Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death in Retribution (Sibar Laval)

[member="Sibar Laval"]

Retribution: punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act. It was fitting for a class of Star Destroyer to be named as such. It's not the vessel itself that decides the type of retribution, but the men in charge of the vessel. Just like the individual behind the trigger of a gun, retribution is a tool. In this case, it's a starship. This starship in particular had plenty of men who were geared for one thing and one thing alone: Conflict. Whether it be a skirmish, a mission....or even a war. A war, in which, the Dark Swarm intended to succeed.

To succeed in war, you do not necessarily need to be better than the enemy. The enemy just needs to be worse off than you. That plan of action was exactly what the brains behind the Dark Swarm intended and this starship was not beyond those evil designs. During the most recent time that the Star Destroyer was docked, a single Herald boarded in secret. Creeping and squeezing through the inner workings of the ship, it finally came upon its first victim: an engineer working in a cramped space.

It was a shame, really. The man was two days away from retirement.

A clamping bite around the neck and a violent twist was all it needed to end this man's fragile and vulnerable life. The Herald continued on, intent on causing more misery and bloodshed for the Dark Swarm's cause...

Sibar Laval

Sibar was inside the bunk for his squad. He had dismissed the rest of his crew to do what ever their pyscopathi counterparts hearts desires so he was alone. He was still dressed in his armor through. He had the tank of gas on his back and flamethrower at his bunk, meanwhile his blaster was on his belt. The only thing he didn't have was his helmet. His baby blue eyes and brown hair where open to the world. "Kark....this job used to be so much easier." That was the truth. Then Sibar's lucky girl believed that their daughter should come and be made a soldier. Yea that was going great so far, not it wasn't. The first day she saw him she broke a leg and got back into her cutting habit. Plus it seemed their was so much to do with the new rank Major.

[member="Dark Swarm Narrator"]
The Herald had found the tunnels used by mouse droids. It wouldn't have fit if it wasn't for its ability to squeeze and move like a ferret in tight places. The sound of the Herald moving through the tunnels below the hallway floors was faint, but if you listened closely...there could be heard a squishy noise, like handling and squeezing egg yolk. A couple of mouse droids were forced back into the connecting tunnels they came from.

Finally, the Herald could hear the resonation of footsteps above him. He peeked through the grate of a hatch and spotted an exposed ankle of a man changing out of his armor. It lunged its head out of the hatch and bit into the flesh. It immediately noticed that there were more people in the room, though. Its head swiftly retreated back and continued down the tunnel as blaster bolts from quickly raised rifles peppered the area in which the Herald's head used to be.

The bitten man screamed as the bile burned his nerves and infected his wound. Calls for a medic rang out and someone pulled an alarm.

[member="Sibar Laval"]

Sibar Laval

Sibar stared at his helmet for a moment before he started to hear screams and the alarm. He quickly put his helmet on and grabbed his flamethrower. A man came rushing into the room, seemingly spooked. "Major Laval! There's something here! We don't know what it's doing but it has been biting our men." Sibar sighed "Really? Your pulling the alarm for something that is likely a rat?" The man shook his head "No. Something is happening to the men. The bite is....doing something. We can't tell what though." Sibar shook his head "Really? Are you sure? I remember someone making up some kind of crazy story like this because he was bored. He immediatly was launched out in an escape pod."

[member="Dark Swarm Narrator"]
"Shut the tunnels off!" yelled a man in the distance. Soon after, a wall came down and closed off the Herald's only path forward in the tunnel. Frustrated, it immediately left the tunnel through another grate and surprised a man in armor.

"What the hell!!!" yelled the surprised and, quite frankly, frightened soldier as he squeezed off rounds of blaster bolts. The Herald lithely snaked through the air and avoided the man's shots. He did a barrel roll in mid-air and then rammed into the man, knocking him on his back. The Herald twisted around the struggling man and tried to find places to bite. However, the armor was too much. So, instead, he started to squeeze the life out of the man. The weak segments of the armor caved in from the mighty pressure and started crushing the life out of the man.

[member="Sibar Laval"]

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