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Character Darth Misios, The Repenter


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    • Birth-name: Unknown.
      • Known As:
        • Darth Misios.
        • The Seeker.
    • Age: Unknown. [Presumed to be in early thirties.]
    • Gender: Male.
    • Homeworld: Dathomir.

    • Force-sensitivity: Yes.
    • Alignment: Darkside.
    • Proficiency: Sith Lord. (formerly)

    • Affiliation:
      • The Sith Empire (formerly, defected)

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    • Species: Unknown, Near-Human.
    • Height: 1,94cm
    • Weight: Heavy.
    • Build:Muscular, athletic.
    • Voice: Click.
    • Eyes: Greyish green. Corrupted, bright orange-yellow.
    • Hair: Black.
    • Skin: Pale, marred.
    • Voice: Deep, raspy.

    • Distinguishing Features:
      • Massive.
      • Severe scarring.
      • Masked.

    • Description:
      Sculpted by and for war, Misios is often the monster in the room. Standing over most people, with a posture so straight it would seem as though a blade had been staked down his spine and an intimidating presence, whenever he decides to leave the cover of the shadows he will be easy to notice. A formidable beast of a man with a deep darkness looming about him, he is intimidating and often inspires fear regardless of his intentions. Uncaring of how others perceive him - or seemingly so - and unable to change it, he does little to try and hide his unsettling presence.

      It would seem as though every inch of his body has been familiarized with blade and fire, rendering him a collection of scars with very little left in the form of unharmed skin. Built like a conveyex train, his damaged skin stretches over well developed and strong muscles, adding to his brutish and dangerous appearance. He moves with purpose and an uncanny form of bestial elegance, with silent steps that would seem unhindered by his hulking form.

      His face is almost permanently covered either by hoods, masks or bandages of varying kinds, hidden away from the eyes of others - sometimes behind hideous designs. What truly lays beneath is not less striking, although for different reasons. Perhaps he could have been described as a quite handsome man, with sharp features well defined and stormy green eyes that held a certain soothing calmness in their expression. But that is no more.

      Scars are as abundant in his face as they are in the rest of him, cuts long and short running in varying directions all across his visage. Grey-green eyes that were once soothing have been replaced by fiery orange ones that sit above dark circles that never seem to quite leave their place underneath them, and are crowned by a permanent scowl that has etched itself onto his brow. The lingering marks of his wounds are often too much for the eyes of the very few who get to know his face - and so what could have been beautiful has become jarring.

    • The Beast: His physical capabilities are well above those of a baseline human. It is unknown if these qualities are derived from his heritage, the influence of the Force or bodily modifications; but he is a force to be reckoned with. He is incapable of feeling pain.
    • The Sith: The creed of the Sith and the Darkside have been the anvil and hammer that shaped his entire life. Powerful in the Force, he has learnt to bend it under the will of raw emotions and twist it with macabre intent. A fully fledged Sith Lord, his knowledge of the Darkside of the Force goes deep, rivalled only by the few that share his title.
    • The Executioner: Battle-hardened and a weaponsmaster, Misios has never felt as comfortable in his own skin as he does when life is on the line. War and killing are second nature to him, fighting the only language his body seems to understand. Sharp-minded and more than able, he is a formidable foe and most would be bleat to cross blades with him.
    • The Huntsman: Darth Misios the Seeker, it was not for nothing he was dubbed in this way by his fellow Sith. If the man has a talent that aspires to surpass his prowess in battle, it is his uncanny ability to find. People, objects, creatures, secrets. He will track a target down to the edges of the galaxy, relentless and unavoidable. A bad omen walking, once his target has been found the Huntsman gives way to the Executioner.
    • The Artisan: Unknown to many, for such talents easily hide beneath the dark cover of his other gifts, he is a talented craftsman. Skilled fingers and a spontaneous, quick, and creative mind make for a remarkable artificer, whether it be wielding weapons, fixing a broken engine or - his favorite pastime - carving small sculptures and toys, his hands would seem to intuitively know their way around things.

    • The Husk: Pain is not just a hindrance, but a needed warning. While being unable to feel it might make him more difficult to take down, this does not mean his wounds are any less serious. If devoid of the Force to assess himself, the Seeker is extremely prone to shrugging off potentially life threatening wounds, or never realizing they are there in the first place (internal injuries). His body has been broken so many times he no longer seems to care, and his disregard is often a larger threat to himself than any enemy could ever be.
    • The Dark: Deeply corrupted by the Darkside, the Sith has reached a point of being perpetually tired. He can no longer bring himself to do much when not fueled by deep, rabid emotions like ire, fear, and hatred that feed his connection with the Darkside. His motivation, beyond the one ruled by the Darkside, is non-existent making him by all means an empty puppet unless the fires of the Dark are lit. The man will sit in a corner and sleep for hours on end, the endless energy and vigor he once had is forcefully stored by demand of his body for when it is needed to channel darkness, like a spider sitting on its net awaiting for a prey to touch the weavings. In contrast to his vast knowledge of the Darkside, the Light and its workings are something that completely escape his understanding - even if they have called to him.
    • The Harrow: Misios is not a pretty sight. His options are either covering his hulking form in clothing or armor, making him seem like an ominous creature of mystery and nightmares, or displaying his heavily scarred and wounded body. One way or the other, his appearance significantly cuts the effects of any charisma he might have had. And he doesn't have any. The public eye will never be kind to him, and even if there was no looming sense of dread emanating from his being, people would still be made uncomfortable by his presence.
    • The Strife: There is a conflict within the deserter Sith Lord that he cannot understand. The worst battles he faces are against the monsters that live within him, ever since something has pulled the Sith away from what he has known his whole life. For reasons no one has yet uncovered, he wishes to renounce the Darkside. But perhaps its claws are already buried far too deep...

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