Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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De craticula

It was many a month since Paris had last been in contact with another sentient being. For a long time, coming on 12 standard months, she had liased any communication using the company's various droids and androids, personalities and artificial intelligence to communicate whatever she needed. And even on the odd chance she had managed to strike a deal and face to face contact was necessary, she had constructed over a hundred human replica droids to resemble her appearance in order to avoid tumultuous chance of failure that presented itself when placing such responsibility upon herself.

Now was time to break that cycle.

After but nearly the same amount of time that she had not spoken to a sentient for, the company's growth had stagnated. They were no longer making a loss thankfully, as several cost cutting measures to reduce production of now defunct products and beneficial severance packages removed the nepotistic hires that had riddled the organisation for years before, which could be supported by rapidly expanding industrial contracts. But it was today that the true owner of the company had contacted her and decided it was time to drag the mysterious woman out of the frying pan of her office and into the fire of the real corporate world.

Removing a strand of hair covering her left eye, she glanced solemnly down at the holocomputer before her, the blue light passing through her iris.


The Directorate is pleased with the progress you have made in cutting redundant measures within the production progress while I have been tasked with expanding our influence on Coruscant. I have managed to secure a deal with an up and coming trade organization that can ensure streamlining of production processes and outsourcing our more expensive contracts to more reliable suppliers.

Do not let us down,

The strand of hair returned to her left eye again, causing a frustrated grown as she moved it back behind her left ear, then peering down at the time. Whoever she was meeting should be here soon. The only concern crossing her mind was whether or not she was overdressed, as her confidence in her cutthroat negotiating rapport was as sure as ever, despite being out of commission for some time.


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