Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death Grenades

Part 2 from here

After Elaine had got the shipment of drugs, from [member="Dunames Lopez"] she had to make it into a workable grenade. She did not however just want to make it another gas grenade. She wanted to make it into a mist, that could be absorbed through the skin. This was the hard part, otherwise she just found active ingredient and turned it to gas grenade. The main ingredient was Ixetal cilona, this did come in a liquid form and could be applied to alcohol, or fizzyglug a popular youth drink. So it was soluble, so the question became how to get it to fade into a mist rather than a gas. The mist would be less dense, but could but did have other qualities.

As she ponder these things, she had to her office, to look for local pharmacies that may help provide technical expertise, on this subject.
After a week of interviews, she had finally got a team of ten people to head up the project. Some of them where from Alderaan, before they fled the sith, and some where from refugees. The team was given the job to make drug, a mist that was capable of passing through the skin. The mist was good as it would linger longer, than a gas as it was denser, so the wind would not blow it away as easy. They deside of substance known as Dimethyl sulfoxide added water, as well as drug Ixetal Cilona. This was going to be there initial solution, after experimenting on the local wildlife. To see if it could be absorbed, into skin.

They had multiple test subjects, to try it out on. To Elaine the ends did justify the means, as she wanted a weapon that would knock out force users. Though she would have to remake personal armour, as if this weapon was inplay it would knock her out too. Though she would get round to that another day. She had tea and scone, as waited for the test results to come in. The substance did penetrate the skin, but the where other problems to overcome. Such as what was it boiling temperature, and what was it optimal temperature to use it at. Then getting the grenades to get it to that temperature, without destroying the formular.
The test results proved it can be absorbed through skin as a mist, and it was enough to intoxicate anyone inside the mist. The question now was what substance to use to heat it up, to boiling point. She had plenty to choose from, from gun powered, plasma, so many explosive substances to activate the device. However the wrong one may destroy one of the chemicals, or make it too gassy and ineffective. This was next job of her team, to get the right balance between formula and explosive to use in this AGL.

It took a week before they came up with the result, in the end they used Thermite. It had only small quantity in it, so not to vaporise the formula. The formula itself was only hundred and fifty milliliter. This when initially expanded over thousand times, into roughly a fifteen meter ball of mist. She now had to do field test on it.
After a week of testing the new grenade was ready for field test, for this she had shipment sent to Coruscant.
There where sith acolytes and knights that where left behind, after the invasion. She was about to go on a raid, they been supplies from the locals.

She was going with a few Housecarls, and scouts troops as well as two companies of infantry. The Scouts took up position, around the area where the sith where held up. There job was to shoot any that rushed out of the building, her and take the down. The local militia that her troops have been training, have corden of the area. So no members of the public got involved in the raid. They had back up of her troops if need be, as some of the sith maybe on there way back to base. Though all intel say they are all inside the den, as they plan causing disturbances, or trying to find a safe way of the planet.

She and her troops began setting up, the plan was simple. They would fire a few grenades into building, that should make dense enough fog to cut them from the force. Then as they rush out, they cut them down first. Though she was now duty bound to take prisoners, if they offered there surrender.
Her troops where in position, and the militia had cordoned off the area, it was time. The main attack platoon, then fired the grenade into building, via the windows. As the grenades explode, a red mist started to appear the building. The occupants began using curse words, as they lost the ability to access the force. She could sense it, her pleasure of this was quite palpable. She stood back so the mist would not get her, as she looked on at events from a vantage point. They ignited there crimson red lightsabers, and made dash for it at her troops. Unfortunately she could have them killed, like the digs that they where. So her men fired stuns round on automatic, cutting them to ground in good order. They would be taken to dock tomorrow after they been pumped for further information.

She smiled it meant her grenade had worked, and her troops had access to another weapon to knock down the sith to size.
As they where hauled back to local militia station, that her pioneers where busy outfitting. She was timing them to see how long the effect would last, she was in control even if they got force back now. As they where cuffed, and had guns pointed at them. The drive to station took roughly twenty minutes, and as soon as they where inside they where put into holding cells. She kept an eye on her stopwatch, and in a few minutes more, they started to regain there abilities. Though as soon as they could force collar where put on them, to deny them access to it again. This was from a sanctioned torture to force users, and she did get some pleasure in torturing sith, well I say some. Over next few days they would be interrogated and put on trial, and then that was out of her hands.
Seeing the grenade had worked, she now need to make sure the manufacturing of it was kept secure. As she head back to her homeworld, seems she making a lot trips now from one end of galaxy to other. As she did she sent a message a head to her steward, to find her an area and people to make the grenade. As he was busy doing this task, she was on laid back and rested on the transport. She had done lot since the attempted coup on alderaan, and wonder how her people fared on the planet, now they finally got there way. Mandalorians never did have much use for culture, and the fine arts for that matter. They where useful though as hired thugs, but still they where some best warriors in the galaxy. She did pounder what would have been if she did win, well now she be trying to get the planet as part of the Alliance. Though it would have been scary time, with The One sith so close.

As she journeyed back, with the wounded from Coruscant campaign. She got a message they had found a few places, and have started to recruit staff once the new building had been made.
As her transport landed, and the walking wounded got off. They received a hero's welcome, the whole city had come out just to give them a standing ovation. She got out first, not to try and take any limelight of them, but she wanted to shake each and everyone of there hands, and say thank you to them. They sacrificed part of there future, for the people of galaxy and for that deserved to be recognised. after the walking wounded had come off, it was more of somber moment as the coffins started coming out. The crowd hushed for them, as they came and she bowed her head as sign of respect for them as they passed her. She had work to do, but this was one those solemn moments what came before work.

After this she had paid for troops, to have free bar and all the food they could eat. They also get priority on housing, and jobs with in what ever she could give them. Some may even be making this grenade, she just tested out.

She did not make the informal celebrations, as she did not want them to be on best behaviour with her in the room. She did make the formal one at her villa, where they given best food she could give them. The where speeches made, and new graveyard being dug. It would not be the last, which did make weep a little.

After the meal she went to see her new factory, so her men could let there hair down. They could curse swear brag and fight, without anyone holding them to account, they had earned it.

The building was going to be sealed of from the outside, so none the chemicals could leak into atmosphere. She was also making sure parts of factory was adapted, so disabled people could work. As she figured some would want to work, and she a duty of care to them to make sure they could. She was also having her other factories, altered so they could work in other ones as well, if they wished. She did hope some would stay on, to train the next generation of soldiers as well.
After a month the factory was up and running, then came training to get the grenades made. As these where not your standard grenade, as most use gunpowder to make the explosion. These used water, which was part of the formula to explode. It was the thermite that made the water boil, and the rapid expansion of the formula the cracked out durasteel case. The shrapnel was actual quite weak, once it cracked. Though the grenades casing did have, purpose built fault lines to help it break evenly, when the formula did boil. She also smiled as she saw some vets, not getting drunk every night, but still being productive members of society. Though those she could not help directly where getting counseling, and she had made a few vets clubs so they could drink together.

She then took the first create of the grenades to be tested, in the infantry blaster. As the sample one was always going to work, she need to make sure they worked now they being produced by a factory. She got her housecarls to fire one at her, as walked seventy five meters away with dueling armour on, and rebreather in. He asked My lady are sure about this? She replied in slightly nervous voice and said Yes I am, how else can I be sure they work. I am asking people to risk there lives using them, I need to know they work before I do that. Then there was a popping noise. she saw grenade come close to her, she did not use the force to deflect it. As hit ground the grenade split up along the fault lines, and red mist started to engulf her. She could feel the force disconcerting from her, she started to panic she never been severed from the force before. She felt utterly useless, and panicked and ran. It by passed her rebreather and entered through the exposed skin. The housecarl grabbed her put her down in corner, and began to talking to her to calm her down. The effects lasted thirty three minutes on her, but it did subside. She spent day having bath and trying to forget what is was like not to feel the galaxy at large.

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