Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Wyrrlok VI

Full Name: Zhaerack Ordo​
Title/s: None right now​
Homeworld: Mandalore​
Factions: Mandalorians​
Rank: N/A​
Species: Taung​
Age: 18​
Sex: Male​
Height: 2 Meters​
Weight: 95 KG​
Eye Colour: Yellow​
Hair Colour: No Hair​
Skin Colour: Grey​
Scars: Scar running across is chest due to a failed assassination attempt, missing two fingers on his left hand due to them being shot off with a blaster by a Trandosian slaver​
Body Type: Muscular build with bony ridges on his skull​
Force Sensitive: Slightly​
Voice Sample: Pong Krell (Star Wars the clone wars)​
1) Can withstand considerable amounts of punishment​
2) Skilled in hand to hand combat as well as blasters and melee weapons​
3) Uses his slight control of the force to predict his opponents next move​
4) Very defensive when using melee weapons ( lightsabers, vibroblades etc.)​
1) Struggles against multiple force wielders​
2) Not a good medic​
3) Not a skilled tactician​
4) Always finds himself outnumbered​
Strengths and Weaknesses:
1) Too trusting of newcomers​
2) Never flees from battle​
3) Never leaves an ally behind​
4) Needs to be with some mandalorians most of the time​
Marital Status: None​
Residence: Mandalore​
Occupation: Mandalorian soldier​
Languages: Mando'a, Galactic Standard Basic​
Zhaerack is a Taung that was born in Clan Ordo. He has been trained in the art of war by his father and his grandfather when he was aged 5. For 8 years he trained to become a warrior so he could protect his family and the tribesmen and women of Clan Ordo. When he was aged 13, the age where Taung are considered adults he was assigned a mission as a right of passage into adulthood, his mission was to assassinate a high ranking Quarren politician that betrayed a mandalorian. After many days travelling, he reached Coruscant and began to stalk his target. Following his target he tried to find anyway of getting close to him and anyway he could cover his tracks if he got caught assassinating the politician. He came up with a fake name, Darth Wyrrlok VI, this name was all he could think of at the time as he recalled hearing one of the elders talking about a powerful Sith that helped Darth Krayt. After stalking his prey for two days he finally found the opportune moment to strike. The Quarren just exited a bar and went to a nearby alleyway to make a deal with what looked like a Trandoshan slaver. Zhaerack took no chances and attacked both of them with two miniature vibroblades. Killing the Quarren with two swift jabs to the chest he then turned to the slaver preparing to attack him as he couldn't take the chance of the slaver telling the authorities, the Trandoshan pulled out a blaster and shot Zhaerack in the hand leaving him missing two fingers. Zhaerack felt a slight pain but then he filled with rage and attacked the Trandoshan with his bare hands, repeatedly punching him in the face and stomack. With little resistance, the Trandoshan fell and pleaded for mercy, Zhaerack promised him mercy, walking over to his sword, Zhaerack picked up his sword and walked back over to the beaten Trandoshan, before the Trandoshan could blink, Zhaerack stabs him through the heart. After he completed his mission, Zhaerack stole the slavers ship and returned home. After a few days of travelling, he returned home to a warm welcome by his family members. Hearing of his success the elder of his family accepted his rite of passage and declared him a capable adult and he was then admitted into the Mandalorian army where he trained for 5 years to improve on everything he knows and learn new skills that he never paid attention to before.​
Ship/s: None right now​
Bounties: none​
Kills: None​

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