremely small spacecraft with powerful sublight engines, allowing it to easily pursue enemy fighters, escape from losing dogfights, and otherwise dominate through sheer quickness.
  • [+] Agility: It's an interceptor, what do you expect? Despite having powerful engines and speed, the Verde is still capable of making sharp turns and evasive maneuvers.
  • [-] Frail: Since it's both small and light, that means it has a very thin layering of armor. Of course it can take a few laser or blaster cannon hits and maybe even a single shot from a higher grade weapon, but don't expect it to fly much longer. Between R4's experience and Lan's use of the Force, the duo hope not to let this weakness be the end of them.
  • [-] Lightly Armed: Wielding only four laser cannons, the Verde isn't much use against anything that isn't an attack craft or a freighter. Against a shielded capital ship, this little interceptor doesn't stand a chance unless luck is on Lan's side and he manages to hit a weak point that isn't shielded. But that's luck.
  • [-] Hyperdrive: This model of interceptor lacks a hyperdrive and requires the use of a booster ring. That being said, Lan must use a booster ring when going off on personal excursions. When traveling with a fleet, he can merely keep the Verde on a capital ship.

Description: The Verde is a reincarnation of the age-old Delta-7B's from the Clone Wars era. Since it wasn't built back then and has actually been constructed according to modern standards, age won't hold it back a bit. Small, fast, and agile, the Verde is an exceptional interceptor and excels in dogfights and combat with other attack craft. Although the same can't be said in regards to capital ships, Lan and R4-P11 - his astromech - hope to be able to avoid fire larger than laser cannons. That being said, the Verde is piloted by Lan Graendal, a middle aged Jedi Master who has more experience in lightsaber forms and the Force rather than starfighters and naval combat. But luckily Arfour (R4-P117) has his back when it comes to that. Arfour has enough time spent in the fighter to rival veteran pilots and hold his own.

Between Arfour's experience and assistance alongside Lan's mastery over the Force, the duo are more than prepared to attempt in countering the Verde's weaknesses of light armored plating and its lower than standard armament. It isn't like they plan on seeing much combat, but if it comes, they'll be ready.

Development Thread: None, only if necessary.
Intent: To provide Lan Graendal with a fast, agile, and capable small fighter craft for use in naval combat, personal transportation, and the continuation of space-based storylines.
Who Can Use This: Lan Graendal, those allowed explicitly ICly.
[member="Lan Graendal"]

Ok my one problem with this submission is imprinting. Unless you can provide a canon example of this occurring in a vehicle I'm going to have to ask this is removed. As a machine cannot predict the future maneuvers of others, let alone the bit about being more difficult to control on average by anyone else. (Why would it be harder for another Delta-7 Pilot)
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