Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dashal Vance

  • NAME: Dashal Vance
  • ALIASES: Jericho, Ivan Bliminse, Vyce, Goggles McGee (among others)
  • FACTION: Unaffiliated
  • RANK:
  • PROFESSION: Slicer
  • SPECIES: Hapan
  • AGE: 21 Galactic Standard Years
  • GENDER: Male
  • HEIGHT: 1.77 meters [≈ average height of a human]
  • WEIGHT: 63.5 kg [≈ Large dog]
  • EYES: Teal
  • HAIR: Brown
  • SKIN: Lightly tanned Caucasian
  • LANGUAGES: Basic, Hapan, Huttese, and a near perfect understanding of Binary
  • EQUIPMENT: Night Goggles
  • + High Intellect: Basically, he's Mensa level (if Star Wars had Mensa)
  • + Slicer Extraordinaire: Dash is a highly accomplished slicer who specializes in holonetworks, security systems, and data encryption/decryption.
  • + Swift Feet: Born out of necessity, he is rather proficient in escaping capture or moving quickly via a style of free-running that keeps him in a lean and muscular shape.
  • + That face!: Hapan heritage makes his youthful appearance a genetically handsome visage. There has been known swoon-age.
  • +/- ADHD: Dash is all over the place. His mind multi-tasks rather well, but it switches subjects so quickly that getting him to zero his focus on anything that isn't interesting is quite hard, he literally -- oh look a new viral holo-vid!
  • - Girls: A serious weakness for the boy. Although he's handsome, he's a shameless flirt and will often open his mouth only to insert his shoe.
  • - Paranoia: Dash is rather secluded when it comes to his personal life. He doesn't mix business with pleasure unless of course there are girls involved. He tries his best to keep in the shadows when going about his nefarious plots.
  • - Social Awkwardness: He often thinks too fast for his own good, and it doesn't bode well with others. He prefers tech over people unless (you guessed it) girls.
  • - Non-combative: While he can get away pretty well he has zero hand to hand combat training.
  • - Obsessed with Tech: Dash loves his tech, you touch it...he freaks out. You take it away he starts to twitch. You stick him in the middle of Tatooine, it's very likely he'd find a way to melt sand into silicon so he could have something to hug.
  • - Poor Night Vision: Trait from Hapan heritage - for which he compensates with by using Night Goggles


The Matriarchal society was not an ideal home for someone so distracted. From a very early age it was evident that getting Dashal to listen to instruction or even indoctrination of the civilities of the Hapan home world was something of a chore, bordering on an impossibility. The child's interests would always seem to lie with his own imaginations, but he was certainly gifted. That much was clear as he was correcting basic arithmetic when he was three and from there it just got better. The saying that it took a village to raise a child was true in his case, as his own parents were non-existent after the age of five. Suffice to say he has very hazy memories of them, but he remembers well the gaggle of women trying to teach him, and the sparse teachings of some of the men.

Once his curious and ever-thirsty mind was introduced to the knowledge he could gain in school, and more specifically the holo-net it was all over. This was a world with nigh infinite amounts of information to every major and minor faction in the galaxy. It spanned it all, connected it all, was the single thing in his small world that seemed to never cease to catch his interest. If it could be taught, it was taken in, and with it a host of issues arose. Dashal was distant from other peers his age, and it got him into some hot water a time or two. The first two times he was caught breaking into a library to download records off of it started the youth into the practice of becoming more inconspicuous - which led to his attempts at forming his own methods of escape. Compounded that with is budding adolescence, and all the girls around him. Hapes was filled with women after all.

However the hardest thing for the child was the information lock-down. It wasn't all up for grabs, there were rules, regulations, security, and a host of people who wanted to keep this information private. It was the only true injustice that he really took to heart. Politics, wars, crime, government corruption - none of this mattered if information wasn't freely available. School (including college) was finished by the time he was fifteen and that left a lot of free-time. Armed with time and his rebellious need to circumvent information blockades, he acted. Several attempts to rectify that in his own small sphere of influence included things like a pirate holocast bypassing the regulations of the internal securities of the holowaves, a few gaming clans getting decrypted videos of military training exercises, and his most notable was ten second viral video at the Galactic lightball playoffs.

After serving a short stint in what could be considered juvenile detention he was released into his own custody when he became of age and hitched a ride (smuggled himself) off planet and began to make a name for himself. Odd jobs here and there, getting his feet wet in the cesspool of holo-crime, and attempting to right the wrongs he saw with an ever expanding networking prowess.

  • Has taken [member="Spencer Jacobs"] out on a date
  • Is an avid follower of [member="Jek Floggerty"] holocasts
  • Owns every single edition of Trooper Terror (legality questioned)
  • Is suspected to have saved Galaxy Girls Unlimited from bankruptcy
  • Puff-cakes are of his main food groups




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