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Approved Tech Darth Zash's Holocron

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Intent: To create a holocron of Darth Zash and add a unique piece devoted to Sith magic
Development Thread: What Secrets Do You Hide?
Manufacturer: Darth Zash
Model: Sith holocron
Affiliation: Darth Veles
Modularity: Yes - additional information can be stored within the holocron through the gatekeeper
Production: Unique
Material: Alchemized durasteell, crystal lattice, holocron components
  • Darth Zash as the gatekeeper
  • Memoirs detailing her swift rise to power and ambitions
  • A compilation of Zash's collected Sith teachings and her commentaries on those
  • Zash's extensive studies of Sith magic (arcane knowledge and Dark Side rituals)
  • Essense transfer
  • Force lightning

A passionate scholar who hoarded knowledge to the point of having an entire library full of Sith texts, Darth Zash was known for her unhealthy obsession with ancient rituals and mysteries surrounding Sith magic. A controversial figure among the Sith, often envied by her peers and superiors, the ambitious woman’s abilities grew too fast and too powerful despite her disregard for tradition. To store her life’s research within a single entity and ultimately record her ascension to the Dark Council and possibly even further, the Sith witch created her very own holocron, fully intending for it to hold answers to the greatest secrets of the Force one day. Unfortunately, Darth Zash’s relentless pursuit of power was cut short by her untimely demise at the hands of her own apprentice.

The holocron itself went through surprisingly few hands of Sith and private collectors before ending up on Dromund Vatsu, where it slumbered inside a hidden shrine built by cultists who worshipped the planet’s ruler as their god. Trapped and long since forgotten, the small pyramid-shaped device patiently waited for a new owner worthy enough to claim its knowledge.

"This is a canon item"
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
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