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Character Darth Tentaus

Darth Tentaus



Darth Tentaus

Height7 ft 2 Inch (7’2”)
Weight250 lbs
Force SensitiveYes


White cloth that covers montrals and lekku to protect them from being touched, a black onyx respirator that filters out toxins he uses in experiments. Beneath his skin is an unsual black where white usually is on Togruta, and the rest if a coral red.


Sith Staffsaber (red blade)
Respirator Mask
Head Dress (white)
Sith Robes


  • Arcane
  • Sadistic
  • Cruel
  • Insular
  • Quiet
  • Inquisitive
  • Wrathful -In Combat
  • Invidious
  • Focused
  • Physically Strong
  • Mentally Robust


: Lord Tentaus is well trained in the arcane artists, twisting life for his purposes.

Battlemaster: Lord Tentaus ends duels wuickly, using as few moves as possible, he cuts down the fancy dancers.

Towering Intellect: Tentaus has studied the great Sith annuls, and his photographic mind makes it so he forgets nothing.


Admitting weakness is not a Sith trait, but flaws perhaps…

Loner: Due to his research and experiments, and most Sith seeming stupid to him, Tentaus spends a lot of time alone and goes rogue, on missions alone, which means he does not have the benefit of support in combat.

Concieted: Due to his incredible memory, knowledge and physicality he has developed a pride bordering on full blown hubris.


Darth Tentaus was born on Shili as most Togruta. As a child he was bullied by the other biys on the hunt and when his father died in The Glorious Hunt, he became bitter and his mother pair bonded with another Togruta who hated him. When his half brother Tuvik was born, he became an afterthought even to his mother who wanted to forget the truama of losing his father. Leaving at age thirteen, he found his way to Lost Tribe of Sith and began to learn how to channel his anger in combat as well as experiments. On of his first scientific leaps was turning a rodent from his world into a carrier of pathogen that made hosts controllable with the dark side, like a mind trick on steriods. The project was shut down due to an outbreak, but he continued his mix of arcane and science till he at last was made a Lord after killing his master Darth Valvicious by infecting his blood with cells that ate away his good ones till he bled out in his sleep. While the ascent to Lord did not require The Rule of Two slaying of a Sith Master anymore, he believed Darth Revan and Darth Bane were wise to follow it, he felt the plethora of Sith weakened the Order, forcing the dark side to reside in many vessels, spreading itself thin rather than in Two, a Master and Apprentice.

Darth Tentaus being prone to lone missions was granted much freedom to come and go as he please. He did not join the larger New Sith Order. None of those loyalties in New Sith interested a Togruta who preferred a lab or shrine to wield science and sorcery together in.
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