Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth crihl

Darth crihl

Darth crihl


NAME: Darth crihl

Alias: kintik tsawak


RANK: sith lord

SPECIES: sith pureblood / sangnir highblood

AGE: 107,764

SEX: male


WEIGHT: 220 (muscular)

EYES: sith eyes

HAIR: bald

SKIN: red

FORCE SENSITIVE: yes (highly)

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Master of sith techniques: having studied with ancient sith priests crihl is a master of sith alchemy along with sith sorcery and magics.

Cunning: crihl is as Cunning as sith come

Lightsaber and sithsword expert: crihl is master of Lightsaber and sithsword expert in combat.

Arrogance: crihl can be Arrogant

Sangnir weaknesses:

Darth crihl stands at 6 foot tall with a scar over his right eye and tentacles coming down from his cheeks with red skin and five fingers on each hand his large muscular form is hidden by robes usually with silver or gold rings around the tentacles coming off his cheeks.

Darth crihl was the first sith pureblood and template for the rest of his kind to be created through sith alchemy. Truly talented in the darkside of the force to a terrifying degree that other sith saw fit to kill him which they tried. Attacking his battle cruiser and they damaged his hyperdrive right when he jumped to hyperspace. Which ended up hurtling he through time to when the original sith species where primitive and didn't have space travel.

Sending him a 100,000 years to the past destroying his hyperdrive in the process. Leaving him face to face with a rakatan war party which with his aptitude In the dark side he made them his ally. And eventually a part of their demise and helping lead the sith species to space travel. With rakatan help crihl managed to obtain a sangnir highblood and turn crihl into a member of their race.

Crihl took his time building up an army of the sith species warriors turning those loyal to him secretly he then waited subtly changing history. To stay with the timeline he knew the one history speaks of until he came to the day that his brethren betrayed him. He waited until after his original ship left then jumped in with a fleet crushing them in one fell swoop. Offering his blessing to those who bent the knee to his will. Then crihl waited experimented with sith alchemy and magicks momentarily hiding knowledge where would be sith lords would find it or training them himself then unleashing them on the galaxy to do as they wished.

Sith infiltrater

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