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Approved Starship Dauntless-class Star Destroyer

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Intent: To improve the current quality of Republic starships and round out their fleet.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Model: Dauntless-class Star Destroyer
Affiliation: The Republic
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Durasteel

Classification: Star Destroyer
Role: Battleship
Height: 320 metres
Width: 640 metres
Length: 1,600 metres
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermatter reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1; Class 15 backup
Minimum Crew: 2,400
Optimal Crew: 7,800
Armaments: 30x dual heavy turbolaser batteries; 30x dual medium turbolaser batteries; 20x ion cannons; 20x tractor beam projector; 50x point-defence laser cannon batteries, 6x assault concussion missile launchers
Hangar: 6x Justice-class shuttle; 6x freighter/small transport/gunship
Non-Combative Attachments: Navigation, communication & sensor package, shielding
Passenger Capacity: 2,800
Cargo Capacity: 10,000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 8

The Valiance-class Star Destroyer set itself as the premier line warship for the Republic, taking its cues from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer line. One of the primary hull modifications in the Galactic Civil War era was the Tector-class Star Destroyer, a battleship-focused design that stripped the Imperial-class of the vast majority of its hangar capacity and supplanted it with guns. The Dauntless is to the Valiance as the Tector was to the Imperial - a turbolaser-focused design. While it certainly does have some hangar space available, this is very, very limited; it leaves only room for fighters and transports and strips the Dauntless of the ability to carry its standard wing of starfighters.

Instead, it supplants the hull with almost twice the amount of dual medium turbolaser batteries. An improvement from 16 to 30, the sheer damage output of the Dauntless is nothing to sneeze at, with a massive ability to unleash a withering hailstorm of fire against an unsuspecting target in a broadside - or even more against a target in its forward arc.
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