Shuduc Macar
NAME: Darth Proditor [Given name: Shuduc Macar]
FACTION: Black Rose
RANK: Sith Knight
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’8”
WEIGHT: 140lbs
HAIR: Black
SKIN: When seen it is slightly pale
Quote: I know There was once a Darth Traya. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn. I am the one who comes to take her place.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Extremely adapt in the force quickly learning new powers and skills as their taught or she studies. She is also naturally very strong in the force having already been born using it.
+Tactical and strategic brilliance showing ability to read battlefields and conflicts or single people. This giving her a good edge against many she might face.
+Confidence she rarely feels a challenge is too above her to be conquered eventually.
+ Ambition she has already plotted goals out to achieve in her life and will do whatever she must to see them through.
- Power Hungry Shuduc has a desire for power and this unfortunately has caused her to push sometimes too hard towards a goal only for it to bite her in the rear.
- Anti Social while not unable to socialize she despises politics, hates excessive formalities and given her habit of wearing a mask despises having to “dress up” to impress people. This however means it may not be easy to make allies always depending on the situation. Her more militaristic and curt manner is not always appropriate for every situation.
-Self conscious while not ugly under the mask for reasons she rarely talks about she refuses to let most see her without it often lashing out at those who surprise her on the rare cases she removes it. Perhaps less a major weakness and more a personality flaw it none the less stacks onto her already problematic social issues.
A Taller slightly slender woman she is none the less stronger than most think in her black robes and Silver plated mask. Her Twin Light sabers hang at her hips as she walks and her general figure is that of a mostly slender but attractive female. Her skin when seen is a paler color of the more typical peach like skin of her people showing her lack of sun she gets often.
Born on a Miraluka colony she grew up amid the growing community living happily, Shuduc was deemed very pretty for her race and by age 10 was already proving stronger in the force than many expected along with it. Some thought it odd she never was taken by the Jedi but that would matter little soon. Several battles between the republic and various factions ravaged her little world. Losing everything in the war the girl was enraged later finding her way to a Sith base and trying to kill them. Her force powers killed soldiers but little else the local sith amused calmed her through applications of force of various levels. Once calmed some they explained it was not their fault her people had chosen to be weak when they had all the chances to grow. In time she came to believe it was the jedi’s fault they who recruited plenty of her people at times and were supposedly there to help them. Instead their petty conflicts killed thousands if not more every time on her world.
She vowed to take a role in making her people strong again even if it meant dragging them kicking and screaming into it. Learning what she could from sith trainers she now has begun to grow in need of more dedicated training as she continues on her quest to grow and reach the grand ambitions she desires.
Climb to Knighthood: As time went on she for a time studied under a Dark Master known as Darth Venefica. Through her she learned much but in time her master grew apart and she was forced on her now. Later attempts to join new sith forces proved worthless and she quickly became disgusted by the Sith she saw. They had become jedi in all but name. So she spent years more climbing the levels of power needed to become a knight. With it she finally cast the old name she wore off. havint learned through old texts and left over words of wisdom from the past sith she became infatuated with the concepts left by Darth Treya and others liek her. So she took up the mantle of the one who knows Betrayal for she has been betrayed by many. So she took a new Title Darth Proditor. Now she goes out ready to form hr own destiny.
[Saber Skills]
Ratings: Basic [Beginner] – Intermediate [Practiced/Trained]– Advanced [high level of experience] - Master [Mastered]
Form I: Shii-Cho -Advanced
Form II: Makashi -Intermediate
Form III: Soresu -Basic
Form IV: Ataru -Advanced
Form V: Shien / Djem So - Intermediate
Form VI: Niman - Basic
[Force Powers]
Force Sense
Force Empathy
Mind Trick
Force Burst
Force jump
Force speed
Force Repulse
Control Pain
Force Sight [Native to species]
Force Augment [Speed, Strength endurance]
RP list
Fallen Worlds
Ghosts of the Past
Invasion of Kashyyk
Broken Chains
Netherworld: Episode V: Akala Strikes Back
Ticket to Conquest (OS Dominion of Anaxes)
Moderation in all Things [Niman Training with Vrag]
Sith Tournament
Seeing Without Eyes [Training Faction Member in Force Sight]
FACTION: Black Rose
RANK: Sith Knight
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’8”
WEIGHT: 140lbs
HAIR: Black
SKIN: When seen it is slightly pale
Quote: I know There was once a Darth Traya. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn. I am the one who comes to take her place.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Extremely adapt in the force quickly learning new powers and skills as their taught or she studies. She is also naturally very strong in the force having already been born using it.
+Tactical and strategic brilliance showing ability to read battlefields and conflicts or single people. This giving her a good edge against many she might face.
+Confidence she rarely feels a challenge is too above her to be conquered eventually.
+ Ambition she has already plotted goals out to achieve in her life and will do whatever she must to see them through.
- Power Hungry Shuduc has a desire for power and this unfortunately has caused her to push sometimes too hard towards a goal only for it to bite her in the rear.
- Anti Social while not unable to socialize she despises politics, hates excessive formalities and given her habit of wearing a mask despises having to “dress up” to impress people. This however means it may not be easy to make allies always depending on the situation. Her more militaristic and curt manner is not always appropriate for every situation.
-Self conscious while not ugly under the mask for reasons she rarely talks about she refuses to let most see her without it often lashing out at those who surprise her on the rare cases she removes it. Perhaps less a major weakness and more a personality flaw it none the less stacks onto her already problematic social issues.
A Taller slightly slender woman she is none the less stronger than most think in her black robes and Silver plated mask. Her Twin Light sabers hang at her hips as she walks and her general figure is that of a mostly slender but attractive female. Her skin when seen is a paler color of the more typical peach like skin of her people showing her lack of sun she gets often.
Born on a Miraluka colony she grew up amid the growing community living happily, Shuduc was deemed very pretty for her race and by age 10 was already proving stronger in the force than many expected along with it. Some thought it odd she never was taken by the Jedi but that would matter little soon. Several battles between the republic and various factions ravaged her little world. Losing everything in the war the girl was enraged later finding her way to a Sith base and trying to kill them. Her force powers killed soldiers but little else the local sith amused calmed her through applications of force of various levels. Once calmed some they explained it was not their fault her people had chosen to be weak when they had all the chances to grow. In time she came to believe it was the jedi’s fault they who recruited plenty of her people at times and were supposedly there to help them. Instead their petty conflicts killed thousands if not more every time on her world.
She vowed to take a role in making her people strong again even if it meant dragging them kicking and screaming into it. Learning what she could from sith trainers she now has begun to grow in need of more dedicated training as she continues on her quest to grow and reach the grand ambitions she desires.
Climb to Knighthood: As time went on she for a time studied under a Dark Master known as Darth Venefica. Through her she learned much but in time her master grew apart and she was forced on her now. Later attempts to join new sith forces proved worthless and she quickly became disgusted by the Sith she saw. They had become jedi in all but name. So she spent years more climbing the levels of power needed to become a knight. With it she finally cast the old name she wore off. havint learned through old texts and left over words of wisdom from the past sith she became infatuated with the concepts left by Darth Treya and others liek her. So she took up the mantle of the one who knows Betrayal for she has been betrayed by many. So she took a new Title Darth Proditor. Now she goes out ready to form hr own destiny.
[Saber Skills]
Ratings: Basic [Beginner] – Intermediate [Practiced/Trained]– Advanced [high level of experience] - Master [Mastered]
Form I: Shii-Cho -Advanced
Form II: Makashi -Intermediate
Form III: Soresu -Basic
Form IV: Ataru -Advanced
Form V: Shien / Djem So - Intermediate
Form VI: Niman - Basic
[Force Powers]
Force Sense
Force Empathy
Mind Trick
Force Burst
Force jump
Force speed
Force Repulse
Control Pain
Force Sight [Native to species]
Force Augment [Speed, Strength endurance]
RP list
Fallen Worlds
Ghosts of the Past
Invasion of Kashyyk
Broken Chains
Netherworld: Episode V: Akala Strikes Back
Ticket to Conquest (OS Dominion of Anaxes)
Moderation in all Things [Niman Training with Vrag]
Sith Tournament
Seeing Without Eyes [Training Faction Member in Force Sight]