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Delana Saan

Note: This character has a rather extensive background tied to the main timeline of Star Wars: Exodus. I have never exposed her true background before the events in Gravetouched on SWE - though some are guessing from clues I left - and simply to keep it a bit mysterious, I'd prefer not to here. I do have that background however, and if that poses a problem, I can reveal it.

Delana Saan


NAME: Delana Saan / Darth Anansis / Darth Ahkris
FACTION: None Whatsoever
RANK: Sith Lord
SPECIES: Hapan human - with some genetic oddities.
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.80 m
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Black, some silver strands
SKIN: Light


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Unlike most born within the Hapes Cluster, she is not blinded by twilight - she was born under Hapes' twin suns, but shuns their light. In bright daylight, she prefers eyecovers - sunglasses, masks, whatever is appropriate at the time. She can see in the darkest night, her visual spectrum going into the fringes of both infrared and ultraviolet. A genetic anomaly - one which has directly caused the pains of her early life.

In her years, especially during her training and shaping as a Sith, she has been forced to endure the pain light brings her, and thanks to the force, there are other senses she can rely on - but sudden exposure can still disorient and maybe even temporarily blind her, and she avoids it where she can.

Her finest, more mundane abilities are her experience at subterfuge and misdirection and the skill with which she moves people like game pieces across the board that is the galaxy. In terms of force powers, she is an accomplished sith sorceress and an exceptional illusionist and mentalist; especially the latter. She collects the basics of as many force techniques as she can; an inclination she shares with her ally and friend Velok; to both Sith's advantage. Skills she deems useful or interesting enough she develops further - though few of those are truly of solely destructive nature. In fact, unlike most Sith of similar power, she has almost no experience with force lightning, and even that is mostly due to an interest in keeping herself alive against it. One destructive option she has successfully displayed are Tendrils of Darkness - and, of course, simple telekinetics.

This disinclination for sheer destruction isn't limited to her force powers - for a Sith Lord of her stature, her skills with a lightsabre are subpar. She is proficient in Niman, but a dedicated Jedi Knight - or maybe even a gifted padawan - will give her serious trouble if limited to nothing but sabre combat. Needless to say, she rarely sees reason to limit herself such.

Another area of expertise is alchemy - especially alchemy involving force sensitive crystals - she owns several trinkets involving them in some way, shape or form, and utilizies them in her lightsabre - and to a lesser degree biological alchemy, with the accompanying groundwork in more mundane genetics. The latter part stems mostly from her own interest in how she differs from other hapans, and the zealotry she has displayed in hunting down her genetic past.

Finally, she has been trained a true Sith Apprentice, put through gruesome trials, and often survived through unyielding will alone. She has been shattered, broken, and reformed again, and is neither easily shaken nor cowed.

Through her contacts and allies, she has access to varying sorts of small transport ships, but though she may favour one or the other at a time, she prefers not to have a single ship directly associated with her. She's as likely to accompany Velok on his Wayward Son, fly a rental starship to simply purchasing a berth on a passenger liner or smuggler's ship.

Main source on the SWE Wiki:

This is a summary - more details can be found in the links below and above; at least as far as I haven't modified or expanded upon our written escapades to make her fit.

Delanas first appearance in recent history was sudden, inexplicable. A series of killings began after one Tanis Vedra and his shipmates discovered an ancient battleground, not far from the hapes cluster, consisting of centuries-old republic cruisers and ancient hapan frigates. The killings - gruesome, bloody things - were initially attributed to the expeditions sole survivor, Tanis, and he was declared both guilty and clinically insane by involved authorities... Until the Jedi decided to get involved after Tanis apparently murdered a Jedi Knight. Following clues of Sith involvement, zeltron Jedi Iraya Dakkari took Tanis and a small entourage through an investigation spanning many corners of the galaxy, including hutt space and Sith territories within the Unknown Regions. Eventually, they concluded that someway, somehow, a sith calling himself 'Darth Ahkris' was the true perpetrator, having manipulated Tanis through his command of the dark side.

The Jedi theorize that Ahkris was on the hapan frigate - why, how, or even Ahkris true identity eludes them still, but somehow, the Sith must have survived on the derelic for hundreds of years, and used Tanis to return from the brink of death. Ahkris was confronted, and subsequently destroyed. Ahkris' apprentice, Darth Anansis, let them leave unchallenged.

None of them ever found out Ahkris and Anansis were one and the same. None of them ever found out that Delana Saan, 'Jedi Knight', used her disguise to quietly weave facts into fiction, and had relevant clues disappear into nothing but second-rate information.

The Winnowing
During events the old whiphid blackguard Velok would later refer to as the Winnowing, Delana first met then-Jedi Knight Ashin Varanin... and of course, Velok himself. Posing as a Jedi, she managed to acquire the help of local law enforcements, fighting off Kishkumen - a dark lord with the nefarious Cult of Shadows - and his cronies while hunting a valuable collection of dark side artifacts. Originally, the whiphid mastermind intentend to draw out darksiders for him to kill - but when Delana secured the cache, he instead sent her an invitation, and included her in his slowly unfolding plans. An alliance of two shadowy manipulators was born, first out of mutual, but wary respect, and now of something resembling trust and friendship more closely than most Sith would ever feel.

The Great Con
Velok's plan was ambitious. Calling on favours, on illusion, on old, old friends and force-using pawns, they began to shape the appearance of a dark side organisation whose very members believed to be centuries old to the very end. With the aid of fleets thought lost and mercenary support, they staged an invasion of Sith territories far out in the unexplored reaches of the galaxy. Not entirely unexpected, the invasion - one of multiple others, staged by other, more substantial sith factions - came to a halt when the besieged Empire was shaking from a threat they had accidentally unleashed all on their own. Alchemical beasts, mutating at speeds beyond belief, threatened to tear down the efforts of all factions involved in the war - and thus, an alliance of former invader and defender was born.

Eventually, the beasts were defeated; especially thanks to an alchemical cocktail devised by 'Darth Ahkris' - the role she took for their play - which exploited their highly mutative nature, causing them to rapidly mutate beyond anything their bodies could support. In the aftermath, a new empire was born - one where both Velok, or Torkan as he called himself then, and Delana as Darth Ahkris held considerable influence. In one fell swoop, they had acquired power and access to some of the galaxy's greatest darkside secrets.

Their subterfuge continued, of course - dark side lore was subtly spirited away, dark lords not meeting their high standards were slowly eliminated. Ahkris took on an apprentice, Anansis - noone but another role for Delana, intended to grant her more mobility in circles where Ahkris' presence would be unusual or unwelcome.

The Cult of Shadows
When the illusive Cult of Shadows threatened the Unknown Regions with the unleashing of the endless legions of the Charon from Otherspace, many, many governments and individual forces joined together, ending in a climatic final battle at the cult's base of operations; Arcanix. The Sith planned to unleash a devastating force storm first on the Shadow Temple, and then use the opportunity to wipe out the gathered military might above Arcanix' skies - eliminate all their enemies in one fell swoop.

Velok and Delana, however, had other plans.

While Empress Sirella and her master of shadows, Seren Mordavo, were preoccupied with the ritual fueling the storm, the two masterminds withdrew their power, betraying them right during the raging battle outside. Sirella relented and disappeared. Mordavo was killed. Dozens of the cult's insect warriors, the Schrai, were destroyed. Dozens of cultists were incinerated by the storm.

An Empress had fallen. The remaining Sith Lords, under guidance of co-conspirator Ashin Varanin, formed new alliances, and pledged new loyalties.

Fall of an Empire
That Empire, of course, wasn't to last. It never had been part of the plan, in either case, though not even they had predicted the ruthless efficiency displayed by Varanin in her intended role. Varanin shattered the Empire, slaughtered most of its lords. Ahkris was killed months before already, and Anansis was thought to have fled to greener fields.

And Delana? Delana quietly slipped away into the reaches of space, her true identity now unknown to almost everyone within the galaxy. She operates from the shadows, through pawns often unaware of the strings guiding their actions, and a small group of trusted allies, friends and subordinates who hold no true allegiance to any of the great players in the galaxy.

None whatsoever.

Seren Mordavo, together with Velok and Darth Kabal, during the Battle of Arcanix. (See below)
Scores of cultists during the same battle, including Kishkumen - more or less voluntarily by him.


Note: She went by multiple names, so in the following threads, she can appear as Delana, Ahkris or Anansis. I probably missed some where I didn't name her at all.

A slow moving, in theory still going story of mine. Originally, Delana was designed as the yet-undisclosed villain of that story, but I liked her character too much and started writing about her in other arcs.

The Winnowing
Her first true appearance. In a hunt for artifacts, she fights the Dark Lord Kishkumen, poses as a Jedi Knight, and eventually acquires the sought-after items - and gets recruited by the elusive Velok.

Some one- or shortshots about our Sith. Mostly Ashins, but Delana appears there.

Forged in Fire
Velok, Delana and some others begin taking over parts of Sith space. Delana cooks up an alchemical cocktail to deal with swiftly mutating alchemical creatures.

Sith Lords and Covalent Bonding
The lords of the warring sith factions meet to lay the foundations to a new empire. Delana represents the Sith'ari Centrality, with a certain old whiphid as her bodyguard.

Jedi Interlude
Delana visits a Jedi Temple to gather information and maintain her cover as 'Delana Saan, Jedi Knight'.

Shadows of the Republic
A sadly aborted story about Sith and New Republic commandos getting trapped on a derelict ship. Delana fills the role of Sith commander.

The Lure of Knowledge
Still going story during which Delana recruits a number of servants, engineers the death of Darth Lorrok, takes over the Vorzyd system and gets one of her alter egos, Anansis, promoted to Darth status. And of course, starts to uncover an ancient Sith stronghold. Focus is mostly on her new apprentice, Charda.

Mon Calamari: Tidal Wave
As the unified fleets from all corners of the galaxy battle endless waves of Charon unleashed by the Cult of Shadows, Delana influences the battle with her manipulation of mind and emotion, and conjuring illusionary fighter swarms.

Arcanix: Shadow and Light
Showdown with the Cult of Shadow. Delana and Velok conjure a force storm killing shadow cultists by the dozens, together with Darth Sirena (known better as Sirella, here) and Seren Mordavo - two powerful Sith Lords they betray mid-fight. With dozens of Schrai caught in the crossfire as collateral, they manage to kill Mordavo and drive off Sirena, laying the groundwork for the coup d'etat that would remove Sirena from power as Sith Empress.

She has some other appearances - I remember her saving Velok from captivity once, for instance - but those are secondary to her character definition compared to these.
Not at all. Your sole difficulty perhaps lies in that she's a different type of Sith to the mainstream interpretation, but we need more of those, not less. Looking forward to seeing you finish off the character.
And for what its worth, I've just been informed that mentioned Darth Sirena is actually Sirella here! :D

That'll take more coordination than I thought!
Well, mostly done. I kept several things vague on purpose on Exodus - her age, her sith lineage and background before her first appearance - to keep it mysterious for those who don't want to spoiler themselves. I'd like to keep doing that, but if that background is required for approval, I can add it. Ashin knows half of it, anyhow, I think.

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