Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dead Man Walking


Akabane felt a gentle tap on his forehead followed by another one and another. "It's time to wake up..." Coxed a soft soothing voice that tickled his ear with its warm humid breath. With a tired groan, Akabane's eyes slowly opened remnants of sleep still visible in his chestnut orbs.

Peering down from above was a woman with crimson skin and smooth features, her mouth was a wide encompassing smile and her eyes were rounded in a soft tired fashion that stressed her black eyeliner and golden gaze. despite her otherwise hygienical outlook, her long jet black hair was slick and greasy as it fell down her face and tickled her apprentice.

With long fingers and pointed claw-like nails, Charon caressed Akabanes jaw and neck as she propped herself on top of him her assets pressed gently against his chest. In all honesty, this wasn't very appropriate and if someone were to walk in at this very moment they might get the wrong idea. "Um...could you-...uh..." Akabane titled his face to the right his gaze no longer locked with Charon's. His reaction seemed to spur his dark mistress on as her face grew closer and her embrace on his neck grew tighter as it began to pierce his throat.

"Ow ow ow..." He groaned.

"What's wrong? Never had a pretty lady in your bed before?" "N-no! I-I mean-What I mean is..." "Well? Spit it out, it's impolite to keep a lady waiting." His face flushed with red Akabane finally found the courage to voice his grievance. "Can you please move...your...breath...smells like a Banthas hide..." The room went silent and the air grew cold and stale as a string of footfalls grew louder signaling anothers approach. "Hey you need to-" It was so quick he didn't notice but the weight on his body had left leaving the boy alone under his sheets as he laid awake in his clay bed.

Quickly the young man climbed out of bed and dashed over to the door just as a heavy hand banged on the metal. Hastily Akabane opened the door to find a pair of yellow pupils filled with hatred and contempt burrowing into his own.

"Do not bother lying to me child I can sense the fibbing of a nascent force user with my eyes closed so you're already beaten." Akabane's expression grew grim and stern as his fists clenched and his eyes began to buzz in his head. "Overseer, Xiao. What brings you to my humble dorm?" The man grimaced as he moved his lip to bare his yellow-stained teeth and bleeding red gums.

"Do not trifle with us boy we're already aware of the truth." Akabane furrowed his brow as an olive green man entered the room behind the overseer his head bald and covered in crimson tattoos and his purple robe dragging on the stone floor as the light of the hallway reflected off the gold accents lining the sleeves and collar. His motions were robotic and inhuman as he gazed from Xiao to Akabane and then to Xiao once more. "We are aware that one of the Apprentices on this floor managed to somehow acquire one of Ajunta Pall's ancient scriptures from his tomb and are impeding the Dark Council's inspection."

Akabane clenched his teeth as he tried to contain his laughter. "You honestly believe a mere apprentice is capable of such a feat? You guys must be desperate." Xiao's eyes became daggers as he grabbed Akabane by the shoulders and shook him like a near-empty bottle of ketchup. "How dare you be so impudent! This is Inogorath one of our most valued inquisitors! He has been in the Empire much longer than you have and you will show him RESPECT!" The bald man dismissively waved at the Overseers lecture.

"The title Inquisitor is just a fancy way of saying custodian because it seems all we do is clean up the messes others create for us." "What did you expect? It's in the job description muchacho!" Xiao glared at Akabane but kept his outbursts to himself. "I'll take my leave then." "That would be best." Xiao offered one last bow before he scuttled down the hallway his footfalls growing quieter by the second. "As for you new blood..." The Inquisitor approached Akabane each step he took causing the boy to instinctually step backward. For all his talk he was no Sith and his skills with the force weren't that noteworthy either. Hell, the only reason he even GOT PAST THE TRIALS was because he managed to outwit the class superstar.

"Step off old man! I didn't steal anything." The Inquisitor rolled his eyes as he reached out toward the young man and reached into his pant pocket his wrinkled old fingers returning with a plastic white card with a small photo in the left corner and a small string of credentials taking up what space was left. "Well Mr, Akabane Troy I suggest you put some clothes on, we're going to be gone a while." Akabane rolled his eyes as he pushed past the Inquisitor his focus on the wardrobe where he kept his cloak and some of his more personal items. He couldn't put his finger on it but something about the closet felt strange and the closer it drew and eerier the feeling became as it washed over his body and sent a shiver down his spine.

Cautiously he gripped the door handled and was about to pull when something shifted inside the compartment. "Don't tell me she..." "Something the matter?" The asked the inquisitor with a glint of annoyance. Akabane was quick to respond hoping to conceal his own surprise.

"Oh, it's just that...I can't really change with you in here now can I?" To his surprise, the Inquisitor seemed understanding as he abruptly left the dorm and judging by the sound of his footsteps went down the hallway to wait for the young man. As soon as he was convinced the Inquisitor had left Akabane angrily swung his wardrobe open sending the giggling Zeltron inside tumbling onto the red-clay floors. "Why would you hide inside my closet?!" Standing up the woman barely rose above Ravenous her golden gaze a warning to watch his tone, a warning he somehow felt was unintentional.

"Sorry about that! I was pressed for time and there was nowhere else I could hide. I promise this won't happen again." Darth Charon always had a knack for taking with her hands and it showed as she waved them back and forth weaving a story with her fingertips.

"Next time I'll do my best to only wake your brain up okay?" With that subtle tease, Charon left the room joy in her stride as she exited the dormitories. "For my sanity, I'm just going to assume she didn't just say that..." Akabane spun on his heel and bent over the small obsidian washbasin that came with his dorm room toothpaste splatter and knots of hair ruining the sink's fine craftsmanship in favor of a slob's enjoyment. Akabane tenderly unwrapped the bandages encompassing the left side of his face revealing the charred dead skin underneath. His daily ritual began with him dampening a piece of cotton with alcohol before rubbing it on his crispy dried skin earning a wince from the Sith.

"Never get used to that..."

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