Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Deep Down Under

Where?: Coruscant Underworld

It still blew A2's mind that there were people that lived on the floor of the planet. Heck, even the fact that the planet had a "floor" was pretty bizarre to her already. The architecture and workings of Coruscant baffled her for many reasons, but she tried her best not to really get hung up on it. That seemed to be the case with most people around her at the moment, as A2 found her way shuffling through the masses of people that called this part of the planet home. They were an... interesting bunch to say the least. The kind of people that her father warned her not to mingle with--which was ironic considering she's now only here because of her father. From the homeless to hardened criminals, it seemed like the Underneath was where good people go to die and the bad ones thrive.

That being said, it wasn't that all surprising that her next job would lead her here. With the Almighty being repossessed to go towards her debt, Almighty Two found herself pretty much grounded for the foreseeable future. Taking the easy job she could find, she was not escorting a weird looking box halfway across the planet. The employer didn't say exactly what was in it--and to be honest, A2 didn't really care--but it sure made a lot of noise and drew a lot of attention to her. For the past couple of hours it was a pretty smooth yet annoying trek, but out of nowhere it started to beep.

Mildly concerned, A2 placed the box down in the middle of an alley and just... watched it. In her experience, this don't just start beeping for no reason. Half the time, it's a tracker. The other half it was a bomb so...

Abel Denko

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