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Character Darth Syrax

Darth Syrax




Name/Alias: Darth Syrax

Age: 778 Standard Galactic Years

Species: Echani

Homeworld: Eshan

Force Sensitive: Yes

Background Information: The man who would one day become Darth Syrax was born on the world of Eshan. He did not grow up in a caring family, or a harsh punishing one. Less than a year after his birth, agents of the One Sith under Darth Krayt murdered the child's parents and stole him away to Korriban. On the ancient burial world of the Sith, the child grew. Among other children abducted like him, he was taught the ways of the One Sith, instructed in the powers of the Dark Side, and forged into a tool to be used for the eventual Sith domination of the galaxy. He would prosper on Korriban, and it was Darth Krayt who gifted him the name Darth Syrax.

The rise of the One Sith to galactic power saw Syrax ascend to new heights himself. A chosen operative of the new Galactic Emperor, he took part in actions across a dozen battlefronts during the subsequent wars. It was rumored Syrax could have potentially assumed one of the positions as Hand of Darth Krayt, though this would never become the case. Darth Krayt was killed, and the One Sith turned upon each other. Syrax survived the subsequent purge of the One Sith remnants by fleeing to the southern edge of the galaxy. Here, his ship falling apart, he crash landed on the world of Atreos .

It was on this backwater world where Syrax would begin to rebuild a small part of the Sith in his image, and experiment into cultivating the process for eternal life.
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